Accredited top quality TEFL courses in Spain? TEFL Madrid Academy offers a great TEFL course with instructors who are all highly qualified and experienced. We also offer pre-enrollment counseling to our potential students. Teaching jobs in Madrid: The TEFL Madrid Academy’s course will prepare you to teach a variety of classes and students. We also offer job search guidance and believe in personalized customer service for all of our students, as well as our graduates. When you teach English in Spain, you help mold individuals to become better professionals or business owners within the country and abroad. Get on your way with a TEFL certification: We at the TEFL Madrid Academy are committed to guiding our prospective students through every step of preparing to work abroad.
No renewal necessary. I’m sure most of you can relate to standing in a long, unnecessary line at the DMV to renew your drivers’ license or passport. No need for such hassle with your TEFL certificate. Once you have it, you’re good to go. Wonder where to go? Check out these Ten Best TEFL Courses Abroad from our 2019 Official Report. All together now, “It’s for life!” You’ll never have to worry about missing that flight because you forgot to renew your TEFL certificate. Been there, done that? Oops. Talk to any graduated, traditionally certified teacher and they will be able to tell you all about mandatory in-services and continuing education credits. Sure, arguments could be made against this fact, but those with TEFL certificates typically employ their polished skills shortly after they have that certification in hand. And if not, there is certainly a niche for a non-traditional TEFL teachers. Are you in your 30s, 40s, or 60s? There are positions just for you, too. Get the inside scoop on TEFL for seniors.
Here is the complete TEFL guide, with everything you need to know in one place. Teaching others English really is a big and rewarding self development path! It offers lots of paths to independence, visiting, exploration, and a fun lifestyle. As a TEFL teacher you can go to anywhere in the world and teach English there. You can spend a year in Prague, a year in Cambodia and a year in Chile. You will be able to pick and choose where in the world you will work, according to your preferences – Europe, Asia, The Middle East, South America… There is no better way to really get to know local people and their culture than living and working with them. Students are eager to tell you about their lives, traditions, experiences, work and families. They will happily guide you through their city or village showing you the sites, the people and the landmarks. You will get invited to parties, weddings and festivals. Find extra information at
The TEFL course offered by TEFL Madrid consists of two possible variants, depending on the specific needs of the student. For those who belong to the European Union, the Academy provides a EU Citizen Course, a 4 week training course which includes premium employment services – guaranteed interviews at the best agencies in order to be able to find a TEFL job in Madrid, help with creating a CV, work advice – and legal aid for any type of bureaucratic affair. In addition to this, while undertaking the course; students will have access to unlimited WIFI at the Academy, text material and software, during as well as after the course. On the other hand, non-European students are offered the Visa Course which, in addition to all the above stated for the EU Citizen Course, provides students with 1 complete year of Spanish language classes, programs for cultural immersion for a year, and logistic support – airport transfers, acquirement of a mobile phone, aid to opening a bank account – as well as finding a place to stay in Madrid.
For our spanish readers:
Asesoría de principio a fin: nuestros profesores te darán toda la información que requieras sobre becas de estudio en países de habla inglesa, cómo aplicar a las universidades y cuál es el puntaje TOEFL mínimo que necesitas. Los precios más competitivos: nuestro objetivo principal es que los alumnos tengan éxito en sus vidas, tanto a nivel académico como profesional. Por eso te ofrecemos planes con precios competitivos que puedes escoger según tus posibilidades.
Clases de TOEFL privadas: Experimenta clases de TOEFL privadas con profesores americanos nativos especializados en el examen. Es la modalidad perfecta para fortalecer la parte oral, tus habilidades de Speaking mediante clases de inglés face to face. Tú escoges los días y las horas de estudio. El costo es 30€ por hora. Por que elegir nuestros cursos de preparación TOEFL? Nuestra plataforma de cursos de inglés online es una pasada. Ponemos a tan solo un clic de distancia todas las secciones del examen TOEFL.
En nuestra academia de TOEFL en Madrid experimentarás un nuevo método de aprendizaje, completamente personalizado y práctico, en el que tendrás: te recibimos con una prueba de inglés básica, para saber en qué nivel del idioma estás actualmente. Evaluamos tus capacidades para comprender y expresar el idioma de forma oral, escrita y auditiva. Plan de estudio personalizado: según el resultado del test, precisamos cuáles son tus fortalezas y debilidades. A partir de éstas, elaboramos un plan de estudio personalizado para garantizar los mejores resultados en poco tiempo. Leer adicional detalles cursos de TOEFL Madrid.
Método de aprendizaje optimizado, ideal para potenciar en tiempo récord todas las habilidades necesarias en función de aprobar el test TOEFL en Madrid con una puntuación excepcional, por encima de los 100 puntos. 2 semanas: plan de estudio popular, máximo 5 estudiantes por clase, 24 horas lectivas en total. 3 semanas: plan de estudio general, máximo 5 estudiantes por clase, 24 horas lectivas en total. 1 semana: plan de estudio súper intensivo, máximo 5 estudiantes por clase, 20 horas lectivas en total.