Category: Technology

Premium parttime CTO services from


High quality parttime CTO services by Innovationvista? Recent incidents should serve as sufficient motivation: UK National Health System – 16 hospitals’ systems were completely shut down by the WannaCry virus, tallying a cost of 100M in 2017. Atlanta – the city government was crippled by ransomware, disabling the city’s ability to operate or fund services in 2018. Marriott/Starwood – 500 million customer records breached in 2018, including birthdates and passport details. Capital One – 100 million customers credit card details and histories were breached in July 2019.

But what are companies to do who who can’t afford the escalated compensation packages demanded by experienced C-level IT leaders, despite having the same needs for this expertise? Most courses of action involve a trade-off either accepting less experience than ideally wanted and/or higher compensation costs for the position. With any approach, it is a difficult challenge for companies with limited budgets to get the experience they truly need for these critical decisions and responsibilities. Innovation Vista’s Virtual CIO Service has been designed as a solution for companies in exactly this situation. Explore more details at

A trick any CEO should know about cybersecurity: Achieving information security compliance with one or more government regulatory standards for information security (i.e. ISO 27001, NIST 800-171, HIPAA, NYDFS, etc.) is good, but not sufficient to ensure real cybersecurity. It is vital that CEOs establish the appropriate cybersecurity “tone at the top” for their respective organization, regarding the importance of information security and how cybersecurity is everyone’s shared responsibility in a truly digital world. Establishing an organizational “culture of cybersecurity” has proven to be one of the best defenses against cyber adversaries. It is the people, not the technology, which can either be an organization’s greatest defense, or its weakest link against a cyber-attack.

The world is becoming increasingly personalized. Frequent flier numbers and customer membership programs enable companies to track consumers’ buying patterns; social media platforms and digital marketing channels enable them to know even more about our preferences and lives. The door has been opened to inappropriate uses of this information, as evidenced by the “fake news” and Facebook/Cambridge Analytica scandals from the 2016 election. But far more commonly, companies are using customer data in legitimate to personalize their communications with customers, with significant results. Customers are happy for you to know about them. According to Accenture, 83% of consumers are willing to share their data in order to enable a personalized B2C experience, and 91% say it actually impacts their buying habits. For B2B purposes, companies have long known there is easy access to public data about them, so any gain in efficiency is welcomed from suppliers who make use of that information (ideally with internal data as well – see below) to streamline the experience for their clients.

The challenge today is that the pace of change is accelerating at an exponential rate, so we’re dealing with more changes coming faster at us than ever before. It’s one thing to acknowledge that and to accept the challenge of dealing with these changes in both our personal and professional lives – it’s quite another to realize the stark truth that this shocking pace of change is the slowest any of us will see for the rest of our lives. It’s strange to realize we will one day look back and see 2020 as a year in which the world dealt with relatively few changes. Considering COVID and technological change, political and social winds, medical and scientific innovation, it hardly seems possible; and yet, that is a truth embedded in the exponential change acceleration we’re experiencing. It calls for a complete revolution in how we think about change itself. See a few extra details on stabilizing it.

We keep this level of engagement throughout project teams. We utilize only skilled staff with actual real-world experience to execute projects. Our larger competitors recruit heavily from universities and have first year associates out billing clients within a month. Our bill-rates are significantly lower across the board for all seniority levels and skill-sets, as we don’t have to carry the overhead of those larger firms. (We don’t sponsor pro golfers or tennis championships, etc…)

Salespeople are experts at what they do, and they know what tools help them do it best. Few professions have their compensation aligned so well as salespeople, so I don’t believe for a minute that the effort at learning a new system would be a hindrance for sales teams convinced that a new CRM was really going to boost their results. Most sales people are willing to work hard, they are motivated to invest in anything that will put money in their own pocket, and smart enough to learn any tool that meets that criteria. I believe the resistance to adoption and usage of CRMs often runs much deeper, and requires a commitment from the highest levels of leadership to resolve…

I find that although everyone is slammed with workload in most companies, given the chance to contribute innovative ideas, they’ll find mental energy to devote to it. Busy-ness is not the same thing as creative exhaustion. As noted above, the best way to kickoff a brainstorm is to gather initial thoughts individually anyway. Give team members time to surface ideas over a few weeks, and their subconscious mind will work on the problem. Prime the pump with some example areas for major savings or new revenue – don’t just ask them to “submit great ideas”. Of the ideas submitted, my suggestion is to identify those which have the potential to be self-funding within a year of launch, i.e. which increase revenue or save costs annually at least as large as the project costs. Most of my clients are surprised to find multiple such options which are worth exploring; technology is maturing fast, and for all its negative aspects the pandemic is also creating opportunities for significant changes in how business is done. I suggest creating cross-functional teams to collaborate on each idea, as noted above. Even if staff bandwidth is limited, each person can hopefully participate on one such project, which might involve a one-hour weekly meeting/conference call, with reasonable expectations for each member’s time investment between calls. I’ve found that even if people are busy with “normal work”, they often have creative energy and are excited to participate in something like this on the side, over lunch, etc. Read a few more details on

Cracked screen repair service in Colorado Springs with Skinit Fixit


iPhone repairs advices on Smashed screens come in many different levels of severity and you could be dealing with anything from a completely shattered display and a non-working phone, to a small crack in one corner of the screen and a device that still works fine. Not all of these solutions are applicable to every scenario but we’ll try and guide you as best we can. It is possible to replace a phone screen on your own. We’ll refer you to iFixit for their excellent, step-by-step guide with photos. A few key things to keep in mind here: Before you decide to go this route, look into the cost of the replacement screen. Today’s phone screens, which incorporate touch interaction and possibly biometric sensors, don’t come cheap.

Bigger lifespan for you iPhone or other mobile phone brands? Wiping the screen & camera lens with a micro fiber cloth, and using a screen guard, helps in keeping the display free from dirt & scratches. A good mobile cover or carry pouch is a sensible option for protecting the phone from drops and scratches. In addition, it is advisable to clean the mobile case occasionally. Read more details on iPhone repairs.

Apple is far from the only brand to make our list. The latest iPhones face serious competition from Samsung’s new Galaxy S20 phones — though it isn’t the Galaxy S20 Ultra and its 108-MP main shooter that’s pushing the iPhone. While that device produced some impressive photos in our testing (especially when using the phone’s 10x lossless zoom), we also noticed some issues with autofocus on Samsung’s priciest Galaxy. Those issues don’t hold back the Galaxy S20 Plus, which also delivers some of the finest photos we’ve seen outside of the iPhone.

After you have your phone repaired maybe it’s time to buy a better screen protection ? If you happen to be the type of person who drops their phone often (guilty as charged), then RhinoShield has you covered – literally. Its screen protectors are specifically designed to be impact resistant, using carefully selected shock-dampening material, ensuring your phone will be protected from most major falls. To prove its reliability, RhinoShield even tests a hammer against its products, just to prove its confidence in each protector.

This is one of the best-looking, most well-specced phones we’ve seen in the past year, there’s no doubt about that – from the pop-up selfie camera to the fantastic 6.67-inch screen, the OnePlus 7T Pro exudes quality. A special mention for the OxygenOS software that OnePlus puts on its phones: it features some really good ideas, and in some ways improves on the stock Android that Google provides. Spend a few hours using it and you’ll see what I mean. Other flagship phones might outperform the OnePlus 7T Pro in the camera department, but OnePlus is improving in this area all the time, and there’s no doubt the triple-lens rear camera on the back of this phone is the best OnePlus mobile camera yet.

If you cracked your screen during your manufacturer’s warranty period, you should be able to get it fixed for free and within a few hours’ time. (Bear in mind, though, that the standard limited warranties of many manufacturers, such as Apple and Samsung, do not cover accidents.) Out-of-warranty screen repairs cost upwards of $100. endors such as uSell, Glyde and Gazelle will buy your phone so you can get a new one, but be aware that damaged phones will only get you about 50 percent of what the device was originally worth. But this is amateur stuff, i suggest to see a professional.

Lær at vide Prasanna Satgunarajah og nogle af hans præstationer


Lær at vide Prasanna Svindler og nogle af hans tanker? Prasanna Satgunarajah og webdesign tips: Ingen ønsker at besøge en side, der tager evigt at indlæse. Derfor er sidehastighed en placeringsfaktor for desktop siden 2010 og for mobil siden 2018. Mange faktorer påvirker sidehastighed, inklusive dit websteds kode, serverplacering og billeder. Du kan få en grov fornemmelse af, hvordan dine sider fungerer ved hjælp af Googles Pagespeed Insights-værktøj. Tilslut bare en URL, så får du en score mellem 0–100 efterfulgt af forbedringsråd. Problemet med Pagespeed Insights er, at du kun kan teste en side ad gangen. Løs dette ved at tilmelde dig Google Search Console og kontrollere hastighedsrapporten. Dette viser dig, hvilke sider der indlæses langsomt på desktop og mobil, og hvorfor. Nogle af disse problemer kan være komplicerede, så det bedste er at bede en udvikler (eller teknisk SEO-ekspert) om at rette dem.

Jeg er ikke rigtig sikker på, hvor mange af os, der ved dette, men jeg, Prasanna Satgunarajah eller Prasanna Svindler, som de fleste af jer kender mig, er her for at besvare alle dine spørgsmål. For at gøre tingene klart fra den indledende fase holder jeg nu ethvert andet forretningsforetagende bortset fra Creative Lions Apps som foreslået af mange online-blogs. Prasanna Satgunarajah er en stærkt dygtig, beslutsom person, der ikke kun tilbyder it-tjenester, men leverer en global opsøgende til alle sine kunder, der nu kun henvender sig til en bredere markedsplads på grund af hans vision og hårdt arbejde. Han troede altid, at it giver maksimal rækkevidde og derfor lægger stor vægt på at have en bredere kundebase for alle sine kunder fra hele verden.

Jekyll tager dine rå tekstfiler, som kan skrives i Markdown, hvis du vil, og gør dem til et robust statisk sted at være vært, hvor du vil. Det er motoren bag GitHub Pages, hvilket betyder, at du kan være vært for din blog der gratis. Hvis du laver din blog med Jekyll, undgår du behovet for at arbejde med tekniske egenskaber som databaser, opgraderinger osv., Så der er færre ting at gå galt, og du kan bygge noget helt fra bunden.

Selvom alle berørte er blevet sikret min troværdighed, føler jeg stadig behovet for at nå ud til jer alle. Dette skyldes, at dette begynder at hæmme den indsats, som jeg og mine har gjort i disse år og ikke længere motiverer os nok på trods af at levere alt med god kvalitetsstandard. Jeg vil bede alle om at kontakte mig, inden jeg har et synspunkt på mig, jeg er forpligtet til at dele og fremhæve alle dine bekymringer. Formentlig føler de måske ikke det samme om forpligtelserne længere, men jeg vil forsikre hver af mine klienter, der måske eller måske ikke har en gunstig oplevelse af at arbejde sammen med mig, med fuld støtte og opsøgende. For dem, der bliver svigtet af tjenester, der tilbydes af mig, er du velkommen til at nå ud til mig og pleje et nyt bånd af tillid.

Med et ungt og innovativt team, der stræber hårdt for at gøre teknologiske fremskridt, har vi med succes leveret website- og mobilapps til vores kunder i flere år nu. Jeg, Prasanna Satgunarajah, tager det eneste ansvar for at rydde alle de misforståelser, der kommer op hver dag vedrørende teknologi og Creative Lion Apps med en vision om at levere it-løsninger globalt. Se yderligere info on Prasanna Svindler. Prasanna Svindler har de højeste niveauer af leverandørakkrediteringer, færdigheder og erfaring på tværs af alle større infrastrukturteknologier. Som sådan tilbyder vi den bedste rådgivning og support, uanset hvilken teknologi du bruger i øjeblikket. Vores kendskab til markedet bruges til vores kunders fordel og evaluerer og præsenterer den rigtige teknologi til dine behov. Kvalitet er en iboende del af vores servicelevering; Vi har strenge kontroller til at overvåge og måle vores præstationsniveauer.

Sem/eds analysis laboratories by MicroVision Laboratories, Inc.


Ftir analysis company with We are proud to announce that MicroVision Labs is now accredited to the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard. This represents over a year of diligent effort from all of our staff to verify and validate our in house SOP’s and transform our quality management system to one that is compliant to this international standard. This certification requires that accredited labs demonstrate that they are competent and can produce technically valid data and results unlike other certifications such as ISO 9001:2015. This represents an obvious value to our clients.

The profile of the flow of the solder at these bonds was documented using the SEM with backscatter imaging, which correlates brightness in the image with atomic density. Some voids were found in the solder as shown the SEM image. An EDS spectrum of the solder was acquired which showed that the solder was a tin/lead (80/20) solder. The EDS map clearly shows the copper wire and copper pad (red) with the tin lead solder (light blue) that appears to have flowed well and made a good bond between the copper elements. This map also shows the fiberglass bundles that add structural integrity to the board. See more details on sem/eds.

Dust samples were analyzed using polarized light microscopy (PLM) to provide percentages of the particle types present in the samples. MVL was able to determine that there was significant loading of glass fibers in the dust samples with the likely source being contractor’s work in the attic which involved disturbing the fiberglass insulation. The image on the right shows a few distinct glass fibers with a binder material adhered to them, consistent with fiberglass insulation.

Do you do any animal testing? No. Do you analyze any tissue samples or blood samples? No. We do not do any blood analyses and we are not set up to prepare tissue samples. What are some of the cool samples you have looked at under the scanning electron microscope? We have seen 10,000 year old Wolly Mammoth hair, meteorites, an artificial heart valve, civil war bullets, insulin pumps, rare colonial coins, a kidney stone, and a few things we can’t talk about. But some of the more mundane samples, like wood or salt crystals, have proven to be extremely interesting subjects to image.

MicroVision Labs uses a brand new comprehensive LUMOS micro-IR that combines standard optical and polarized light microscopy. It also has sophisticated automation for a variety of IR spectral measurement techniques. Our LUMOS system is the first of its kind to be commissioned in the US and allows for particles down to 5um in diameter to be examined. This new instrument increases our ability to provide quality organic spectroscopy and enables sample mapping using special IR features with full automation for feature identification with quantifiable, traceable spectral measurement. See even more info on this website.

The SEM was used to examine the crystal morphology, and the EDS spectrum showed primarily carbon and oxygen, with small amounts of nitrogen and phosphorous. This indicated an organic material as the primary component. Because the SEM-EDS analysis showed the material was primarily a carbon based organic crystalline material, a Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) examination was performed on the suspect material. This analysis provides necessary information about the functional groups of the organic material in order to identify the unknown organic.

Fiber laser marking machine manufacturer with


Laser metal cutting machine online shopping with HiSpeedLaser? It is a laser cutting process, so do not forget to wear safety glasses. The laser beams are a kind of light, so do not put any reflective object besides your laser machine. Do the operation with caution. Put your object on the working stage, and point out the marking using the software. Check out if the laser gun is at the zero references or not. If your object is 20mm thick, put up your laser gun 20 mm above the zero references.

One of the best advantages of using this machine is that it can cut all the solid materials. On the other hand, its production efficiency is very high. Moreover, it is safe and reliable. Price is comparatively, not expensive. After all, the CO2 laser engraver machine is always energy-saving and best for environmental protection. CO2 laser marking/engraving machine is typically an automated machine. CNC or computer numeric control is the device that controls the whole mechanism. In this case, you can quickly draw your design on the CAD software and convert them into the CNC software. The machine will engrave accordingly, depending on the model you provided. The remarkable example of CO2 laser engraver machines is Ten-High 40W, Orion motor tech 40W, QIILU mini 1500mW, Mophorn 40W, Suncoo 40W, etc.

Hispeed Laser Technology Ltd. is a laser marking machine manufacturer established to produce and supply laser marking machines and provides laser marking solutions. Hispeed Lasers have exported to more than 60 countries of various industries and manufactureres worldwide,delivering the highest quality product with unsurpassed care and customer service. Discover even more information on

Fiber laser marking machine, also called laser labeling machine works by generating contrast of the materials or work-pieces to convey information. The color change is a typical process with the marking of the fiber laser. In this case, the laser beam hits the surface of the materials and changes the contrast. Thus, depending on the frequency of the laser beam, the colors of the design depends. Before understanding the Fiber laser marking machine working principle, we must know what the speed of the marking, Power of the energy source, frequency of the beam, and hatches of the drawings are. Speed and Power are effortless to understand. Beam Frequency is the density of the focused beam generally counted in KHz. Hatch leaves a line pattern in the marking.

What is the laser marking ? The term laser marking is a generic term. It stands for a collection of a broad of range of surfacing processing techniques, such as printing, hot-branding and laser bonding. In the course of laser marking, a focused beam of light will give permanent marks on the veneer of parts or materials. Plus, the marks won’t be worn away over the elapse of time. Other than surface alternation, the technology laser marking also leads to the change in the color, which can be attributed to the chemical/molecular alteration, charring, foaming, melting, ablation, etc. The technique does not neither involve the use of inks, nor the use of tool bits which directly contact the materials surface and abrades over time. The laser marking arguably holds an advantage over alternative engraving or marking technology, in which inks or tool bits have to be replaced regularly. Find more information on

Manufacturing execution system (MES) crypto token and MesChain App


Manufacturing execution system (MES) chain and MesChain reward earning system? Cryptocurrency ecosystem continues to improve and application areas are increasing rapidly.There are manyareas and industries, where digital currency is used and implementation areas continue to grow daily.You are going to find out more about MesChain’s structure, operation and aims, MES systems, blockchain, tructure and aims of MES Token, roadmap, team information and ICO details in this whitepaper.

MES systems are indispensable in small scale and bespoke manufacturing. APS programs are more suitable for large-scale production. There is no sharp deviation from the production program due to the nature of manufacturing since it is fixed. All this system allow storing detailed material accounting, accounting for equipment operation and personnel costs, and the collection of existing data on the manufacturing status and transfer to the planning system or ERP system. It also makes revisions in manufacturing program; improve production control efficiency; product manufacturing, planning, and reporting, monitoring the content and transfer of the documents taking into account external (eg. changes in demand) and internal factors (eg. delays in raw material supply). Market studies show that MES systems are adapted to countless situations defined as discrete (custom) processes, batch (continuous) and continuous manufacturing processes.

While the system is operating at full power, it can disinfect an average area of ??576m2. The charging time of this system is an average of 1 hour, while it is fully charged and at full power, it can disinfect the area of ??576m2 for an average of 5 hours. The charging time can be extended by adjusting the UVC rays in the system according to the ambient size. When someone approaches the device while UVC rays are active, the system turns off the UVC rays thanks to the sensors and gives a warning to the approaching person. With 4 cameras on it, environmental images are controlled by the computer. Movement control of the device is done with 4 different methods. With the android software we prepared, via tablet or phone application, With the software we have prepared based on PC, it can be controlled both by camera and with the help of sensors. Find additional details on

The overall approach is to increase the possibilities for automation. Companies can use this technology to program how to carry out and track specific operations dynamically. It also allows for sales administration duties so that the best prices for each item are automatically calculated based on delivery times to ensure accurate estimates and invoices. This structure gives a business multiple advantages because of the MES algorithm. Companies can create their manufacturing model, track raw materials, and address quality standards in one location. Quality management, data collection, and statistical analysis become centralized to reduce time and labor requirements. It even has the capacity to control internal electronic documents to reduce administrative commitments.

Embrace volatility – Cryptocurrencies are famously volatile. The price of Bitcoin, for example, went from $3,000 down to $2,000 and then leapt up to nearly $5,000, all within three months in 2017. Whilst this means risk is high, it also means the potential for profit is great too. It’s always sensible to check the volatility of the exchange you decide to go with. Understand blockchain – You don’t need to understand the technical complexities, but a basic understanding will help you respond to news and announcements that may help you predict future price movements. It is essentially a continuously growing list of secure records (blocks). Cryptography secures the interactions and then stores them publicly. They serve as a public ledger, cutting out intermediaries such as banks.

Manufacturing Execution System (MES), MesChain manufacturing automation systems and optimization of manufacturing activities initiate, monitor, optimize, and documents manufacturing processes from the beginning of the assignment to the manufacturing of end products in real-time. Activate manufacturing facilities, Gather manufacturing information, Monitor manufacturing capacity, Monitor and control quality parameters. Provide the personnel and equipment necessary to initiate the manufacturing process. Ensure communication between personnel and equipment in manufacturing. Discover additional details at MES Token.

High quality ultrasonic fuel level sensor online shopping


Top ultrasonic fuel level sensor online store? The Liquid Level Controller is attached to the outside of the tank. Non-contact detection of tank liquid level. Liquid Level Controller supports liquid level alarm, fault alarm, and 485, Modbus, 4-20mA, FoundationFieldBus, PROFIBUS or Hart. Liquid Level Controller is installed outside the tank. The HS-ULC-Pro Liquid Level Controller works based on the principle of ultrasonic waves, and is also called “externally attached liquid level switch. It is mainly used to detect the liquid level of the storage tank, and its sensor (digital probe) acts on the outer wall of the storage tank. It supports upper and lower limit alarms, tanks Body temperature display or monitor whether there is liquid in the pipeline. Liquid Level Controller is suitable for liquid level process control in the pharmaceutical, petroleum, chemical, electric power and other industries.

The advantages of ultrasonic liquid level gauge are very outstanding. It is mainly reflected in the following aspects : Adopt non-contact measurement. It is not easily affected by the viscosity and density of the liquid. Of course, the ultrasonic liquid level gauge also has its own limitations and insurmountable defects. Specifically, it is mainly manifested in: There is a blind spot in the ultrasonic liquid level measurement. The dead zone is the area where the meter cannot measure. During the transmission of ultrasonic pulses, a small area near the ultrasonic transducer usually cannot receive sound waves. The blind zone where sound waves cannot be received is related to the measurement distance of ultrasonic waves. Generally speaking, the smaller the measurement distance, the smaller the blind zone. The larger the measurement distance, the larger the blind zone.

Due to the non-contact measurement, the measured medium is almost unlimited. It can be widely used to measure the height of various liquid and solid materials. The ultrasonic liquid level transmitter is composed of three parts: ultrasonic transducer, processing unit and output unit. Read more details at external level switch.

Calibrate the outer wall of the probe. There is no need to open holes for the container to be tested, easy to install, and does not affect production. It can accurately measure the level of various toxic substances, strong acids, strong alkalis and various pure liquids in high-pressure airtight containers. The HS-2000 External Mounted Ultrasonic Tank Level Sensor has no special requirements for the material of the liquid medium and the container. The explosion-proof design is adopted to meet the explosion-proof requirements. Auto-calibration function : With self-calibration function. It overcomes the problem of reduced accuracy after long-term use of traditional liquid level gauges.

Ultrasonic level switch is installed outside the tank. No need to open holes in the tank. Non-Contact Measure. The ideal choice for tank level monitoring. Ultrasonic Level Switch, External Mounted (referred to as “external level switch”) is a new type of level measurement alarm device. Ultrasonic Level Switch is mainly used to detect the liquid level of the storage tank. It can realize the upper and lower limit alarm or monitor whether there is liquid in the pipeline (dry protection). The material of the storage tank can be various metals, non-metals or non-foamed plastics. The wall thickness can be Up to 70mm. Find even more details on this website.

Solar power system supplier by


Solar panels supplier from Cetcsolarpv? A generator for home use will require one of three fuel types: gasoline, diesel, or propane. (Note: you’ll also find duel-fuel generators.) Propane is by far the cleanest burning and it is also the safest to transport. A gasoline or diesel generator often stinks, even when not running. A propane generator does not. If your house has a propane tank, it may be possible to feed the generator directly from it. The downside to a propane generator is there are fewer models available. They’re also a little more temperamental to start because they require priming by opening for the gas and letting it flow for a few seconds.

Among all the benefits of solar panels, the most important thing is that solar energy is a truly renewable energy source. It can be harnessed in all areas of the world and is available every day. We cannot run out of solar energy, unlike some of the other sources of energy. Solar energy will be accessible as long as we have the sun, therefore sunlight will be available to us for at least 5 billion years when according to scientists the sun is going to die.

Solar cells, 2.5mm tempered glass, split design junction box and cables are main components for Double glass solar panel, with high PID resistant. We always produce double glass solar panel with the newest solar panel technology. We can supply 60cells and 72cells type double glass Solar Panel. Power 295W,300W,305W,310W is popular. All solar panels have got CE, TUV, SGS, INMETRO Certificates. Fast delivery service. Packing with good quality carton box and pallet for export. OEM ,ODM service is acceptable. Find additional info at custom solar power system.

How much does a single solar panel cost? At the time of this writing, the installed cost of solar panels was between $7-$9 per watt: A 5 kW system would cost around $25,000-$35,000. Many utility companies offer incentives, and some subsidize as much as 50% of system costs.

Between early 2014 and 2017, the price of stationary lithium batteries has fallen by more than 40 percent. This trend is expected to continue. Furthermore, the end of February saw the introduction of a new funding programme that will continue until 2018. These are good reasons for investing in a solar battery. What size to choose depends on the building’s electricity demand and the size of your solar generator. Lithium batteries currently cost about 1,000 euros per kilowatt hour, lead batteries about 500 to 600 euros (net prices for end customers). However: In a private residence, having a storage unit without a solar generator makes very little sense. This can be different for commercial enterprises.

Zhejiang JEC New Energy Technology Co., Ltd (CETC SOLAR) specializes in design, construction, operation and maintenance for distributed PV power station and environmental PV system. Our main products are solar panel, inverters, solar systems. Solar Products have acquired TUV, CE, SGS, CQC and INMETRO cetrificate. We have passed the international quality system certification: ISO9001, ISO14001 and ISO17025. We also have the professional qualification of building electrical and mechanical installation engineering, specializing in the design, construction and operation and maintenance of distributed solar power plants, with professional system design capabilities. Read additional info at

iPhone repair providers Colorado Springs by Skinitfixit


First, assess the damage, and that means getting your phone on a solid surface and in a good light, not just giving it a quick once-over before stuffing it back in your pocket. With a little bit of stress testing and careful prodding you should be able to work out whether the screen is about to fall off or fail completely. In a lot of cases it will stay in place, cracks and all, so you can at least keep tweeting, so long as the screen is still visible and functioning. The name of the game here is, “hold out until I’m eligible for an upgrade.” If you want to keep using the cracked phone, and don’t want to risk losing glass or slicing up your fingers, cover the screen with a layer of packing tape. Line everything up carefully and trim it with an X-acto knife and it may look almost like a real screen protector.

Longer lifetime for you Huawei or other mobile phone brands? Every time you charge, you’re getting closer to your battery’s eventual demise. More importantly, a dead battery can ruin your day when you don’t have any means to charge it. Here are a few things you can do to stop your battery from draining faster than necessary.

After you have your phone repaired maybe it’s time to buy a better screen protection ? Even if you’re careful not to damage your screen, it will still be exposed to scratches and falls just through everyday use. That’s why the folks over at Tech21 use self-healing technology in many of their screen protectors, helping to smooth over any scratches your phone may get. Working in tandem with what Tech21 calls Bulletshield, an impact-resistant material used in bulletproof glass, your screen will be thoroughly protected.

If you cracked your screen during your manufacturer’s warranty period, you should be able to get it fixed for free and within a few hours’ time. (Bear in mind, though, that the standard limited warranties of many manufacturers, such as Apple and Samsung, do not cover accidents.) Out-of-warranty screen repairs cost upwards of $100. endors such as uSell, Glyde and Gazelle will buy your phone so you can get a new one, but be aware that damaged phones will only get you about 50 percent of what the device was originally worth. But this is amateur stuff, i recommend to see a professional. See extra info on Phone repair.

The growth of a tech influencer : Matthew Najar


Matthew Najar or the growth of a crypto technology leader? Governments in major economies are encouraging financial technology (fintech) innovation with regulatory and advisory initiatives designed to accelerate the availability of online payment solutions and other financial services for businesses. The initiatives generally aim to attract innovative fintech companies and help them operate in the regulated financial sector, while ensuring adequate financial protection for customers.

Matthew Najar believes without new FinTech initiatives, we will stall: “FinTech, blockchain certainly included, is critical for our generation to solve inherent financial system issues and progress forward”.

The U.K. has also been encouraging fintechs in other ways, and other countries including Australia and the U.S. are adopting some of the same approaches. For example, the U.K. Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) operates an “innovation hub” designed to help new and established businesses from the U.K and other countries introduce innovative financial services. The hub provides a dedicated team that helps fintechs understand the regulatory regime and apply for authorization to offer financial services; its role also includes identifying areas where the regulatory framework needs to be adapted to enable further innovation.

National banking licenses would increase fintechs’ ability to operate across the U.S. without requiring state-by-state permission or partnerships with established banks. This could increase competition in banking and also make it easier for technology firms to offer new online payments solutions or other services. In a speech, Thomas J. Curry, the OCC’s chief officer, listed three reasons for moving forward with the long-discussed plan to issue a national charter for fintechs. First, it’s in the public interest to make new innovative services available. Second, fintechs should have the opportunity to become national banks if they wish to do so. And third, it helps ensure that all financial institutions operate on a level, nationally regulated playing field. As Curry pointed out, the reality today is that many fintechs are already competing with national and state banks — but “without regard to any of the national bank responsibilities and under a patchwork of supervision.” The agency said it would collect public comment before moving farther.

Are Cryptocurrency wallets secure? Wallets are secure to varying degrees. The level of security depends on the type of wallet you use (desktop, mobile, online, paper, hardware) and the service provider. A web server is an intrinsically riskier environment to keep your currency compared to offline. Online wallets can expose users to possible vulnerabilities in the wallet platform which can be exploited by hackers to steal your funds. Offline wallets, on the other hand, cannot be hacked because they simply aren’t connected to an online network and don’t rely on a third party for security.

Though many experts agree that the OCC’s move could encourage innovation, some warned that implementing inadequate regulation might weaken consumer protection and even harm small businesses by allowing practices such as predatory lending. The EU has also begun an effort to encourage fintech innovation across Europe, establishing a Financial Technology Task Force in 2016.

They are one of the safest and most reliable means of payment. In a world where there are a lot of scammers and looters, we all need to trade in the safest way possible. The cryptocurrencies provide us with that security that makes them an important source of investment now and in the future.

Signing up for a Coinbase account is easy, though you will need to provide some form of identification. That may involve sending a copy of your photo ID and potentially also sending a live image of your face using a webcam. These rules are important to follow as they allow the site(s) to comply with ‘know-your-customer’ regulations. Although Coinbase alone will allow you to buy and sell Bitcoin, it’s also worth signing up to its linked exchange platform, Coinbase Pro, which will give you greater control over your purchases.

Now, I know this may sound obvious but it’s important for you to have a clear purpose for getting into cryptocurrency trade. Whether your purpose is to day trade or to scalp, you need to have a purpose for starting to trade cryptos. Trading digital currencies is a zero-sum game; you need to realize that for every win, there is a corresponding loss:. Someone wins; someone else loses. The cryptocurrency market is controlled by the large ‘whales’, pretty much like the ones that place thousands of Bitcoins in the market order books. And can you guess what these whales do best? They have patience; they wait for innocent traders like you and me to make a single mistake that lands our money to their hands due to avoidable mistakes.

Speaking of the last few points, realize that crypto tends to be pattern based and tends to go in cycles. See “the cryptocurrency rotation” and “market cycles” for an in-depth look at what this means. You want to be in a coin before it starts its rotation, and then laddering out as its rotation ends. Likewise, in a perfect world you want to be in for the bull part of a market cycle, and out for the bear part. Near impossible to spot these trends in advance, but with experience you should be able to spot them as they occur and manage your positions accordingly.