Category: Destination Guides

Beautiful Mediterranean yacht charters for holiday locations in 2021

Destination Guides

Beautiful Mediterranean yacht charters for holiday destinations today? Portugal is a brilliant country to visit for a number of reasons. If you are planning a sailing holiday, then Portugal becomes even more desirable. This country has a stunning coastline and some world-class islands. With a rich history, delicious food, and plenty of historic sites. Portugal is always a good idea. Some top cruising destinations in Portugal include Madeira (one of Europe’s best islands) and Lisbon (the capital city). Between these, there are many other worthy places to visit. Discover the Mallorca’s Balearic Islands and swim in their crystal-clear waters or book an Ibiza yacht charter cruise to discover sheltered, hidden coves and enjoy the best sunsets you’ll ever see. With more than 6,000 islands, Greece is an ideal destination for sailing. From ancient ruins and breathtaking culture to incredible cuisine, idyllic villages, endless olive groves, and turquoise waters, Greece offers countless opportunities for fun and relaxation.

The beautiful waters of Croatia prove a popular draw for visiting yachts with more than 1,100 miles of coastline, 1,200+ islands and a comprehensive set-up of over 60 marinas. The Adriatic is a gentle sailing destination with a pleasant Mediterranean climate; average sea and air temperatures in the summer range from 24 to 28 degrees Celsius,high tides are usually less than 1m and currents are mild. A favourable breeze blows regularly during summertime and the most common are thermal winds from 10-25 knots that deliver ideal sailing conditions. Additionally, there are plenty of sheltered locations making this a popular spot for family sailing holidays. Croatia offers an endless choice of beautiful anchorages in tranquil coves and bays amidst a backdrop of natural beauty, giving an off-the-beaten-track experience. Charter a sailing yacht in the Kornati Archipelago with 89 islands to explore, where a multitude of picture-perfect bays are sheltered from the wind.

The hedonistic hotspot of Ibiza has had a shakeup in the last few years. Sure, you can still go for the epic nightlife and parties, but dedicate a few days of your superyacht vacation to exploring the burgeoning health and wellness scene that’s sweeping the White Isle. Drop anchor at Playa d’en Bossa, then head to Beachouse for a sunrise yoga session on the sand. Lunch calls for a trip inland to Aubergine, a farm-to-table restaurant in the midst of olive groves and pine trees (ask your charter broker about calling ahead to book a car).

High season refers to the most popular weeks of the year for yacht charter, whether it’s the winter period in the Caribbean or the height of summer in the Mediterranean, booking in high season requires early planning, determination and a big budget. In addition, planning a yacht charter to coincide with a major event will also be reflected in the price with marine spots for elite events often booking up early. Allow plenty of time when making enquiries to ensure a star studded, well prepared arrival. Three different 30-metre charter yachts may vary in cost by as much as 75,000 Euros. Ask your broker to explain the differences. One yacht may have a larger and more experienced crew or a big-name chef, another yacht may be a little tired, another may not be in a prime location. It’s important to understand why the prices are higher or lower.

Yachting tip of the day: After a few honeymoon years, a boat’s fuel gauges, often inaccurate at best, tend to suffer from a high mortality rate. When push comes to shove, you can’t beat an old-fashioned dipstick. Given a sensible allowance for fuel slopping around in the tank at sea, a dipstick is the most reliable measure you’ll get. A threaded hole on top of the tank with a piece of rod welded across the plug so it can be hand-tightened onto a rubber washer makes the ideal access point for the stick. If you can’t arrange this and the filler pipe has a bend, a flexible steel tab like an engine-oil dipstick will usually get you there. You can calibrate the stick in harbor by running the tank almost dry, then topping it right up, marking the stick at every 5 gallons. Nobody did that for your boat’s fuel gauges. If they’re anything like the one on my car, you think there are hundreds of miles left until the needle suddenly hits the stop.

And remember, before or after staying in Ibiza, take the chance and spare some days for a visit to Spain’s mainland cities. Ibiza offers several daily flight connections with Madrid and Barcelona, just 40min away from the latest. Bachelors and singles will enjoy big city life, with good nightlife, shopping, restaurants and fun experiences. Couples and honeymooners may like to extend the trip and immerse in Spanish culture and heritage. Start with Barcelona and continue afterwards to the south, where charming Andalusian cities are waiting with incredible monuments and cosy old towns. Madrid can be the departure city, easily connected from Sevilla, Córdoba and Málaga by fast train. Families may prefer to extend the stay in the fantastic beach resorts and end with a short visit to main capitals before heading back home. Sheltered by red cliffs that look as if they’ve been carved straight out of the Grand Canyon, Sa Caleta is situated just a 15-minute drive from Ibiza town. Its shallow, gentle waters make it a great beach for a family day out, especially as the paella served at the acclaimed La Caleta restaurant is meant to be some of the best in Ibiza – which is saying something on an island renowned for its seafood. This is a popular beach, but its cliffs lend it an exclusive, private feel as well as providing spots of shade in which to take a break from tanning. Read additional info on IntersailClub. Whether you have been to heavenly destinations such as Greek Islands, the French Riviera, and Amalfi Coast before or not, these beautiful sailing spots in the Mediterranean will call you to come back over and over again. So, why not indulge in the opportunity to discover hidden natural gems, new local dishes, traditions, and people each time you visit the Mediterranean? Here are a few useful sailing yacht cruise tips to help you plan your unforgettable summer holiday in Europe’s fanciest location.

Croatia is a travel destination that is definitely having a ‘moment.’ Hailed as everything from the ‘new Greece’ to the ‘new Riviera’, this part of Europe offers beautiful beaches and a traditional way of life. There are no fewer than 1185 islands along the crystalline Adriatic coast, and one of the best ways to explore them is by boat. Head off from the historic cities of Split and Dubrovnik and make sure you include the upmarket island of Hvar, timeless Vis island and the more remote islands of Kornati or Elafiti. Expect traditional fishing villages, beautiful sun-soaked beaches and a plethora of attractive hidden coves.

Que voyez-vous au Vietnam? de AtypikVietnam

Pourquoi visiter le Vietnam? avec AtypikVietnam? L’une des villes les plus historiques du Vietnam, Hue regorge de reliques du règne des empereurs Nguyen du XIXe siècle. Assis le long des rives de la magnifique rivière des Parfums, l’enceinte impériale est un immense site entouré de murs qui s’étendent sur 2,5 kilomètres. En visitant le parc, découvrez la magnifique porte Ngo Mon, le palais Thai Hoa avec ses détails intérieurs finement laqués, la résidence Dien Tho où vivraient les reines mères et les salles des mandarines avec ses peintures murales au plafond préservées. Un nombre impressionnant de sites historiques se trouvent également à l’extérieur des murs de l’enceinte impériale. L’une des meilleures façons de visiter une collection de sites périphériques est de faire une croisière en bateau sur la rivière des Parfums. Une croisière d’une journée peut vous emmener visiter plusieurs tombes royales ainsi que des pagodes. Si vous manquez de temps, la meilleure tombe à visiter est la tombe de Tu Doc et la pagode la plus importante de la région est la pagode Thien Mu, avec sa tour qui s’élève à 21 mètres de haut.

Après le petit-déjeuner, transfert à l’aéroport pour prendre le vol du matin à destination de Saigon. Accueil à l’aéroport et transfert à votre hôtel à Saigon, puis vous partez à la découverte de la capitale économique du pays et visitez notamment : les vieux quartiers résidentiels coloniaux, où vous pourrez jeter un coup d’œil à l’hôtel de ville, l’Opéra, la Cathédrale Notre-Dame construite au XIXème siècle, flâner près de la magnifique Poste centrale signée Gustave Eiffel. Déjeuner dans un restaurant. L’après-midi, découverte du quartier chinois « Cho Lon » et son impressionnant marché Binh Tay. Terminez votre journée par la visite d’une fabrique de laque. Dîner libre.Nuit à Saigon.

Une fois par semaine, la paisible ville de Bac Ha devient un centre de culture et de commerce dans le nord-ouest du Vietnam. Les habitants des villages et des vallées environnants affluent vers Bac Ha, et les routes sont remplies de bus remplis de touristes. Visiter un dimanche signifie regarder les habitants dans leur robe ethnique traditionnelle, siroter le jus de noix de coco fraîches et parcourir d’innombrables étals. Les acheteurs peuvent trouver tout à vendre à Bac Ha, y compris le buffle d’eau, la délicieuse cuisine Hmong et Thay, des tissus aux couleurs vives et des épices parfumées.

Ce voyage 15 jours commence à Hanoi et se termine à Ho Chi Minh-Ville. Dans ce Vietnam 15 jours, vous visiterez les meilleures destinations au Vietnam. Ce voyage est la meilleure option si vous voulez découvrir en profondeur le Vietnam et avoir le temps de vous détendre sur la belle plage à Hoian. Trouver plus info à agence de voyage Vietnam. Nous nous engageons donc à fournir à nos clients des séjours de haute qualité avec des prix défiant toute concurrence. Nous nous assurons toujours de la qualité de nos services et faisons des efforts constants pour vous fournir les meilleures prestations.

Le Vietnam est la destination parfaite pour un séjour réussi en famille. En plus de trouver toutes les infrastructures confortables et adéquates en terme d’hébergement, il vous sera très facile de voyager avec des moyens de transports sûrs pour explorer les différentes régions en toute sérénité et simplicité. Le Vietnam offre aussi une multitude d’activités culturelles ou bien sportives pour les petits comme pour les plus grands. Vous profiterez ainsi de moments inoubliables de partage avec ceux qui vous sont chers. Notre équipe francophone met tout son savoir-faire et toute sa passion pour le voyage au Vietnam et pour notre pays à votre service afin que vous passiez des moments extraordinaires et que vous gardiez des souvenirs inoubiables de votre voyage en famille au Vietnam.

Alors que la Thaïlande ou les Philippines sont populaires pour les séjours balnéaires, les plages tropicales du Vietnam sont beaucoup moins reconnues. Mais une fois qu’ils seront découverts, ils obtiendront sans aucun doute les mêmes niveaux de tourisme ; partez avant qu’ils ne soient découverts. Les alpinistes vont adorer visiter le Vietnam, où se trouve le sommet de l’ancienne Indochine, le Fansipan. La ville de Sapa, au nord du Vietnam, attire non seulement les touristes mais aussi les randonneurs en montagne. Le Vietnam devrait être appelé “le pays des sourires sans fin”. La convivialité est présente dans tous les coins de rue, des villes aux campagnes. N’hésitez pas à vous faire des amis et à explorer la culture locale pendant votre séjour au Vietnam.

Fabulous Mediterranean yachting locations and boat sailing recommendations in 2021 with IntersailClub

Awesome Mediterranean yacht sailing destinations in 2021? As a year-round sailing destination, the Bahamas, or the Out Islands as they are frequently known, are renowned for great cruising grounds together with outstanding scenery. Benefitting from reliable trade winds between 5-20 knots, the climate is consistently warm, varying from 22 to 29 degrees Celsius. One of the most diverse geographic formations in the Caribbean, this coral-based archipelago consists of hundreds of unspoiled islands catering for yachting connoisseurs with world-class diving, pristine beaches, full-service marinas and fantastic fishing. The tidal range is up to 3.5 feet and, due to the shallow nature of the waters, a sailing yacht will provide best access to many locations. Miami is one of the most popular spots to make way to the Bahamas, and the southern winds when crossing the Gulfstream provide great sailing conditions. There is no bad time to visit the Bahamas, but peak season runs from mid-December to mid-April when island-hopping becomes popular.

Beyond the obvious natural scenery, Greece has an incredible history and culture. A sailing holiday here could involve visits to ancient ruins and world-famous landmarks. The country is also known for its delicious food and excellent produce – something that makes docking at a port a whole lot more enjoyable. Greece covers a massive 6000 islands! For anyone planning an extensive sailing holiday – this offers an enormous number of places to visit and cruise between. Whatever kind of destination you may be after, there should be an island in Greece that will suit you. As Greece covers a fairly extensive area to cruise, here are two top parts of the country for a yacht holiday.

Chartering a luxury yacht through jaw-dropping locations is certainly one of the greatest thrills a person can experience – there’s no question that having your hair tussled by warm summer breezes on still turquoise oceans is something truly special. But, with so many gorgeous options around the world to visit, choosing the right one can be tough. Should you tour the Mediterranean, stopping in at quaint islands along the way, or visit some of the world’s whitest beaches in virtually unknown spots off Thailand? There are countless locations that demand to be visited, so to help shed light on what might be the perfect destination for you and your crew, read on to learn a little bit more about some of the most special places the world has to offer.

A summer sailing trip in the Mediterranean Sea is a dream vacation that can quickly come true. See additional details at yacht charters for holiday. Although the uncertainty around the COVID-19 pandemic is still palpable, you can book your Mediterranean yacht cruise in 2021 with confidence. This year, most of us feel that we need time to relax from day-to-day stress and recharge our batteries more than ever.

Low season typically refers to any time outside of the high season periods. Groups of families and friends looking for a relaxing luxury vacation are advised to avoid high season weeks and opt for weeks outside of this time. The busiest periods are of course reflected in the charter costs and can be up to 15 to 30 percent more expensive than typical low season periods. Chartering a few weeks either side of these busy periods can be almost exactly the same, with the weather almost unchanged in some places, with far less crowds. The Caribbean Terms Inclusive (CTI), which is sometimes called Standard Caribbean Terms (SCT), is more inclusive. Three meals per day and fuel for four hours of cruising a day are included. Some yachts under CTI terms include basic beverages (not vintage wines or champagnes), but this is mainly in the Virgin Islands.

Sailing tip of the day: One of the ancient arts of the sailor is setting up a “stopper” to relieve a loaded rope without letting anything go. The classic use for a stopper is to take the weight off the genoa sheet when Cousin Doofus has carelessly locked up the whole shooting match with an override. My crew recently used the stopper shown below. It took the load at the turning block while we sorted out the mess. Then we wound the sheet in a few inches to relieve the force on the stopper, removed it and sailed on. To create a stopper that works, clap on a half-hitch before the rolling hitch as shown. You can see it doing the work, and it guarantees success. If you can’t tie a rolling hitch, go on the internet and learn how. You may need it sooner than you think!

2021 will still have to wait a bit longer to see the island at its best. The re-opening after a year of restrictions will be more paused and controlled so as to secure the stable situation Balearic Islands have reached. But no worries! We are sure there are many ways to discover Ibiza for those first-time visitors, in a more tranquil pace but, at the same time, genuine. Experts will find also their way to best attractions and best hotels and, we are quite sure, to a renewed way to enjoy Mediterranean nights. Consistently rated as one of the world’s most attractive beaches, Ses Salines (also referred to as Las Salinas) is usually the first stop for sun-seekers visiting Ibiza. Part of a natural park bearing the same name, this idyllic stretch of fine sand offers beautiful views of the inland countryside as well as the typically relaxing Ibiza bathing experience (there are no waves here). A scattering of cool beach bars offers all the extras that you need for a perfect day at the beach: good food – including wonderfully fresh fish – cold beers, tasty cocktails and decent tunes. Read more details on IntersailClub.

The brackish inland sea is bound by the Scandinavian Peninsula, Europe mainland and the Danish islands. Although most of us would not think of going island-hopping in Germany, it offers some really unique locations. Start at Stralsund and include the wild sweeping landscapes of the car-free Hiddensee island and the deserted white sand beaches of Rugen island. If you can, extend your trip to include the beautiful Stockholm archipelago and the Danish Islands which includes Isle of Langeland where wild horses roam.

Awesome Mediterranean yacht cruises destinations in 2021

Fabulous Mediterranean yacht cruises destinations and yacht sailing tips today by IntersailClub? As a year-round sailing destination, the Bahamas, or the Out Islands as they are frequently known, are renowned for great cruising grounds together with outstanding scenery. Benefitting from reliable trade winds between 5-20 knots, the climate is consistently warm, varying from 22 to 29 degrees Celsius. One of the most diverse geographic formations in the Caribbean, this coral-based archipelago consists of hundreds of unspoiled islands catering for yachting connoisseurs with world-class diving, pristine beaches, full-service marinas and fantastic fishing. The tidal range is up to 3.5 feet and, due to the shallow nature of the waters, a sailing yacht will provide best access to many locations. Miami is one of the most popular spots to make way to the Bahamas, and the southern winds when crossing the Gulfstream provide great sailing conditions. There is no bad time to visit the Bahamas, but peak season runs from mid-December to mid-April when island-hopping becomes popular.

A sailing holiday around France covers some of the most famous Mediterranean beaches and European port towns. The French Riviera is one of the most sought-after yachting destinations in Europe – with many well-known towns, cities, and beaches along this coast. Some of the best destinations here for a cruising holiday include Corsica, Saint-Tropez, Cannes, Nice, Lorient, and many more. These are places that attract the rich and famous – so you can expect plenty of luxuries to be enjoyed in the towns. The French Riviera is one of the most popular destinations in Europe for a sunny sailing holiday. This is thanks to the magnificent beaches, picture-perfect towns, azure waters and calm sailing routes.

Sitting on the eastern tip of Croatia’s coast, Dubrovnik is ideal for those looking to take some time out to recharge and enjoy the delights of discovering a new city. Bordered by sparkling Adriatic water, Dubrovnik is known for its Gothic architecture, dramatic terrain and buildings capped by baked clay-red rooves. The pace of life is slower in the city, so be sure to take some time to walk the stone streets and soak up the charms of Croatia. Trees grow everywhere, infusing the air with the scent of sweet figs and bitter oranges, for which Dubrovnik is renowned. If you’re visiting during summer, you’d be remiss not to check out the Dubrovnik Summer Festival. This celebration of classical musical sees the city come to life with music and art, with plenty of concerts and recitals on the schedule.

The Best Time for Mediterranean Yacht Cruises? Summer is the best time to visit the Mediterranean, and it is definitely the high travel season in this part of Europe. The millions of people from all around the world flock to the Mediterranean’s beaches during summer months for much-deserved summer break due to the region’s pleasant climate. The summers in the Mediterranean are sunny and hot, and the sea is warm. However, the best time for Mediterranean yacht cruises is late spring (May-June) or early fall (September-October) when the temperatures and the sea are pleasurably warm, days are sunny, and the crowds in popular destinations are far fewer than in summer. Discover additional details at Optional COVID-19 Cancellation Insurance. Our direct customers can opt for COVID-19 travel cancellation insurance that includes: Cancellation, Late arrival,Travel interruption, Hotel expenses. Optional COVID-19 cancellation insurance protects you if you or your crew develop coronavirus symptoms, test positive, or are unable to provide a negative PCR test.With the opportunity to cancel or reschedule your yacht cruise to any of the other Mediterranean destinations, you can plan your vacation with confidence.

The type of charter contract applicable to your charter will depend on where in the world you are cruising, as there are various terms within the industry which dictate how the payment structure is determined. For instance, a MYBA (Worldwide Yachting Association, formerly known as Mediterranean Yacht Brokers Association) contract operates under Western Mediterranean Terms (WMT) and is arguably the most commonly used, particularly with large yachts embarking on a Mediterranean yacht charter. This contract is often referred to as a “plus all expenses” contract and requires that the charterer pay for fuel, food, beverages and dockage fees as an additional expense outside of the base charter fee. Typically, guests can accumulate an additional 25% to 50% of the base charter fee though this is dependent on what is consumed. These expenses can be tracked through the use of an Advance Provisioning Allowance (APA) which we will cover in the next section. The Caribbean Terms Inclusive (CTI), which is sometimes called Standard Caribbean Terms (SCT), is more inclusive. Three meals per day and fuel for four hours of cruising a day are included. Some yachts under CTI terms include basic beverages (not vintage wines or champagnes), but this is mainly in the Virgin Islands.

With over 200 beaches, chic coastal resorts and fine weather, Corsica is one of the best-kept secrets of the Western Mediterranean. It’s a fairly isolated spot that has kept the tourist masses away so expect a more traditional way of life and plenty of peace and quiet. The coastline is also pretty special with unspoilt beaches, hidden coves and secluded bays which are best appreciated from the deck of a yacht. Highlights include the beautiful town of Ajaccio which is encircled by mountains and Bonifacio, a major port with a restaurant-lined harbour.

Honeymooners and couples can relax in Ibiza’s crystal-clear waters, enjoy unforgettable sunsets, explore its natural beauty spots, taste local renowned cuisine and have fun in an evening out at one of the famous nightclubs and bars. During the day, try one of the diverse leisure activities: visit a hippie market, book a day boat tour to famous Formentera, go on-board and try a diving experience, join a tour and discover the island by Vespa bike, visit a farm-house and learn how to produce traditional herb liquor and artisan soap … Consistently rated as one of the world’s most attractive beaches, Ses Salines (also referred to as Las Salinas) is usually the first stop for sun-seekers visiting Ibiza. Part of a natural park bearing the same name, this idyllic stretch of fine sand offers beautiful views of the inland countryside as well as the typically relaxing Ibiza bathing experience (there are no waves here). A scattering of cool beach bars offers all the extras that you need for a perfect day at the beach: good food – including wonderfully fresh fish – cold beers, tasty cocktails and decent tunes.

Sailing tip of the day: There’s a good reason to run the engine for a while before departing! This is my stern with the engine running slowly in gear against the lines. We all know that when we’re charging batteries this lets the engine warm up thoroughly. However, I have a different reason: I just changed the fuel tanks and return feeds. I once did this and let go my lines straight away only to have the engine stop two minutes later. I’d somehow made a mistake with the valves and was left with a full fuel-bleeding job with empty filters. Most of us with more than one tank change them in harbor. The entrance is exactly where we don’t want to lose power, so I always give the unit a 10-minute run in gear just to make sure that if it does pack it in it’s not for lack of fuel. Find extra details on by the cabin yacht charters.

Best locations to visit in Punta Cana 2021

Punta Cana travel attractions with Big Marlin Charters is a fishing and boat charter company located in a lively tourist area of Punta Cana and caters to both experienced fishers and beginners. Big Marlin Charts offers exciting deep-sea fishing adventures to all the visitors of Punta Cana. The professional and friendly staff provide great customer service and speak both English and Spanish. An experienced local captain navigates each fishing charter, and all guests are assisted by an attentive first mate, who is always there to help them with advice. Yachts are available for various events and celebrations, too. The company has its own van for transfers.

Indigenous Eyes Ecological Park is operated by Grupo Puntacana Foundation, an organization specializing in improving sustainability efforts in the Dominican Republic. Each visitor must pay $50 to enter the reserve, which is located within Puntacana Resort & Club, a resort community located about 7 miles south of downtown Punta Cana. Those staying at one of the community’s hotels – including The Westin Puntacana Resort & Club and Tortuga Bay – will receive free entrance to the reserve as well as free shuttle service to and from the park. The reserve operates from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. daily, with final entries allowed at 4:30 p.m. Note that if you’re traveling with a group of more than 10 people, you should plan to make reservations before visiting the park. Learn more about the park on the Grupo Puntacana Fundación website.

If ziplining is not your cup of tea but you want to have as much fun and action as when flying in the air, you should consider a buggy tour in Punta Cana. Those excursions with dune buggies, ATVs, Polaris or Terracross vehicles are some of the most popular things to do in Punta Cana and are guaranteeing a lot of fun. Buggy tours are available for all kinds of travelers. You can book a dune buggy excursion for as cheap as 40 USD per person if you just would like to have some fun and get dirty. If you want to wander off-the-beaten-track, the Flintstones Buggy Adventure* is highly recommended (see my comprehensive Punta Cana dune buggy guide for more information) and for the adrenaline junkies around you, you should check out these amazing extreme buggy adventures* (you can also find a detailed review about this tour here), which takes you far away from Punta Cana with many beautiful places to visit and some of the hidden gems in Punta Cana. Read additional info at Best locations to visit in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.

No trip to Punta Cana would be complete without some time spent on its gorgeous beaches. Playa Bávaro is one of the most popular shorelines in Punta Cana, with its white, powdery sands, swaying palm trees, blue waters and bevy of amenities, including water sports rentals, dining options and nearby accommodations. Visitors will find this beautiful (but busy) beach stretched between El Cortecito and Cabeza de Toro, but keep in mind that the public access point is a road just south of the Meliá Caribe Beach Resort. Boats bound for the Dolphin Island water park embark from Bavaro Beach as well.

Manati Park, founded in 1996, was the very first theme park in the Dominican Republic. It’s a place where visitors can enjoy five amazing shows and discover more than 150 species of animals, including sea lions, manta rays, horses, and parrots. Through several education and investigation projects, Manati Park aims to preserve nature and all of the species in the park. Another fun activity to try is swimming with dolphins in the Dolphin Island Park. Some lucky visitors might even steal a kiss from one of the dolphins. There are food and beverage facilities in Manati Park as well as two beautiful natural wells in which visitors can enjoy a relaxing soak. See extra information at Taylan Evrenler.

Beautiful Ibiza yachting places and yacht sailing recommendations 2021 with IntersailClub

Beautiful Ibiza and Formentera yacht sailing places and boat sailing recommendations today by Portugal is a brilliant country to visit for a number of reasons. If you are planning a sailing holiday, then Portugal becomes even more desirable. This country has a stunning coastline and some world-class islands. With a rich history, delicious food, and plenty of historic sites. Portugal is always a good idea. Some top cruising destinations in Portugal include Madeira (one of Europe’s best islands) and Lisbon (the capital city). Between these, there are many other worthy places to visit.

Scattered across the Mediterranean, the islands of Greece are ideal for exploring by boat. Set course for the Cyclades, where gems like Santorini and Mykonos are as alluring as ever. If you’ve only got one day to spend in Santorini, we recommend a trip to Akrotiri for a look at an ancient Greek settlement, and Santo Wines, for a taste of the region’s finest vino overlooking the famous caldera. Mykonos is set to be equally popular this summer, with the beach clubs buzzing and the picturesque bays studded with shiny superyachts. Head to Nammos for beachside dining, luxury shopping and partying among celebrities. If you’re looking to spend a day on shore, Cavo Tagoo is the place to be- caves carved into the chalky cliffs create a remarkably pretty setting.

Situated next door to Saladeta, just a 20-minute drive out of San Antoni, is Cala Salda, one of the most visited beaches in this part of Ibiza. It’s more rocky than sandy, but the waters are so beautiful that no one is put off by this: indeed, Salada gives you a feeling of being in some remote tropical paradise rather than just a few kilometres from one of Ibiza’s largest towns. Its superb location, the tranquility of the bathing and the clarity of underwater vision for snorkellers mean this should be on the itinerary of every beach junkie visiting Ibiza. See additional details on Intersailclub. Honeymooners and couples can relax in Ibiza’s crystal-clear waters, enjoy unforgettable sunsets, explore its natural beauty spots, taste local renowned cuisine and have fun in an evening out at one of the famous nightclubs and bars. During the day, try one of the diverse leisure activities: visit a hippie market, book a day boat tour to famous Formentera, go on-board and try a diving experience, join a tour and discover the island by Vespa bike, visit a farm-house and learn how to produce traditional herb liquor and artisan soap …

Aside from seasons and events, yachts of the same size may also differ in price and this may be down to a vast difference in on board amenities. A yacht which boasts an on board cinema or lavish water toys may have a higher base rate compared with a yacht of minimal amenities of the same size. If it is unclear as to why two yachts of the same size are vastly different in price, ask your yacht broker to explain what the differences are. Once you are clear on what the base price is and why, it is important to discover what costs will be applicable on top and this is dependent on the type of charter contract used. Under Mediterranean Yacht Brokers Association (MYBA) charter contracts, which are arguably the most common, the charterer is charged for food and beverage (for the charter guests only), fuel, dockage and harbor fees, and miscellaneous expenses. As a round number, which depends on how much fuel the yacht uses and how fancy the meals and drinks, you can expect to add 25% to 50% of your charter cost.

A sailing trip here will offer you some of the most breathtaking scenery in Europe. The World Heritage-listed fjords were formed by glaciers (during the last ice age) and today they are a dramatic sight where tranquil blue waters gently lap at lush green shores which rise to majestic granite peaks. Gaze at picturesque villages, isolated farms and gushing waterfalls on your journey through the deep dark waters.

Yachting tip of the day: The plotter’s track function can help you in tight harbors! It’s fun to look back over a summer’s cruising by way of the track my chartplotter has recorded. Where the track really comes into its own, though, is piloting out of a difficult harbor into which you have successfully maneuvered. You know you got in OK, so to be sure of a graceful exit—tide permitting where appropriate—you’ve only to follow the same track out again. Be warned, though, that this works only so long as the plotter is set upright. The screengrab shows two versions of the same in-and-out tracks on my Raymarine unit. The coarse setting shown in purple is useless, while the finer, black version leads me straight back out through the drying banks. It’s all down to setting the instrument to record frequent data. In short, to succeed in close quarters, the plot should be set to record at shorter time or distance intervals than out at sea.

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Destination Guides

Reizen attracties en vakantie gratis reisgidsen door DelaatTravel? Er zijn maar weinig bezienswaardigheden die het centrum van Londen zo perfect belichamen als de Big Ben, de iconische klokkentoren die aan de oostkant van de Houses of Parliament staat. De Big Ben – of de Elizabeth Tower, omgedoopt ter ere van het diamanten jubileum van koningin Elizabeth II – kondigt de locatie aan van de politieke kern van Groot-Brittannië in Westminster en staat trots als een symbool van Londen en het opvallende middelpunt van de waterkant van de Theems. Het Palace of Westminster, de thuisbasis van de Houses of Parliament, is een ander historisch monument, want achter de grote gotische gevel hebben politici lokale wetten gedicteerd sinds 1215, toen de Magna Carta van koning John de geboorte van het parlement in het Verenigd Koninkrijk betekende.

De staatsgreep van 1913 zette het land onder controle van de Three Pashas , die grotendeels verantwoordelijk waren voor de intrede van het rijk in de Eerste Wereldoorlog in 1914. Tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog pleegde de Ottomaanse regering genocides tegen haar Armeense , Assyrische en Pontische Grieks onderwerpen. a het verliezen van de oorlog werd de conglomeraat van gebieden en volkeren die het Ottomaanse rijk hadden gevormd, opgedeeld in verschillende nieuwe staten . De Turkse Onafhankelijkheidsoorlog , geïnitieerd door Mustafa Kemal Atatürken zijn kameraden tegen de bezettende geallieerde machten resulteerden in de afschaffing van het sultanaat in 1922 en de oprichting van de Republiek Turkije in 1923, met Atatürk als eerste president. Atatürk voerde tal van hervormingen door , waarvan vele verschillende aspecten van het westerse denken, de filosofie en de gebruiken in de nieuwe vorm van de Turkse regering verwerkten .

Vanwege de centrale geografische ligging in Zuid-Europa en de Middellandse Zee , is Italië van oudsher de thuisbasis van talloze volkeren en culturen. Naast de verschillende oude volkeren verspreid over wat nu het hedendaagse Italië is, met als meest overheersende de Indo-Europese Italische volkerendie het schiereiland zijn naam gaven, vanaf het klassieke tijdperk, stichtten Feniciërs en Carthagers kolonies, meestal in het insulaire Italië , Griekenvestigden nederzettingen in de zogenaamde Magna Graecia van Zuid-Italië , terwijlEtrusken en Kelten woonden respectievelijk in Midden- en Noord-Italië. Een Italische stam die bekend staat als de Latijnen vormde het Romeinse koninkrijk in de 8e eeuw voor Christus, dat uiteindelijk een republiek werdmet een regering van de Senaat en het Volk . De Romeinse Republiek veroverde en assimileerde aanvankelijk haar buren op het Italiaanse schiereiland, en breidde uiteindelijk delen van Europa , Noord-Afrika en Azië uit . Tegen de eerste eeuw voor Christus, het Romeinse rijkontstond als de dominante macht in het Middellandse Zeegebied en werd een toonaangevend cultureel, politiek en religieus centrum , dat de Pax Romana opende , een periode van meer dan 200 jaar waarin de Italiaanse wet , technologie , economie , kunst en literatuur zich ontwikkelden. Italië bleef het thuisland van de Romeinen en de metropool van het rijk, wiens erfenis ook te zien is in de wereldwijde verspreiding van cultuur, regeringen, het christendom en het Latijnse schrift. Lezen extra details bij Vakantie gratis reisgidsen.

Allesbehalve een doorsnee attractiepark is Le Puy du Fou, op ca. een uur rijden van Nantes (Frankrijk). Dit attractiepark staat in zijn geheel in het teken van de middeleeuwen. Het park ontstond toen in 1977 ruïnes van een kasteel werden gevonden met daaromheen slechts brandnetels. In 1978 werd de eerste show opgevoerd en nog steeds staan deze shows centraal. Maar tussen alle voorstellingen door kun je een middeleeuws dorp bezoeken en diverse attracties trotseren. Zoals de Springende Waterstralen. Je vindt er daarnaast een dierenlabyrinth en een speelkasteel. Le Puy du Fou voelt als back to basic. Geen hightech standjes, maar een soort jeugdsentiment voor dertigplussers, want zo zagen pretparken er vroeger uit. Leuk! Opvallend is dat Le Puy du Fou dik wint van Disneyland Parijs volgens de bezoekers van TripAdvisor, terwijl deze laatste het meest bezochte attractiepark van Frankrijk is. Toch eindigt deze pas op plek 19.

Zonder twijfel de bekendste plek van Frankrijk is natuurlijk de hoofdstad Parijs. Deze prachtige stad is de meest populaire bestemming van het land, en de stad heeft dan ook ontzettend veel bezienswaardigheden. Zo zijn er de bekende bouwwerken als de Eiffeltoren, de Notre-Dame en de Sacré-Coeur, de vele musea zoals het Louvre, het Musée d’Orsay en het Centre Pompidou. Je ziet er ook bekende iconen zoals de Arc de Triomphe en de Moulin Rouge, heerlijke parken zoals de Jardin du Luxembourg en de Tuileries en nog zo veel meer. Loop er over de Champs-Élysées, ga winkelen (of misschien alleen windowshoppen) bij de Galeries Lafayette, en eet in de lekkerste restaurants ter wereld. Download hier onze stadsgids Parijs incl. stadswandeling langs alle hoogtepunten. De Elzas streek is de meest noordoostelijke streek van het land en ligt tegen zowel de grens met Duitsland als de grens met Zwitserland aan. De hoofdstad van deze streek is het prachtige Strasbourg, waar de Franse architectuur samenkomt met de Duitse architectuur. De geplaveide straatjes worden omringd door oude vakwerkhuizen en andere historische gebouwen, zoals de gotische Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Strasbourg. Die kathedraal heeft 1 van de grootste astronomische klokken ter wereld. In Strasbourg vindt jaarlijks ook 1 van de bekendste en oudste kerstmarkten van Europa plaats, een bezoekje rond Kerst is dus ook zeker een aanrader!

De Engelenburcht (Castel Sant’Angelo) is een oud Romeins fort vlakbij Vaticaanstad. De burcht werd al in de tweede eeuw na Christus gebouwd, maar kreeg de naam Engelenburcht pas in 590. Op de plek van de burcht zou de aartsengel Michael toen tot de toenmalige Paus gekomen zijn om een einde te brengen aan de pest. Later werd de burcht een verdedigingsburcht voor Vaticaanstad en er werd zelfs een tunnel gemaakt tussen het pauselijk paleis en het Castel Sant’Angelo. Vergeet ook zeker niet naar het dakterras van de burcht te klimmen, want vanaf daar heb je een prachtig uitzicht over Rome. Lezen meer details bij

Excellent Greece yacht sailing destinations and boat sailing recommendations in 2021 by

Destination Guides

Beautiful Greece yacht sailing destinations and yacht sailing news today with Sitting on the eastern tip of Croatia’s coast, Dubrovnik is ideal for those looking to take some time out to recharge and enjoy the delights of discovering a new city. Bordered by sparkling Adriatic water, Dubrovnik is known for its Gothic architecture, dramatic terrain and buildings capped by baked clay-red rooves. The pace of life is slower in the city, so be sure to take some time to walk the stone streets and soak up the charms of Croatia. Trees grow everywhere, infusing the air with the scent of sweet figs and bitter oranges, for which Dubrovnik is renowned. If you’re visiting during summer, you’d be remiss not to check out the Dubrovnik Summer Festival. This celebration of classical musical sees the city come to life with music and art, with plenty of concerts and recitals on the schedule.

Portugal is a brilliant country to visit for a number of reasons. If you are planning a sailing holiday, then Portugal becomes even more desirable. This country has a stunning coastline and some world-class islands. With a rich history, delicious food, and plenty of historic sites. Portugal is always a good idea. Some top cruising destinations in Portugal include Madeira (one of Europe’s best islands) and Lisbon (the capital city). Between these, there are many other worthy places to visit.

With over 200 beaches, chic coastal resorts and fine weather, Corsica is one of the best-kept secrets of the Western Mediterranean. It’s a fairly isolated spot that has kept the tourist masses away so expect a more traditional way of life and plenty of peace and quiet. The coastline is also pretty special with unspoilt beaches, hidden coves and secluded bays which are best appreciated from the deck of a yacht. Highlights include the beautiful town of Ajaccio which is encircled by mountains and Bonifacio, a major port with a restaurant-lined harbour. Find additional info on Mediterranean yacht cruises in 2021.

Low season typically refers to any time outside of the high season periods. Groups of families and friends looking for a relaxing luxury vacation are advised to avoid high season weeks and opt for weeks outside of this time. The busiest periods are of course reflected in the charter costs and can be up to 15 to 30 percent more expensive than typical low season periods. Chartering a few weeks either side of these busy periods can be almost exactly the same, with the weather almost unchanged in some places, with far less crowds. Whatever the terms of your charter contract, you should understand the Advance Provisioning Allowance. This is an amount of about 20-25 per cent of the charter fee for a “plus all expenses” charter and about five per cent for an “all inclusive” charter. It is sent to the yacht before the charter to provision the yacht according to your preferences.

Sailing tip of the day: One of the ancient arts of the sailor is setting up a “stopper” to relieve a loaded rope without letting anything go. The classic use for a stopper is to take the weight off the genoa sheet when Cousin Doofus has carelessly locked up the whole shooting match with an override. My crew recently used the stopper shown below. It took the load at the turning block while we sorted out the mess. Then we wound the sheet in a few inches to relieve the force on the stopper, removed it and sailed on. To create a stopper that works, clap on a half-hitch before the rolling hitch as shown. You can see it doing the work, and it guarantees success. If you can’t tie a rolling hitch, go on the internet and learn how. You may need it sooner than you think!

Awesome yacht sailing locations and yacht sailing recommendations by

World’s excellent yacht sailing locations? The French Riviera has no shortage of trendy outposts, but St Tropez earns extra points for its recent revamp along Pampelonne Beach. YachtCharterFleet had the pleasure of heading down to St Tropez last year to check it out; and came back with some first-hand insight into the new (eco-friendly) beach club scene. After a morning exploring the pink streets of St Tropez, cruise over to Pampelonne in time for lunch. Be sure to book ahead for Club 55, the most iconic venue in the Cote d’Azur, and try and reserve a coveted table in the later lunchtime slot if you’re looking to rub shoulders with Hollywood heavyweights and the A-list elite. For some post-lunch entertainment, head to Verde Beach. Expect blast-from-the-past beats and dancing on the tables, as the St Tropez in-crowd transform Verde Beach into the most happening party in Pampelonne. Head back to the main port for dinner- L’Opera has got the ‘the dinner and a show’ concept down to an art.

As the Ionian Islands are a popular choice for yachting holidays, they are well equipped for visitors. You can expect great ports here, complete with all amenities and help that you may need. And renting a yacht for an Ionian Island cruise holiday is easy. The Argolic and Saronic Gulf is a riviera that covers some of the best of ancient Greece. You could choose an amazing sailing itinerary around here, as there are many fantastic islands and ports to discover.

Another beautiful Greek sailing route takes you through the less famous Sporades islands which are located off the East coast. There are eleven islands in total but if you start at Volos or Skiathos, you’ve got a good chance of visiting quite a few. Known as the emerald of the Aegean, expect rich vegetation, unspoiled green-blue waters and a more traditional way of life. Highlights include the picturesque island of Skopelos, the party-island Skiathos and the Marine Park of Alonissos which is dotted with secret coves.

High season refers to the most popular weeks of the year for yacht charter, whether it’s the winter period in the Caribbean or the height of summer in the Mediterranean, booking in high season requires early planning, determination and a big budget. In addition, planning a yacht charter to coincide with a major event will also be reflected in the price with marine spots for elite events often booking up early. Allow plenty of time when making enquiries to ensure a star studded, well prepared arrival. Find extra info on Your broker will be able to provide you with an accurate estimation of all the costs involved in advance but here is a breakdown of what to expect. In general, you’ll find two basic rates: high season and low season, usually with specific dates set for each. In addition, you’ll find special events that are more expensive: New Year’s Eve, Monaco during the Grand Prix, Cannes during the Film Festival, the Olympics or the America’s Cup.

Yachting tip of the day: If you like to cook on board, the propane tanks supplied as standard with many modern yachts won’t get you far. Whether we bake bread or not, the one thing we all do is boil the kettle. Years ago I realized that if I counted the number of strokes on my galley foot or hand pump that represented a mug-full, then tipped the right amount into the kettle, I’d use enough propane to boil it and no more. If you only have pressure water you’ve no chance, but old-fashioned manual pumps are simple enough to install. I keep a charcoal inline filter on mine and always use it for drinking water, so no matter where I filled my tanks, I’m guaranteed a decent mug of coffee.

Online seminary courses at WBS

Destination Guides

Theological school online from Ok, so it’s clear that online education is quite popular and has some benefits. But what exactly are some of the pros and cons of online education presently? Since distance learning programs don’t require you to be physically present in a classroom or follow a predefined timetable, you are free to set your own schedule. Distance education provides you the flexibility to complete your coursework from anywhere, at any time, and at your own pace. You have an important chore to run in the morning? No problem – log in to complete your schoolwork that afternoon or later that night.

Web-based tutoring is also especially valuable college students. Cherie Mazer, a student of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, published a white-paper report that highlights the benefits of online college tutors. Her findings indicate that college students enrolled in online programs reported significantly higher grades than students who didn’t. The students receiving tutoring were also noted to be making strides in “achievement, attitude, and retention” when compared to the students without tutoring.

The Certificate in Apologetics is available online or on campus. Every on-campus class is offered live via Zoom, so that students anywhere in the world can participate in a classroom setting. Online courses at Wesley Biblical Seminary are personal, convenient, and powerful. Our online classrooms include students from all around the world who are actively engaged in ministry. With the online programs at WBS, you can stay where God has planted you, while pursuing the preparation you need to accomplish your calling. Find more details on online ministry courses.

The modern classroom has changed in recent years. Teaching methods, technology, subject choices and assessment metrics have all transformed education for the students of today. But one thing remains constant: Learning has always been enhanced by personal, one-to-one support, and students who receive personal tutoring perform better than those who don’t. Online tutoring is an increasingly popular option for students – however many parents still wrestle with the question: “Is an online option right for my child’s learning and my family’s needs?”

WBS offers two types of seminary classes online: forum-based and real-time. Forum-based: Through the use of Populi, our online platform, professors and students learn from lectures, share resources, engage in conversations, and submit assignments. Students have maximum flexibility in these courses to do the work and submit assignments in ways that is most convenient for them. While there are still due dates and high course expectations, students can learn in the way that best fits their schedule. Discover even more details at this website.