Category: News and Media

US elections news by George Ajjan

News and Media

The election year of 2020 is uncharted territory for presidential conventions. Usually, the conventions of the Democrats and Republicans are the pillars of the campaign, in which the candidates unveil their main programs to citizens, many of whom do not follow politics closely. Also the running mates are introduced, changing the identity of the race. And the conventions give a chance for activists to unify after divisive primaries. According to political strategist George Ajjan, “Trump’s cancelling of the GOP convention is a setback, as it would have shown a stark contrast with Biden: boldness versus cowardice. At the same time, the subdued, compassionate tone with which he announced his decision to cancel in light of COVID-19 pressures comes from a playbook he should consult more often.”

Republican donors are none too happy about the change. Nearly $40 million was raised by the party’s host committee – an elite set of donors keen to hobnob with key political figures in the party at the convention itself – has been mostly spent. That was because the convention was initially scheduled to take place in Charlotte, North Carolina.

But Trump took the decision to move the convention to Jacksonville, Florida because he felt that North Carolina was demanding too many social distancing restrictions. Trump wanted a convention that looked like a normal one, so that he could show the American people a resilient approach facing the pandemic.

When he moved to festivities to Jacksonville, Florida seemed like a much better choice: a friendly Governor and a state that was untouched by the pandemic. That changed rather quickly over the past month. GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel tweeted that the president’s “number one priority in this decision was the safety of the people of Jacksonville, the convention attendees, and all of the American people.”

Another host committee in that city raised another $6 million, most of which seem not to have been spent. Those donors will be keen to see their money spent on specific projects, as big money contributors typically like to earmark their funds for particular political purposes. Hundreds of delegates to the convention may also be irritated at having to alter travel plans, and potentially lose money on bookings already made for the trip.

The debacle of Trump’s Tulsa, Oklahoma rally weighs heavily on his mind, as well as those of his team. The crowd in Tulsa was small but nonetheless seemed to contribute to spreading the novel coronavirus. This further undermined his standing in the eyes of the American people. Current polls show Trump trailing Biden by 12 points, and even more when it comes to who can best manage the pandemic.

After all, this year’s conventions will not be as determining a factor as they had been in previous election cycles. Neither candidate will benefit from the traditional “convention bounce” in polling. It’s more likely that the debates will gain more importance as the American people choose between Trump and Biden in the lead-up to November.


O vereador Marcello Siciliano comunicou em primeira mão reabertura das praias

News and Media

O Time Siciliano acompanha equipe da Cedae na obra de implantação da rede de água potável e esgoto em Vargem Grande? Além de apoiar vários projetos importantes, como a aprovação na câmara do Escola em Tempo Integral. Toda a atuação do Vereador Marcello Siciliano pode ser conferida no menu ATUAÇÃO PARLAMENTAR ou pelo site da Câmara Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, através do link Este forte engajamento no exercício do mandato, sempre ao lado do cidadão carioca, ouvindo propostas e reivindicações, credenciou-o como um dos vereadores mais atuantes da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro.

Marcelo Sciliano nasceu em 1972 no Rio de Janeiro. Antes de ingressar na vida pública, exerceu função como vendedor no comércio e empreendedor no setor da construção civil. Mas foi com sua incansável atuação nas questões sociais, desempenhando desde 1998 diversos trabalhos em projetos sociais de sucesso, que recebeu a honrosa indicação ao Prêmio Nobel da Paz, no ano de 2010, como reconhecimento por sua responsabilidade solidária.

O Time do Vereador Marcello Siciliano acompanhou hoje, 15/07, a Rio Luz na realização de alguns serviços de manutenção na iluminação pública na Av. Isabel Domingues, Vila Tião, Rua Guaxe e toda extensão da Av. Canal do Anil, na Gardênia Azul, uma solicitação recorrente dos moradores da região. O objetivo é deixar o bairro bem iluminada no período noturno, e ao mesmo tempo levar segurança e qualidade de vida à população.

Os representantes puderam apresentar as demandas ao secretário que, prontamente, se solidarizou com as necessidades e se comprometeu em ajudar essas comunidades da melhor forma possível.

Esta é mais uma ação voltada aos moradores da Cidade de Deus, que recentemente ganharam um novo e moderno tomógrafo, de alta resolução, fundamental no diagnóstico e no tratamento da covid-19, que funciona na UPA do bairro. “Agradeço à Prefeitura do Rio por atender meu ofício e realizar a reforma geral do local, restabelecendo as condições adequadas para um estabelecimento de saúde. Fico muito feliz em poder trazer mais saúde e dignidade para os moradores da Cidade de Deus” comenta Marcello Sciliano.

O vereador Marcello Siciliano se reuniu com a Guarda Municipal para falar sobre a fiscalização que vem acontecendo em bares e restaurantes. Após produtivas horas de reunião, Marcello Siciliano oficiou ao conselho competente para que novas regras de fiscalização sejam definidas. A intenção do vereador Marcello Siciliano, assim como os representantes da Guarda Municipal, é que devam ser definidas regras de ocupação geral do espaço, demarcando mesas e cadeiras que os cliente poderão utilizar. Sendo assim, se algum cliente descumprir as regras, concluímos que a multa deva ser aplicada ao infrator e não ao estabelecimento. “Esperamos que o ofício seja atendido, tornando assim a fiscalização mais justa e eficiente. Meu muito obrigado à Guarda Municipal por sempre servir ao cidadão do Rio.” diz o vereador Marcello Siciliano

Geopolitical recent news by

News and Media

See hot political trends? Mick Mulvaney, in his first congressional report as the acting director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, called on lawmakers to cripple the bureau’s power and independence. A longtime critic of the bureau, he has spent the last few months freezing the bureau’s enforcement activities and calling for it to be “more humble” in its work. At the Environmental Protection Agency, officials announced the agency’s widely expected intent to re-evaluate and probably roll back Obama-era rules requiring automakers to reach ambitious emissions and mileage standards by 2025. The agency also took steps to challenge California over its decades-old right to set its own air pollution rules, setting up another showdown between the state and the federal government.

By establishing inescapable facts on the ground over the ceaseless objections of critics, President Trump overrides the often meaningless verbiage that constitutes international diplomacy and ends up changing the very terms of the foreign policy conversation. Nowhere has this dynamic been clearer than in U.S. relations with China. Beginning with his surprise call to Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen in December 2016 and continuing through his resumption of U.S. Navy freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea the following year, his tariffs on Chinese goods in 2018, his and his administration’s rhetorical barrage against China beginning in earnest in 2019, and culminating in his multiple actions against China this year, from limiting travel to canceling visas to forcing the sale of TikTok to tightening the vise on Huawei to selling an additional $7 billion in arms to Taiwan, Trump has reoriented America’s approach to the People’s Republic. No longer is China encouraged to be a “responsible stakeholder.” It is recognized as a great-power competitor.

US Foreign politics and Brexit 2020 latest : The answer is that it can’t. For the last four and a half decades the United Kingdom hasn’t been a nation-state at all. It’s been the provincial, western outpost of an aspiring Federated European super-state. Ever since the U.K. entered the European Union, EU law and jurisprudence has been supreme over domestic law. Regulations, customs, and trade standards have been set by the EU institutions in Brussels and imposed upon every country in the bloc. In other words, the customs and market regulations that are a foundational prerogative of functional nation-states have been usurped on the European continent by a supra-national pan-continental bureaucracy. Napoleon Bonaparte would be proud.

Republicans have every right to fill the vacancy left by Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court. Please save your irate emails accusing me of hypocrisy, because I have never believed or advocated for the “Biden Rule” or the “McConnell Rule” or any other fantastical “rule” regulating the confirmation process, other than the prescribed constitutional method. In March 2016, in the heat of the Merrick Garland debate, I argued that “the Republicans’ claim that the ‘people’ should decide the nominee is kind of a silly formulation,” and the best argument for denying Barack Obama another seat on the court was to stop him from transforming it into a post-constitutional institution that displaces law with “empathy” and ever-changing progressive conceptions of justice. Discover additional details on

Top lose weight apps from Matt Hayward

News and Media

Weight loss tips in 2020? Pro Tip: You’re going to be hungry after burning off all this glycogen and stored fat—consider prepping a meal before you hit the gym, so it’s ready when you get home! If you’re not into meal prep, bring a snack with you, such as a protein bar, to replace some of the energy you’ve lost. Going to the gym is an important part of staying fit—but it’s not the only way. There will be days when you can’t make it to the gym, and that’s okay! Remember, the ways you move your body in daily life can be just as healthy as the workout you get in the gym, and there are some ways you can elevate the intensity of your daily physical activity.

John Chapman and Leon Bustin are the two personal trainers, nutritionists and YouTube sensations that make up ‘The Lean Machines’ With over 12.5 million online views, these two best friends have set out to show the world that getting fit and healthy can be fun. Their channel is full of great workout tips, mouth-watering recipes and appearances from well-known celebrities like Tom Daley and Jamie Oliver. Besides publishing their own recipe book, the duo has built an impressive online presence by creating entertaining vlogs on fitness, eating well and crazy fitness challenges. So whether you’re looking to improve your flexibility, diet or perhaps try something new, they will most likely have a video for you.

As we practice social distancing, many Americans are wondering how they’re going to commit to a daily workout routine. But fear not. A plethora of resources exist to help get you back on your feet, many of which you can download for free straight onto your phone. Are you a yoga junkie who’s committed to perfecting that headstand you started four weeks ago? Do you rely on the daily endorphin boost of a cycling class whose feigning for your daily cardio fix? We’ve got you covered! We’ve compiled ten of our favorite fitness apps – each with free content for you to explore at home – and divided them into categories so you can easily pinpoint your go-to workouts. Or perhaps you can use this time to get adventurous, and try something completely new! See extra information at Matt Hayward.

Group Groove’s terrific approach will bring you to the track as you hit the floor with dance-inspired moves designed by expert choreographers. It is followed easily and with a specific fitness and workout goal. It is a low-impact move that will help you continue to warm up and get to work and bring your dancing spirit on. The groove party sometimes starts with the best of Disco or Latin inspired music but whatever it is, everyone will put a smile on your face and get the heart working. As you continue to dance, gradually it is working on your body shaping and toning the legs and glutes with the dance styles that drop you low so you will feel the burn. As a cardio dance, it will work as your heart will start pounding and the sweat will be pouring in.

Dropping to my knees used to make me feel like a failure, so I would refuse to do it. Well, what followed was really bad form, and therefore, a totally ineffective move. Finally taking my virtual workout instructors’ advice and embracing modifications, I started dropping to my knees or performed the move at an incline, so that I could lower all the way to the ground and maintain core engagement, as well as the correct arm position. I actually felt my triceps and abs kicking into gear! Four months into my goal, I can see so much progress in my abilities. I may not be able to drop down and give you 20 (or even 10) perfect push-ups, but now I can slowly conquer five, and I owe it all to perseverance and the tiny tweaks in my routine ahead.

Controlling your mind is key to creating a sustainable healthy lifestyle. Aligning your thoughts, desires and wants enables you to stay fit and healthy. There is more to being fit and healthy than going to the gym. Increasing your wellness IQ will help you become independent with your nutrition and fitness. The first step of being all in within is where the battle is won. Eating well, reaching your fitness goal and making it a lifestyle are side effects. Lose Weight Forever means, you are not going back to your previous eating lifestyle. How is this possible? This video program is built on first helping you take care of the mental aspect of adopting a healthy lifestyle, streamlining your thoughts, desires, and wants. It’s the missing link ignored in the nutrition/fitness industry. Discover even more information on Matt Hayward.

AI-Powered press releases that work wonders

News and Media

Press release coverage service! Lister AI: The AI-Powered PR Pitching Service. is a new press pitching tool to get your company featured in articles and publications. Lister uses a combination of artificial intelligence and machine learning to generate targeted lists and pitch them with the content of each client. Their speciality is to handle your campaigns and simplify your pitching process by supplementing your PR activities, Reach thousands of blogs, build your media lists and make necessary submissions to publications and journalists, thus increasing your PR.

How Does Lister Work? First, you submit your brief to them and details of what you require. They then build up a necessary list in your field of work and try to reach them and pitch your ideas in the simplest way. Once the results are in, they generate a report and give it to you. A client’s vertical means the field or the industry in which the client’s work depends on. For example, if the client’s company is a technology brand, the list would contain all the top-notch journalists and publications in the technology sector, and so on.

As a small or medium business owner with limited resources, how could you spread the word about your company and products in the most effective manner, without breaking the bank to reach your target? Because you know that content is king and distribution is queen, you want to bet everything on stellar copy that will sweep your potential buyers off their feet and make them daydream about your merchandise and talk about it in their sleep. In this moment, the question that you should ask yourself is this: how do you choose the right type of content and distribution services to achieve this specific goal? On second through, why choose when you can benefit from a complex content strategy based on an ideal combination of expert articles, blog posts, killer landing pages and press releases? artificial intelligence systems use WIP machine learning matching, using a knowledge graph of data to generate matching lists. The result is multidimensional clustering of relevant keywords, ending in bi-partite matching. Sounds complicated? It is! is quite the powerful tool! Find out more about that on What Is A List And How Does It Help Me? Lister lists are generated lists of press outlets that match your companies verticals and niches. The lists is generated using artificial intelligence matching, based on several key touchpoints. Find additional details at Press Release Distribution.

Who doesn’t like healthy competition? A list of possible competitors is necessary to ensure that you are doing better than them, along with keeping tabs on what is in trend. Lister use : Publication keyword and content matches enable you to come up in search history as often as possible so that your potential clients or investors can tap into your company and view your pitch online. Once they finish building the list, they identify each publication and manually submit each pitch to every submission page so that no error is made.

Press releases can establish you as an industry expert. Why is it important to be seen as an expert? First, expertise helps you gain the trust of your customers. Once they trust you, they’re likelier to buy from you. But being an expert is also good for media relations. Whenever the media needs someone to comment on a story related to your industry, you want to be the one they call on.

Our Review : follows the trend of artificial intelligence in the world of marketing, with an interesting focus on PR and press – something that has not seen a huge amount of innovation in terms of pitching – a generally old-school industry, very ready for disruption. We asked for a few reviews of Lister from some recent users, and the feedback was generally excellent. The service generated a number of large press articles. One crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter and Indiegogo said “ is a really powerful way to generate press coverage, we secured coverage in 30 publications, ranging from small niche blogs all the way up to large press outlets. I’d highly recommend”.

Their reporting medium is a collaborative google doc so that they can provide you with live updates on your pitch submissions. Lister AI has three payment packages, and you can choose the one which best suits your needs. Overall, the service seems to be a great solution for generating press coverage for a fraction of the cost that a PR Agency would charge. We’re looking forward to seeing the product develop further. Read even more details at

Gigi Hadid latest headlines

News and Media

Looking for celebrity information? Wife to former NBA player Scott Pippen proves that even women make mistakes. Kim Kardashian’s bossom friend was exposed for cheating with rapper Future. A lot of men wouldn’t contemplate going back to a cheating spouse but Scott proved he was different. The two reconciled after 4 months of being apart. They are now back raising their beautiful children together. Also look at men who forgave their cheating spouses.

The Amazing Spider-Man actor Chris Zylka had some harsh words about his ex, Lucy Hale. They dated for about nine months in 2012. Zylka announced their split shortly after, when a fan told him on Twitter that his “girlfriend was gorgeous.” Zylka responded with, “Don’t have a girlfriend. She decided she was too good.” He then insinuated that Hale was a social climber, writing, “There’s a difference between celebrities and movie stars. Celebrities fade away, while movie stars stick around forever.”

John Mayer and Jennifer Aniston dated on and off for about a year, before splitting in 2009. In an interview with Playboy in 2010, Mayer made a slight dig about Aniston’s age. “One of the most significant differences between us was that I was tweeting. There was a rumor that I had been dumped because I was tweeting too much. That wasn’t it, but that was a big difference,” he said. “The brunt of her success came before TMZ and Twitter. I think she’s still hoping it goes back to 1998. She saw my involvement in technology as courting distraction. And I always said, ‘These are the new rules.’ You have to show that you don’t take yourself seriously.” Find even more info at Selena Gomez.

After his first collaboration with book-writer James Lapine, Sunday in the Park with George, Sondheim suggested that they “write a quest musical along the lines of The Wizard of Oz, the one movie musical I loved in which the songs not only defined the characters and carried the story forward but were wonderful stand-alone songs as well.” Lapine combined all of the classic Grimm fairy tale characters and added a Baker and his Wife, who are unable to conceive, thanks to a curse put on his family by a Witch.

G-Eazy is taking it anything but easy when it comes to showing love for his new GF. The rapper is reportedly dating fellow rapper (and yeehaw agenda queen) Megan Thee Stallion. The pair took to social media on February 2 to cement their status as the “No Limit” rapper shared a vid of the two cuddling on a couch with G-Eazy pretty much sucking on Meg’s cheek…cute, I guess? Just hours later, G-Eazy posted a photo of his new boo on his Instagram grid, captioning it with four blue hearts. Looks like it’s about to be a hot girl spring for this couple. Find a few more info at Irina Shayk.

Michael Jackson top albums, life and his kids now

News and Media

Music reviews : Michael Jackson kids now and his top songs: He wasn’t alone. His longtime competition Prince sought to re-connect in a similar fashion, forming the New Power Generation with rapper, Tony M. Released just one month before* Dangerous*, the purple one’s Diamonds and Pearls* *exists as a companion piece, documents of blurring eras. As ’80s pop gave way to ’90s hip-hop, they sought to find their place in the re-configured landscape. Except while Prince predictably constructed his own insular unit, Jackson looked outwards to Riley, the hottest producer of the moment. Meanwhile Jackson’s sister Janet had recently delivered a hard-stomping R&B-pop classic in 1989’s Rhythm Nation 1814. Its influence on her older brother was so great that he even asked Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis to produce Dangerous. Out of loyalty to Janet, they turned him down. According to his engineer, Bruce Swedien, Michael was searching for something “very street that young people would be able to identify with.”

It’s strange, too. For instance, at the time of Jackson’s death, people kept saying to one another, “I can’t believe he’s gone.” When had anyone seen him? Save for headlines or tabloids, Jackson spent most of his time during the ’00s out of the spotlight. Even when he released 2001’s highly underrated Invincible, he made little to no appearances. Sure, Sony botched any plans on promotion, but it was nothing a world tour wouldn’t have solved. That’s why the release of Michael, Jackson’s first posthumous effort, feels relatively similar. The interest is there, but the icon isn’t.

We will be excluding MJ’s compilations (with one exception), joint efforts with the Jackson 5, and his posthumous albums, which ranged from surprisingly good (Xscape), pretty awful (Michael) and downright pointless (last year’s Scream) See what it takes to be crowned king. Shamone. Edd said: These were tough times for young Michael. His voice was changing, forever altering his beloved cherubic vocals, and a shifting musical landscape began to make his brand of pop/soul obsolete. Although Music & Me had its moments it had more than its share of dull spots.

Michael Jackson family: Mocienne Petit Jackson’s (Michael Jackson’s daughter) books are now available in french! For our dutch guests: In dit eerste deel van de driedelige autobiografie van Mocienne Petit Jackson maken we kennis met Mocienne, het hoofdpersonage. We volgen haar vanaf haar zesde tot haar negende levensjaar en lezen over haar wonderlijke avonturen. Eerst woont zij bij haar vader – Michael Jackson! – in Californië. Omdat deze dikwijls weg moet, is zij steeds in gezelschap van een nanny. Meer dan eens wordt de nanny vervangen door een andere. Mocienne is vaak ziek. Zij gaat op Haiti wonen bij een tante – haar vader Michael vindt het belangrijk dat ze in een gezin met andere kinderen opgroeit. Langzaam maar zeker wordt het haar duidelijk dat ze geen gewone vader heeft, en dat hij niet de man is die hij beweert te zijn: een politieman. Op Haïti bezoekt hij haar tussen zijn optredens door regelmatig. Haar leven daar gaat bepaald niet over rozen. Mocienne heeft er te maken met aardige en minder aardige mensen en krijgt veel meer voor haar kiezen dan gezond is voor een kind. Vanuit het perspectief van het jonge meisje beleven we allerhande avonturen op het eiland. Het leven van Mocienne neemt een dramatische wending nadat zij naar Port-??au-??Prince is verhuisd. Niet lang daarna verandert haar leven in een ware nachtmerrie… Lees het boek hier The dark side of the Netherlands (Dutch Edition).