Category: Nutrition

Süßholzextrakt online-shop heute


Qualität Süßholzextrakt online-shop für nahrungsergänzungsmittel: Für den Erwerb der Premium-Produkte haben unsere Zulieferfabriken die modernsten und modernsten Geräte der Welt verwendet: HPLC und Metalldetektor in Labor- und Produktionslinien. Zu unseren Produkten gehören: Süßholzextrakt-Pulver, Süßholzextrakt-Nuggets, Süßholzextrakt-Blöcke, Süßholzextrakt-Granulat und viele verwandte Produkte. Unterstützt die Nebennierenfunktion: Süßholzwurzel enthält Verbindungen, die helfen können, die Produktion von Cortisol, einem von den Nebennieren produzierten Hormon, zu regulieren. Dies kann helfen, Stress abzubauen und das Energieniveau zu verbessern. Lesen meht information auf Süßholzextrakt-Pulver.

Nutzen für die Gesundheit: Süßholzwurzeltee wird in der traditionellen Medizin für verschiedene Zwecke verwendet. Zu den potenziellen gesundheitlichen Vorteilen, die Süßholzwurzeltee zugeschrieben werden, gehören die Linderung von Verdauungsproblemen, die Unterstützung der Gesundheit der Atemwege und seine entzündungshemmenden Eigenschaften. Es ist jedoch wichtig zu beachten, dass die wissenschaftliche Forschung zu diesen potenziellen Vorteilen noch im Gange ist und nicht alle Behauptungen schlüssig bewiesen wurden. Verdauungsunterstützung: Süßholzwurzeltee wird häufig verwendet, um Verdauungsbeschwerden wie Verdauungsstörungen, Sodbrennen und Magengeschwüre zu lindern. Es wird angenommen, dass es eine leicht abführende Wirkung hat und zur Förderung einer gesunden Darmschleimhaut beitragen kann.

Die Green Herbs GmbH ist ein sehr zuverlässiger Lieferant von Lakritzpulver, -blöcken, -nuggets und -granulaten. Die Green Herbs GmbH als Lieferant fühlt sich sowohl soziokulturell als auch gesundheitlich-ökologisch verantwortlich und verpflichtet sich, die Anforderungen und Anliegen der Kunden zu erfüllen. Wir bieten hervorragende Qualität zu wettbewerbsfähigen Marktpreisen in europäischen Ländern wie Deutschland, Frankreich, Niederlande, Italien und anderen Teilen der Welt. Die hochmodernen Labors, HPLC-Analysen und -Tests unserer Hauptlieferanten gewährleisten die Qualität, Sicherheit und Güte aller unserer Produkte. Lesen meht einzelheiten auf

Lakritzextrakt-Granulat wird aus der Lakritzpflanze (Glycyrrhiza glabra) gewonnen und wird aufgrund seines ausgeprägten Geschmacks häufig in der Lebensmittel- und Süßwarenindustrie verwendet. Süßholzextrakt wird durch Kochen der Pflanzenwurzel und anschließendes Verdampfen des Wassers gewonnen, um die gewünschten Verbindungen zu konzentrieren. Süßholzextrakt-Granulat hat typischerweise eine dunkelbraune bis schwarze Farbe, ähnlich der Farbe der Süßholzwurzel, aus der es gewonnen wird. Die Körnchen sind klein und haben eine leicht unregelmäßige Form, die an grobe Kristalle oder kleine Körnchen erinnert. Die Textur von Lakritzextrakt-Granulat kann je nach Produkt und Herstellungsprozess variieren. Sie können leicht klebrig bis trocken und fließfähig sein.

Lakritzextrakt-Granulat wird in der Süßwarenindustrie häufig verwendet, um verschiedenen süßen Leckereien einen unverwechselbaren Lakritzgeschmack zu verleihen. Hier sind einige Möglichkeiten, wie Lakritzextrakt-Granulat in Süßwaren eingearbeitet werden kann: Lakritzbonbons: Lakritzextrakt-Granulat kann in Bonbonformulierungen eingemischt werden, um klassische Lakritzbonbons herzustellen. Dazu können Lakritzdrehungen, -seile, -bissen oder Hartbonbons mit einem zähen Lakritzkern gehören. Schokolade: Lakritze-Extrakt-Granulat kann Schokoladenkonfekten zugesetzt werden, um ihnen einen subtilen Lakritzgeschmack zu verleihen. Sie können in Schokoriegel, Trüffel oder mit Schokolade überzogene Lakritzprodukte eingearbeitet werden.

Es ist jedoch wichtig zu beachten, dass der Verzehr von Lakritze zwar potenzielle Vorteile mit sich bringt, aber auch negative Auswirkungen auf die Herzgesundheit haben kann, insbesondere wenn er in großen Mengen oder in bestimmten Bevölkerungsgruppen konsumiert wird. Die in Lakritze enthaltene Glycyrrhizin-Verbindung kann einen Anstieg des Blutdrucks verursachen, indem sie die Hormonregulierung beeinflusst, was zu Natriumretention und Kaliumverlust führt. Dies kann für Personen mit hohem Blutdruck oder Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen problematisch sein. Darüber hinaus kann übermäßiger Verzehr von Lakritze, insbesondere in Form von schwarzen Lakritzbonbons oder Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln, zu einer Erkrankung namens „Pseudoaldosteronismus“ oder „Süßholz-induzierter Hypertonie“ führen. Dieser Zustand ist durch Symptome wie hoher Blutdruck, niedriger Kaliumspiegel, Flüssigkeitsansammlung und Herzrhythmusstörungen gekennzeichnet.

Gluten free food store New Hartford 2023


Top rated gluten free food shopping New Hartford, New York: Peter’s Cornucopia, currently located in the New Hartford Shopping Center, announced the grand opening of their second location on October 11th in the new Live It Downtown building at 1707 Oriskany Street West in Utica. “We’re so excited to open our second location,” said Peter Corn, owner of Peter’s Cornucopia. “The new store in the Live It Downtown building is not only convenient for people coming to the gym, but it will also attract folks from the Utica and surrounding areas that perhaps have never been to our New Hartford location.” See additional information at natural grocers New Hartford.

French green lentils are smaller and darker than common green lentils and appear slightly speckled on the surface. This variety of lentil remains especially firm and requires an extended cooking time of approximately 40 minutes. Puy lentils are grown in a specific region of central France and have a notable mineral flavor. Yellow lentils are sweet and nutty and have a reddish interior flesh. These lentils break down when you cook them and work well in dips, purees such as Indian dal, and dishes that require thickening.

Like many legumes, cranberry beans are a good source of protein and other dietary needs. They are high in fiber: 1 cup (about 177 grams) has 17.7 grams of dietary fiber, or around 71% of the recommend Daily Value (DV) according to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). These beans are also low in calories, with only 241 calories in a 1-cup serving. That portion also offers about 16.5 grams of protein and has less than 1 gram of fat.

Farmers in the United States – the No. 4 chickpea exporter – planted fewer chickpeas this year as poor weather bogged down spring planting and they prioritized more lucrative commodity crops like wheat and corn, government data shows. Meanwhile, top buyers from South Asia and the Mediterranean are trying to scoop up dwindling U.S. stocks as supplies shrink worldwide and as the war between Russia and Ukraine – both producers of chickpeas – exacerbates disruptions to global supply chains.

India is an exporter of kabuli chickpeas, so Canada has one less competitor, at least for the next few months. Seeding of the new crop is now underway in India and will proceed through December. He estimates current stocks are no more than 20,000 to 25,000 tonnes and new crop supplies won’t start to arrive for two to three months. Prices are high, which is limiting consumption of the crop in India and abroad. Large calibre kabulis are selling for US$1,550 to $1,600 per tonne. Read even more details at

What is Rosehip good for? Rosehip is a good cure for hip and knee problems. It is good for your immune system, and it helps in stabilising your fat metabolism. If used properly, Rosehip can be pretty good for joint related issues and bladder infections. Migraine and nerves related problems can also be solved with the help of Rosehip. To minimise iron loss from your body, Rosehip can be a useful factor. Rosehip is one amazing source of Vitamin C. However, during the drying and the processing procedure, most of the Vitamin C content is destroyed. There are many ways to extract vitamin C from rosehip. The most common methods are cold pressing and solvent extraction. Cold pressing is the process of extracting oil from rosehip without the use of chemicals or heat. This results in a purer form of vitamin C that is more easily absorbed by the body. Solvent extraction uses chemicals to extract vitamin C from rosehip. This process can damage the vitamin C, making it less effective. Rosehip oil that has been extracted using the cold press method is superior to other forms of vitamin C because it is more potent and easier for the body to absorb.

Erectile dysfunction pills for men to get hard USA right now


Hard steel sex pill from HardSteelUsa: The ingredients formulated for Hard Steel Pill advantage are guaranteed to give you all the confidence in knowing that you will always reach peak sexual performance. As you continue to use the product, your penis may increase in girth and length over time. Hard Steel is 100% All Natural, no pharmaceutical grade ingredients or prescription based inclusions. Epimedium Brevicornum Derivative (EBD) based formulation is a proprietary development for Hard Steel that focuses on sexual performance enhancement, peak erection, increased testosterone, and libido enlargement. It utilizes muscle energy and nitric oxide boosters to speed up nutrient delivery to the muscle groups that need it the most. It also contains a compound known as icariin which contributes to the increase in urges and desires you will experience when taking Hard Steel. See more info at eliminate dry pussy.

These functions are enabled through 10 supreme ingredients that supply nutrients essential for men sexual health with no side effects and dramatically improves sexual stimulation. Hard Steel Honey provides you with amazing confidence due to the original proprietary formulation of our Hard Steel Male Enhancement. Sometimes, men have difficulties in sustaining an erection for long periods and that is often due to low libido properties that contributes to blood flow. Here’s a guarantee, your sexual performance will improve dramatically and you will develop an extreme amount of confidence during sex.

Muira Puama – Is derived from the bark of a tree or its roots. This small tree is native to the Amazonian region of South America and has a plethora of uses among the indigenous peoples of the Amazon, including the following: adaptogen, alopecia (applied topically for hair loss), anorexia, antinociceptive, antioxidant, aphrodisiac, ataxia, beri beri (vitamin deficiency disease), debility, digestive problems, dysentery, fatigue, impotence, neurasthenia, nerve tonic, rheumatism, stimulant, tonic (adding bark decoction to a bath), paralysis, and tremors (Quattrocchi, 2012; Piato et al., 2010; Berdonces, 2009; Duke et al., 2009; Taylor, 2005; Rutter, 1990). Muira puama is an important ingredient of “catuama”, a medicinal poly-herbal combination used in South America, also composed of guaraná (Paullinia cupana), ginger (Zingiber officinale), and Trichilia catigua (Quattrocchi, 2012). One of the main active ingredients in muira puama is an alkaloid known as muirapuamine (Lorenzi and Matos, 2008).

Ginkgo biloba is a popular herbal supplement in traditional Chinese medicine. According to some older research and animal studies, it may treat various issues, including sexual concerns like ED and low libido. This is because it can raise blood levels of nitric oxide, which aids blood flow by promoting the expansion of blood vessels. The potential nitric oxide-boosting effects of ginkgo biloba appear to be stronger in animals and humans with conditions associated with decreased production, such as heart disease. When combined with other compounds like L-arginine, zinc, and Tribulus terrestris, supplements containing ginkgo biloba have been shown to improve libido and sexual function.

High quality erectile dysfunction pills for men to get hard provider today: What is the HARD STEEL challenge? We are so confident that our Hard Steel formulation is so much more advanced than any other male enhancement, that we challenge you to compare the labels and find a male enhancement supplement that can match the potency, quality and dosages of Hard Steel. The science behind HARD STEEL Original Formulated, is so advanced that the results you experience will be unparallel to give you the best sexual stimulation and improve your sexual performance. If you enjoy an extra sexual boost or even suffer from erectile dysfunction, see for yourself how dramatically different your life will be with Hard Steel Male Enhancement Pills. Discover additional information at why men use sex pills.

Good for the heart: The effects of cordyceps to improve the heart is becoming increasingly apparent. In fact, cordyceps are approved in China for the treatment of arrhythmia, a condition where the heartbeat is either too slow, too fast or irregular. Researches attributed the benefits to the adenosine content, a naturally occurring compound that has heart-protective effects that is found in cordyceps. Studies have also shown that cordyceps help to lower total cholesterol and triglycerides. Buildup of cholesterol in the arteries and triglycerides, a type of fat found in the blood that can lead to heart diseases.

Here are some of the factors that could diminish the libido for women: hormonal imbalances: the period preceding menopause, can cause hormonal changes that will lead to a marked lack of interest in sexual activity. There may also be discomforts that occur during sexual contact due to decreased ability of vaginal tissues to lubricate the area. Depression and chronic stress: When you feel depressed or stressed, your libido can decrease greatly.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, desire disorders involve a lack of sexual desire or interest in sex, while arousal disorders involve wanting sex but struggling to get your body in the mood. It’s important to remember there’s a difference between wanting to have sex and being physically aroused. It’s possible to feel physically aroused without wanting to act on that feeling. Just because someone shows signs of sexual arousal doesn’t mean they want to have sex — nor does it mean they consent to having sex.

HARD STEEL ORIGINAL FORMULATED MALE ENHANCEMENT uses palm oil that already contains significant amounts of saturated fats providing abundant stearic acid. This is recognized as a pure USP-grade magnesium stearate derived from non-hydrogenated, non-GMO, non-irradiated palm oil that contains no trans-fat. Stearate is one of the major saturated fatty acids in mammals and is acquired through two pathways: 1) dietary fat absorption and 2) de novo lipogenesis (our bodies make it from other dietary fats). Stearic acid may be converted to oleic acid (omega-9 fatty acid) in mammals; which of course does not happen in a test tube study. Oleic acid is considered a healthy fat, and is a major component of olive oil. Read additional info on

Top rated supplement for hard erection online shop US: If not previously done, some basic studies should be considered to identify unrecognized systemic conditions that may predispose to erectile dysfunction. These include a complete blood count, urinalysis, renal function, lipid profile, fasting blood sugar, and thyroid function. Hormone testing for prolactin and testosterone the male hormone should be done. Erectile Dysfunction can be Psychogenic, Neurogenic or Vasculogenic. In order to identify a potential cause, a Penile Doppler Ultrasound testing is often employed. As ED is due to vasculogenic reasons in 50-70% individuals, the test serves to identify arterial or venous abnormalities which contribute to the same. The test is done by injecting a small quantity say 2ml of vasodialting agent such as Papaverine into the cavernosa. The Peak Systolic Velocity and The End Diastolic Velocities are noted.

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Apple Cider Vinegar Detox For Weight Loss online shop Singapore right now: As we began the process of building an online presence, we learnt to listen to what our customers had to say, and we implemented changes based on those suggestions. For example, we had conducted user interviews for our website and learned that the existing site and the sales funnel process was complicated. So, we redesigned it to provide a more streamlined customer experience. Some of the options we added included a free shipping bar to increase purchases and implemented a social accounts login to allow easier access for customers. Now, as we are well into 2022, we look back to how far we have come, and we are working harder to improve our overall customer experience. Find extra information at best turmeric supplement in Singapore.

Omega-3 fatty acids are recommended as part of a healthy diet because they are believed to play a role in cancer prevention and also support the health of the heart, eyes, and brain. The best sources of omega-3 are foods like fatty fish and some nuts and seeds, but fish oil supplements can also help you to meet your needs. When looking for the best fish oil supplement, consider Nano Singapore Ultimate Omega. The soft gels are made from the highest quality ingredients, contain potent omega-3s, and are easy to take with no fishy aftertaste. They have a fresh lemon taste and are made from 100% wild-caught sardines and anchovies.

Remember that this is a lifestyle and not a diet. Diets end. And when they do, you go back to what you did before, which means you gain back the weight. Incorporate changes into your life that are permanent. Reward yourself. As you meet your goals, choose non-food ways to reward yourself. Buy yourself a new outfit, go watch the latest movie or splurge on a spa session. Don’t mind the scale. As people begin new exercise and food regimens, your weight may very well increase for a while. This is because you are gaining muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. Pay attention to how your clothes fit and how much you better you feel for at least the first few months.

Many essential oils have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-fungal properties that help to boost your immune system and fight infections. The chemical substances found in the oils, such as terpenes, esters, phenolics, ethers and ketones, have the potential to fight foreign pathogens that can threaten your health. Some of the best essential oils for your immunity include oregano, myrrh, ginger, lemon, eucalyptus, frankincense, peppermint (or Mentha piperita) and cinnamon. Studies have shown that essential oils effectively destroy several fungal, viral and bacterial pathogens, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Helicobacter pylori and Candida albicans infections. Because antibiotic resistance is becoming such a major threat in modern health care, using these oils as a form of independent or combination therapy can help to fight bacterial infections in a safer and more natural way.

In 1994, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act sharply restricted the FDA’s ability to regulate products marketed as “dietary supplements,” even though most people buy them for health, not nutrition. Manufacturers can sell these products without submitting evidence of their purity, potency, safety, or efficacy. For most claims made on product labels, the law does not require evidence that the claim is accurate or truthful. In fact, the FDA’s first opportunity to weigh in comes only after a product is marketed, when it can take action against products that are adulterated, misbranded, or likely to produce injury or illness. Since nearly all supplements are used without medical supervision or monitoring, most of the estimated 50,000 adverse reactions that occur in the United States each year go unreported. It’s a situation that Harvard’s Dr. Peter Cohen has called “American roulette.”

Native to Iran, the Himalayas and northern India, the pomegranate is high in vitamins A, C, E and iron, and is often referred to as a “fruity panacea” because of its numerous health health benefits. It is an important traditional remedy in many ancient systems ofmedicine; in Ayurvedic medicine, for example, the rind of the fruit is used against diarrhoea, dysentery andintestinal parasites. It is now known that the rind contains ellagitannins that are anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-parasitic,anti-inflammatory and astringent. The medicinal applications of pomegranate, known to ancient medicalsystems for centuries, are now being validated through empirical evidence gleaned from scientific investigation. In recent years, a number of studies have surfaced which describe the therapeutic uses of pomegranate inareas such as rheumatology and cardiology. For instance, the anti-inflammatory properties of pomegranatepolyphenols have been shown to offer protection against atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.

You may recognize turmeric from your favorite Indian dish. But did you know that research suggests that curcumin (a key component of turmeric) possesses a wide range of beneficial health properties. A 2010 study that found that curcumin has anti-cancer, anti-viral, anti-arthritic and anti-inflammatory properties. Its very strong anti-inflammatory properties are seen as one of the primary drivers of these benefits. You can add turmeric to your foods if you enjoy that flavor or find a curcumin supplement that delivers around 500 miligrams daily.

Go on a detox? Still feeling bloated or constipated? People often think of diarrhoea when they hear the word ‘detox’ but the detox we are talking about is merely supporting your body’s natural cleansing process with natural enzymes, probiotics and vitamins that also help to regulate blood sugar levels. Through a detox, not only would you bring your digestive system back to it’s optimal level, it will also promote healthy skin! Nano Singapore’s 15 Day Colon Detox Formula can be purchased from while Princessa’s Detox Gummies can be purchased from

The Yahoo Shopping team loves shopping and especially appreciates the convenience of online shopping. Imagine the immediate gratification of same-day deliveries (Hello Amazon Singapore), deep savings using vouchers and credit card promotions (Hey there, Shopee and Lazada) and the smorgasbord variety of products from the WWW at your fingertips (iherb, here’s looking at you)! As avid online shoppers ourselves, we understand that it is a shopping minefield out there. That’s why we always advise shoppers to practise due caution, especially when shopping for supplements online. Yahoo Shopping spoke with a Naturopathic Nutrition Advisor from Nano Singapore, Dr John Lee who shares unreservedly the common misconceptions about dietary supplements, pitfalls of shopping for health supplements online, and expert tips on how to prevent spending truckloads of money on fake products online. We hope you benefit from his advice as much as we did.

Where to buy supplements in Singapore? Are you looking for the best online supplement companies or online vitamin stores in Singapore ? Welcome to Nano Singapore – Singapore’s Favorite Award-Winning Wellness Brand. We are the best place to buy vitamins online. Our 24/7 online supplement store is a great place to buy vitamins online. With the convenience of buying supplements online, customers prefer doing so instead of visiting vitamin stores in person and. Still searching for the best place to buy vitamins in store? Why not just buy it online and have it delivered right to your doorstep today. See even more info on

Vitamin C Supplement online store right now


Best Apple Cider Vinegar Detox For Weight Loss online store Singapore: Daily Multivitamin is a high-quality multivitamin for men and women derived from real food ingredient. While you can aim to eat a healthy, balanced diet, a multivitamin works to fill in any nutritional gaps that may occur. The signature one-a-day vitamin and mineral supplement is formulated with B vitamins for energy support, vitamins C and E to promote immune function, and 10 micrograms of vitamin D to help maintain healthy bones. The product is versatile and can be used by men or women of any age, although it may not be optimal for those over 55, and pregnant women should always take a prenatal. It can be taken any time of day and is gentle enough to be taken on an empty stomach. Find more information on

Snack away: Snacks are not necessarily bad. Very small snacks of nutrient-dense foods can help you feel full all day long and can help you from over-eating at a mealtime. Choose a few almonds, a small apple or some chia pudding for a healthy snack. Use the apple rule: If you decide you’re hungry, ask yourself if you’re hungry enough to eat an apple. If the answer is “no”, then you are probably not eating because of hunger. You may be eating out of boredom, stress or thirst.

Nano Singapore is a local online wellness brand. According to the brand, it is known for its effective and affordable beauty and health supplements. It also won bronze for Best in eCommerce (Marketplace / eRetailer) – Beauty & Wellness, and silver for Best in eCommerce (Brands) – Beauty & Wellness at MARKETING-INTERACTIVE’s Asia eCommerce Awards 2021. In an interview, Dr John Lee (pictured), Naturopathic Nutrition Advisor, Nano Singapore told MARKETING-INTERACTIVE that during the pandemic, it had to work on appealing to Millennials and Gen Z, which accounted for the most purchasing power in the online market. He also shared the highs and lows of riding through the pandemic as a wellness brand.

Essential oils are composed of very small molecules that can penetrate your cells, and some compounds in essential oils can even cross the blood-brain barrier. They differ from fatty oils (like those in vegetables or nuts) that come from large molecules because they cannot penetrate your cells, so they are not therapeutic in the same manner. So, are you ready to harness the power of the world’s most proven natural therapeutic compounds? There are essential oils for hormones that may help to balance your estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, thyroid and testosterone levels. Some oils, such as clary sage, geranium and thyme, help to balance out estrogen and progesterone levels in your body, which can improve conditions like infertility and PCOS, as well as PMS and menopause symptoms. A 2017 published in Neuro Endocrinology Letters indicates that geranium and rose have the ability to influence the salivary concentration of estrogen in women. This may be helpful for women who are experiencing menopausal symptoms that are caused by declining levels of estrogen secretion. Certain oils are also able to lower cortisol levels, which can help to improve your mood and reduce symptoms of depression, and increase testosterone levels, which can improve a man’s libido.

Supplements for prevention. Vitamin D. To get vitamin D the old-fashioned way, by producing it in the skin, we need lots of sunshine. But as work has shifted from the farm to the office and as we’ve learned to use sunscreens to reduce the risk of skin cancer and wrinkles, about 70% of Americans lack sufficient amounts of the “sunshine vitamin.” Older adults, patients with chronic illnesses, and people of color are at particular risk. Vitamin D is needed to absorb calcium from the intestines; that’s why vitamin D is so important for healthy bones. But vitamin D also appears to reduce the risk of various neuromuscular problems, particularly falling, and some preliminary evidence holds out hope that good levels of vitamin D may help reduce the risk of prostate cancer and certain other malignancies and perhaps of autoimmune diseases. Current guidelines call for 600 IU (international units) a day below age 71 and 800 IU a day thereafter. But many experts recommend 800 to 1,000 IU a day for most adults; daily doses up to 4,000 IU are considered safe, but more can be toxic.

Magnesium is a naturally occurring mineral that is important for many systems in the body, especially the muscles and nerves. Magnesium citrate is used as a laxative to treat occasional constipation, and acid indigestion. Magnesium citrate is one of the most common forms of magnesium used in tablets and capsules. It is derived by bonding magnesium to citric acid. As a citrate, it has an acidic base which means primarily it has a cleansing effect on the gut as is often recommended in detoxification regimens. Some of it will pass into the bloodstream and ongoing usage may gradually restore low magnesium levels.

Plenty of data has suggested that the majority of Americans have less than optimal levels of Vitamin D. That’s not surprising — the nutrient is tough to get from food (though canned salmon, milk and sardines are all good sources), and the only other method is sunlight. If you live north of Atlanta, the sun isn’t strong enough from November to March for you to make sufficient amounts. And even when you’re outside, most people are covered with clothing and/or sunscreen. Most experts agree that supplementing with at least 1000 IUs daily is a good start.

To ease off the bloat: Festivities often mean food that is lower in fibre, high in salt and sugars, and that might result in lower bowel movement. As such, you may want to try taking probiotics as well as fruit enzymes that will help support digestion by replenishing your body’s enzymes and balance of one’s gut bacteria for optimal health and beauty. Nano Singapore’s Digestive Wellness Formula and Probiotic 40 Billion CFU can be purchased from

The Yahoo Shopping team loves shopping and especially appreciates the convenience of online shopping. Imagine the immediate gratification of same-day deliveries (Hello Amazon Singapore), deep savings using vouchers and credit card promotions (Hey there, Shopee and Lazada) and the smorgasbord variety of products from the WWW at your fingertips (iherb, here’s looking at you)! As avid online shoppers ourselves, we understand that it is a shopping minefield out there. That’s why we always advise shoppers to practise due caution, especially when shopping for supplements online. Yahoo Shopping spoke with a Naturopathic Nutrition Advisor from Nano Singapore, Dr John Lee who shares unreservedly the common misconceptions about dietary supplements, pitfalls of shopping for health supplements online, and expert tips on how to prevent spending truckloads of money on fake products online. We hope you benefit from his advice as much as we did.

Singapore is the Silicon Valley of Asia and a hotbed for innovation. At Nano Singapore, we work with leading researchers to develop the best health solutions using the latest research and scientific findings. Best Possible Ingredients: We go to great lengths to source for high quality ingredients with leading raw material suppliers globally. All ingredient choices must comply with our strict ingredients policy to be verified as safe, functional and appropriate. Quality and safety is our top priority. We required all appointed manufacturers to be FDA registered (or equivalent) and GMP certified. Read extra details at

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Hair, Skin And Nails Supplement online store with NanoSingapore: A healthy, balanced diet is the best way to get the nutrition you need; however, sometimes a supplement can be beneficial. If you have a diagnosed deficiency, follow a restrictive diet that eliminates entire food groups, or have a medical condition or take medications that interfere with nutrient absorption, you may want to consider a supplement. Additionally, some specific stages of life require increased vitamin and mineral needs, such as before and during pregnancy, and therefore supplements may be recommended. See additional info on natural appetite  suppressants.

Double the Protein: Studies have shown that people who double their lean protein level lose more weight and fat than those who keep protein at a steady level. Incorporate lean cuts of chicken, pork and beef and incorporate in every meal. Eggs are also a delicious source of protein. Start your day with a healthy breakfast: For most people, skipping breakfast simply equates to gorging later when they feel like they are starving. Make a high-protein and high-fibre breakfast a priority and you will avoid this entirely.

Nano Singapore is a local online wellness brand. According to the brand, it is known for its effective and affordable beauty and health supplements. It also won bronze for Best in eCommerce (Marketplace / eRetailer) – Beauty & Wellness, and silver for Best in eCommerce (Brands) – Beauty & Wellness at MARKETING-INTERACTIVE’s Asia eCommerce Awards 2021. In an interview, Dr John Lee (pictured), Naturopathic Nutrition Advisor, Nano Singapore told MARKETING-INTERACTIVE that during the pandemic, it had to work on appealing to Millennials and Gen Z, which accounted for the most purchasing power in the online market. He also shared the highs and lows of riding through the pandemic as a wellness brand.

Ginger essential oil, for example, is known to promote your digestive health by easing indigestion, constipation and ulcers. A study published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology found that ginger oil stimulated gastric emptying in people with indigestion. Ginger oil is also used to relieve gas, reduce nausea and ease abdominal pain. Another useful essential oil for digestion is peppermint. Research shows that peppermint oil works to provide rapid relief of IBS symptoms. In a 4-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, 72 patients with IBS received either peppermint oil or placebo. The peppermint group experienced a 40 percent reduction in total IBS symptoms after 4 weeks, which was superior to the 24 percent decrease of symptoms reported by the patients in the placebo group. After just 24 hours of using peppermint oil, the treatment group experienced a decrease in symptoms of 19.6 percent. Some other essential oils that may be helpful for digestion include fennel, lemongrass, marjoram, black pepper and juniper berry.

Everyone wants to know if supplements can help. It’s a good question. Here’s where we stand today — but you should keep an eye out for new results, since recommendations will change as scientific studies trickle in. Unfortunately, in most cases, the studies have failed to confirm our hopes, though there are exceptions. Many people take supplements in the belief that they will preserve health or ward off illness; many others use supplements in an attempt to treat specific conditions that have already developed. We’ll have a look at popular supplements in both categories, starting with preventive supplements used principally by healthy people.

Native to Iran, the Himalayas and northern India, the pomegranate is high in vitamins A, C, E and iron, and is often referred to as a “fruity panacea” because of its numerous health health benefits. It is an important traditional remedy in many ancient systems ofmedicine; in Ayurvedic medicine, for example, the rind of the fruit is used against diarrhoea, dysentery andintestinal parasites. It is now known that the rind contains ellagitannins that are anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-parasitic,anti-inflammatory and astringent. The medicinal applications of pomegranate, known to ancient medicalsystems for centuries, are now being validated through empirical evidence gleaned from scientific investigation. In recent years, a number of studies have surfaced which describe the therapeutic uses of pomegranate inareas such as rheumatology and cardiology. For instance, the anti-inflammatory properties of pomegranatepolyphenols have been shown to offer protection against atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.

Another powerful spice, cinnamon, has one of the highest antioxidant levels of any of the spices. Several studies have shown that cinnamon may improve insulin sensitivity, which improves utilization of carbohydrates and leads to better blood-sugar control. Sprinkle it in shakes, on oats, yogurt, cottage cheese or wherever you’d enjoy the added flavor. Or if you want the assurance of getting a specific dose, you can choose a supplement. Studies have shown that one gram daily (about 1/2 teaspoon) is sufficient. Note: Cinnamon comes in two varieties — Ceylon and cassia cinnamon — and the most benefits have been linked to the cassia variety. Another note: If you have blood sugar issues, exercise caution if combining cinnamon with other diabetes drugs or supplements for blood sugar control.

To burn off that piece of bak kwa: Ok, maybe not bak kwa…but you get the idea. Over-indulging in new year goodies might mean a few extra centimetres around the waist. To help kick off your metabolism, why not try raspberry ketones? They’re known to increase the natural production of Apdiponectin, which helps to break down stored fat cells while increasing metabolism and encourages the burning of fats. Of course, we haven’t forgotten about the little ones who have probably eaten one too many sweets and goodies over Chinese New Year. Moreover, cultivating healthy lifestyle habits for children can be daunting to parents while dreary to the kids themselves. As such, one solution is to introduce fun gummies such as Gumazing that are tasty and chewable.

Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are not water-soluble, and our bodies may have difficulties excreting the excess. In addition, the build-up over time can lead to toxicity. Vitamin D toxicity, for instance, may cause bone pain and kidney stones. Even water-soluble vitamins like Vitamin C can also cause side effects such as diarrhoea, nausea, and vomiting if taken in excess. Many believe that products labelled as ‘natural’ are free of ‘chemicals’. Here’s the deal – natural medicines, just like laboratory-produced products, are made up of chemicals too. This is a reminder to cast aside the preconceived notion that “natural is always better”.

The unrivalled Singapore heritage of Nano Singapore is at the heart of whom we are today. Our devotion to an all-natural approach to wellness guides the development of our products. We are proud to be natural healthcare pioneers, and we are committed to providing our consumers with well researched and innovative products, trustworthy health information, and outstanding quality. This is ensuring customers get the best that science has to offer, each and every time. Read additional details at

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Excellent Probiotics Supplements online store: Where to buy supplements in Singapore? Are you looking for the best online supplement companies or online vitamin stores in Singapore ? Welcome to Nano Singapore – Singapore’s Favorite Award-Winning Wellness Brand. We are the best place to buy vitamins online. Our 24/7 online supplement store is a great place to buy vitamins online. With the convenience of buying supplements online, customers prefer doing so instead of visiting vitamin stores in person and. Still searching for the best place to buy vitamins in store? Why not just buy it online and have it delivered right to your doorstep today. See additional details on

What has the past two years been like for you? The last two years have been incredibly rewarding as we developed Nano Singapore into an online health supplement market leader. Our mission, to help people live happier through wellness innovation, is always at the forefront of everything we do as we diligently work to position the company as a successful brand digitally. We recognised from the beginning that offline distribution channels for similar products were extremely saturated and harder for a company to manage, and a strong online presence was paramount for our success.

Low iron levels and anemia are common, especially in women. Iron is a necessary component in normal cellular growth, development, and functioning. If you are concerned, it is best to speak with your physician about your individual iron levels. Most people can get enough iron from the food they eat, but if your doctor recommends supplementing, try this option from Nano Singapore. Nano Singapore’s high-potency, slow-release tablets replenish iron levels without common gastrointestinal side effects such as nausea and abdominal discomfort. The controlled release system delivers iron to the body slowly, which is gentler on the stomach. Each easy-to-swallow pill provides 45 milligrams of elemental iron, which is equivalent to 142 milligrams of ferrous sulfate, a common form of iron.

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years in various cultures for medicinal and health purposes. Because of their antidepressant, stimulating, detoxifying, antibacterial, antiviral and calming properties, they are recently gaining popularity as a natural, safe and cost-effective therapy for a number of health concerns. There’s no wonder why, considering the high cost of healthcare bills and the side effects of conventional medications, adding such oils to your personal medicine cabinet and lifestyle can make a world of difference. This is especially true because essential oils benefits are vast and essential oils uses range from aromatherapy, household cleaning products, personal beauty care and natural medicine treatments. The particles in essential oils come from distilling or extracting the different parts of plants, including the flowers, leaves, bark, roots, resin and peels. In fact, just one drop of an essential oil can have powerful health benefits.

Calcium. All the vitamin D in the world won’t protect your bones unless you get enough calcium. In theory, diet can fill the bill, but many of us don’t consume enough dairy products and other calcium-rich foods. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of calcium for men is 1,000 milligrams (mg) before age 71 and 1,200 mg thereafter. If your diet falls short, supplements make sense; calcium carbonate and calcium citrate are best. Although many doctors routinely recommend calcium supplements for women, who have a high risk of osteoporosis, men should limit themselves to the RDA since some evidence suggests very high levels may increase the risk of prostate cancer. And a 2011 report linked calcium supplements, with or without vitamin D, to an increased risk of heart disease. It’s not a proven risk, but it underlines the need for careful study of the risks and benefits of supplements, including the popular items that “everybody knows are good for you.”

Blackcurrant: Another Super Fruit due to it’s wide array of beneficial phytonutrients. During World War 2, the blackcurrant was used as a replacement for oranges and other fruits rich in Vitamin C as they were hard to come by in the United Kingdom. Blackcurrant fruit is extraordinarily rich in Vitamin C and far superior to navel oranges – containing more than three times as much as an orange. It also contains a good amount of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin E. Blackcurrants are a great food for increasing energy and the seeds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids. Packed with Antioxiants (anthocyanins, a type of polyphenol) and Phytonutrients, a recent scientific study has revealed that the natural chemicals and compounds found in blackcurrants may help balance the impact exercise can have on the body.

This one has stood the test of time. Creatine is one of the most extensively studied nutritional supplements, both in clinical research and by real-life athletes. To date, most findings indicate one thing: Creatine works. The supplement may enhance muscle function during high-intensity exercise and cause muscle hypertrophy, likely due to increased water retention by muscle cells. Some data suggest there may be gains in muscle fiber diameter as well. Vegetarians may have a greater response to supplementation because of their limited intake of dietary creatine. While some advocate creatine loading, it isn’t necessary. Adding three to five grams per day can help improve strength or speed or help you add bulk.

Happy Yuan Xiao/Chap Goh Mei! We’re sure everyone has been enjoying the festivities and there probably many gatherings for the past couple of weeks. However, if you’re concerned about how you’ve over-indulged or you would just like to maintain some health balance, we have some tips for you and it is not the usual “just exercise more” because we all know that it’s easier said than done. We’re talking supplements here. Supplements that you can easily add to your daily routine and diet to help you minimise the ill effects of one too many drinks and maximise the healthy habits that you already have.

Where you buy it from is also crucial. Counterfeit products masquerading as their authentic counterparts at a much-discounted price, expired products re-labelled with new fake expiry dates, and stolen products that are no longer monitored for safety and quality may mean that you are not getting what you are paying for. Beware of buying from untrusted websites. Instead, opt for buying directly from manufacturers, authorised distributors, or healthcare professionals.

Eat Your Veggies: At least 50% to 75% of your plate should be vegetables. Pick the colourful ones, which have the most anti-oxidants and nutrients. Do not drown them in unhealthy sauces or dressing. Simply use some real butter or olive oil and vinegar to top them. Drink green tea: Add in a cup or two of green tea every day and you will also be jumpstarting your metabolism and providing some energy. Don’t drink too late in the day though, though as green tea does contain caffeine. Read additional details at

Top rated detox and cleanse supplements 2022


Quality detox supplements right now? Reduce bloat and lose weight: The ingredients in ReSet will help you reduce bloat and remove harmful toxins from your body. ReSet contains Psyllium husk & flax seed powder, which provides a little bulk for the old fecal matter to be moved out of the colon. Lactobacillus Acidophilus promotes healthy levels of bacteria in the intestinal tract. Senna & Cascara Sagrada are known for their laxative ability. Aloe Vera is a colon cleansing & liver cleansing herb. Discover additional details on cleanse and detox.

As we age, it’s normal for our bodies to go through changes. We may not be as flexible as we once were, and we might need glasses to read fine print. But did you know that there are things you can do to help slow down the aging process? Let’s have a look at the five best! As we age, it becomes more and more important to get quality sleep. Not only does sleep help to refresh and rejuvenate our bodies, but it also helps to manage the effects of aging. One of the best ways to ensure quality sleep is to get between six and eight hours of sleep in a cool, quiet room.

Who does not want a healthy and long life? I guess we all do. But what matters more is the time spent in our youth or at least close to that. Taking proper care of yourself does not only prolong your life; it also makes those effective youthful years more promising. In this blog, we plan on discussing the benefits of Rosehip and how it can help you get luminous, youthful skin. So, let’s get started! What is Rosehip? Rosehip is a biproduct of the rose plant and its multiple species. The colour of this fruit generally falls in the red to orange range, but its dark forms are also found in black and purple category. Once the flowers start pollinating during spring, rose hips start to form. The process continues till autumn when the fruit final ripens.

Skin aging can be the most dreaded thing. No one wants fine lines and wrinkles to show up. Taking good care of your skin, using quality products and a healthy lifestyle can definitely delay the skin aging. Along with that, using some home remedies or natural herbals tips can help you get away with the skin aging and sagging skin. Skin aging can be seen as fine lines and wrinkles, age spots on the face and sagging skin. You can indeed sue anti aging creams and lotions though Here are some quick and reliable natural tips for anti aging skin care that along with a healthy lifestyle will make your look younger for a lot longer. That’s what all of us want. Right?

Everyone knows that smoking is bad for your health. But did you know that it can also have a negative impact on the aging process? Studies have shown that smokers are more likely to develop wrinkles and other signs of premature aging. In fact, smoking is one of the main causes of wrinkles around the eyes, mouth, and forehead. As a result, smokers are more likely to develop age-related problems such as fine lines, dark spots, and dryness. So if you’re looking to preserve your youthful appearance, quitting smoking is a good place to start, because after all, it’s not too wise to set things on fire and inhale them, right? Find additional details on

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Best rated traditional foods market online provider 2022? Organic Swedish Bitters have been used for centuries for digestive excellence. Rupam has made her bitters from an age old recipe. Bitter is an uncommon flavour that has largely disappeared from our modern palate. Bitter foods and herbs were a common part of the ancestral diet and are still used in Chinese medicine and Ayurveda with huge benefits to body and mind. Herbal bitters are an old medicine remedy for what seems to be an ever increasing problem, weak digestion. Find even more info on Organic Swedish Bitters.

Understand why you’re losing weight and what your purpose is. Take some time to re-affirm that losing weight is not just about looking good, but is also about being healthy. You may need to do this step every day, especially during those days that you struggle. You are not going to lose 20 kilograms in a week, so making that your goal will only set you up for failure. There’s an old adage that slow and steady wins the race. As you embark on a weight loss journey, use this adage as your mantra to help you set goals that are both challenging and within reason.

Here’s the deal — there are millions of different strains of bacteria in your gut. Some are good; others, not so much. The bacteria in your gut can influence your overall health, digestion and immune system. Probiotics can help replenish and nourish your internal supply of good bacteria, sometimes leading to less gas, bloating and abdominal pain. Aim for a product from a trusted brand that lists at least three billion organisms per serving. Keep it refrigerated after opening to protect those organisms.

Parsley leaf (Petroselinum sativum): Parsley is a highly nutritious member of the umbelliferous vegetable family. It has many health benefits and has been used for 100’s of years as a natural remedy for many conditions and as a food. It contains a host of nutrients such as Vitamin A, C, E, bioflavonoids, iron, folic acid, volatile oils, coumarins, flavonoids and chlorophyll. Parsley contains more vitamin C than any other culinary vegetables i.e. approximately three times as much as found in oranges and about the same amount as black currants. It’s iron content is also high (around twice as much as spinach). The plant is a good source of manganese, calcium and potassium. Also acts as an antioxidant. Parsley is one of the most important culinary herbs for providing vitamins – it is an immune system multi-vitamin and mineral complex all by itself.

Dietary supplements are wildly popular. About 114 million Americans — roughly half the adult population — take at least one supplement, running up a collective tab of over $28 billion in 2010 alone. It’s easy to see why supplements are such big sellers. The public has a legitimate desire for good health, and the supplement industry has a strong desire for good sales. Medications are regulated by the FDA. Before a prescription or over-the-counter drug can be sold in the United States, the manufacturer must submit data supporting its safety and efficacy, and after the medication is approved, the FDA continues to monitor adverse reactions. Even with all these safeguards, problems still occur, prompting the FDA to withdraw many medications and to require strong warning labels on others.

Ginger essential oil, for example, is known to promote your digestive health by easing indigestion, constipation and ulcers. A study published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology found that ginger oil stimulated gastric emptying in people with indigestion. Ginger oil is also used to relieve gas, reduce nausea and ease abdominal pain. Another useful essential oil for digestion is peppermint. Research shows that peppermint oil works to provide rapid relief of IBS symptoms. In a 4-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, 72 patients with IBS received either peppermint oil or placebo. The peppermint group experienced a 40 percent reduction in total IBS symptoms after 4 weeks, which was superior to the 24 percent decrease of symptoms reported by the patients in the placebo group. After just 24 hours of using peppermint oil, the treatment group experienced a decrease in symptoms of 19.6 percent. Some other essential oils that may be helpful for digestion include fennel, lemongrass, marjoram, black pepper and juniper berry. Find more information at

What is a drop set and nutrition tricks


Monk fruit health benefits and diet advices? Green tea extract: Some research has suggested that caffeine may contribute to weight loss, and green tea specifically may help with weight loss and weight management, according to a 2009 study. But as with other ingredients, it’s not a magic solution. Plus, new, more current research is lacking. Additionally, while green tea extract is generally pretty safe, some supplements have been shown to cause liver damage in rare cases (note that drinking green tea the old-fashioned way is perfectly fine!). “Potentially losing an extra ounce in a 20-pound setting doesn’t make sense to me, no matter how rare the risk of liver failure is,” says Dr. Seltzer. Read extra info on kefir grains india. Piyo incorporates yoga poses within the routine. It provides you a complete body stretch while raising your heart rate simultaneously without the need to hold a stretch or stay for a certain yoga pose for a long period. You’ll improve your flexibility and endurance overtime. Welcome back to safe group exercise! Group Groove is a heart-pounding cardio exercise where all participants feed off the others energy. Everyone is on fire, high energy, burning calories, and to the highest level of group grooving fun. It is an enjoyable variety of dance styles as you revolve around the choreographed pieces and performances with the group of dancers. This class will finish with an emotional and physical high with this big dance combination.

We’re about to blow your mind with all the things you can freeze!! Be prepared to look at your freezer in awe. But first, let us give you three crazy simple reasons you should use your freezer with purpose and intention… Go ahead and just become BFFs with your freezer already! Because when we’re done with you, you’ll never want to part ways with it again. And you may just find that you’re using it more than you used to Saves You Money – The number one reason to freeze food is the fact that it saves you buckets of money. You can buy food in bulk and freeze whatever you won’t use right away, which means you can take advantage of allllll the sales. (As long as it fits within your grocery budget, of course!)

Supplements for prevention. Vitamin D. To get vitamin D the old-fashioned way, by producing it in the skin, we need lots of sunshine. But as work has shifted from the farm to the office and as we’ve learned to use sunscreens to reduce the risk of skin cancer and wrinkles, about 70% of Americans lack sufficient amounts of the “sunshine vitamin.” Older adults, patients with chronic illnesses, and people of color are at particular risk. Vitamin D is needed to absorb calcium from the intestines; that’s why vitamin D is so important for healthy bones. But vitamin D also appears to reduce the risk of various neuromuscular problems, particularly falling, and some preliminary evidence holds out hope that good levels of vitamin D may help reduce the risk of prostate cancer and certain other malignancies and perhaps of autoimmune diseases. Current guidelines call for 600 IU (international units) a day below age 71 and 800 IU a day thereafter. But many experts recommend 800 to 1,000 IU a day for most adults; daily doses up to 4,000 IU are considered safe, but more can be toxic.

Keto Advance Weight Loss is a dietary regimen that can be used with the ketogenic diet. Weight loss becomes more comfortable with the help of this supplement. It improves the production of ketones in the body and indulges in ketosis without leaving you obese. Fat burning makes your body more slim and skinny to enjoy healthy living. Although there are a bunch of other weight loss products that exaggerate more about their product. But, in reality, they offer nothing to users. Choosing the right option will solve half of your problem. Undoubtedly, this pill is a natural and effective way to reduce weight, but it is better to collaborate with a healthy living style and low carb diet. What is Keto Advanced Weight Loss? Keto advanced is known to complement the weight management diet and aid in achieving better results regarding the weight goal. This supplement is a powerful weight loss formula that burns fat through the process of ketosis. The release and breakdown of fats from the stores naturally increase energy, allowing a person to love the way he feels. The keto advanced weight loss pills come inside a sealed bottle. There are 60 capsules in each bottle which suggests that the daily dosage is only two capsules. Use two capsules every day with water, as per instructions, and do not overdose it.

Many social and environmental cues might encourage unnecessary eating. For example, some people are more likely to overeat while watching television. Others have trouble passing a bowl of candy to someone else without taking a piece. By being aware of what may trigger the desire to snack on empty calories, people can think of ways to adjust their routine to limit these triggers. Stocking a kitchen with diet-friendly foods and creating structured meal plans will result in more significant weight loss. People looking to lose weight or keep it off should clear their kitchen of processed or junk foods and ensure that they have the ingredients on hand to make simple, healthful meals. Doing this can prevent quick, unplanned, and careless eating. Planning food choices before getting to social events or restaurants might also make the process easier. See additional info at

Assemble casseroles in freezer-safe and ovenproof dishes (glass and ceramic dishes tend to work best) and seal with several layers of plastic wrap and foil, or with an airtight lid to keep out as much air as possible. For the best defrosting results, thaw them in the refrigerator overnight, then cook in the oven. Of course, if you forget to thaw and want to bake from frozen, make sure you freeze your casseroles in freezer-to-ovenproof baking dishes (such as foil, as most glass or ceramic dishes will crack). Don’t forget to remove any plastic wrap on your casseroles before baking (yes, I’ve done that!). Storing: Leftovers with cooked meat or chicken can be stored in the freezer for 2 to 6 months. Egg-containing casseroles are best eaten within 2 to 3 months. For a more comprehensive list of cold food storage, check out this list put together by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Food Safety and Inspection Service. In some cases, your frozen food items can be used straight from the freezer. Those frozen bananas and berries can go straight into a smoothie or shake. In other cases, though, you’ll need to plan ahead and properly defrost and thaw food before working with it—especially when it comes to working with raw meat.