Category: Dentistry

Vrhunski ortodoncija stomatološka ordinacija


Visoki kvalitet zubne hitni slučajevi stomatološke usluge: Ova grana stomatologije se bavi dijagnostikom, prevencijom i liječenjem bolesti i oštećenja zuba. Konzervativna stomatologija ima za cilj očuvanje prirodnih zubi što je duže moguće, a njeni postupci su usmjereni na to da se oštećeni zubi saniraju i sačuvaju bez potrebe za njihovim vađenjem. Postupci konzervativne stomatologije obuhvataju popravke karijesa, liječenje pulpe (unutrašnjeg dijela zuba koji sadrži živac i krvne žile), izradu ispuna, restauraciju zuba, izbjeljivanje zuba i druge slične postupke koji imaju za cilj očuvanje prirodnih zubi. Konzervativna stomatologija je bitna i kao preventivna mjera jer pravovremeno otkrivanje i liječenje oštećenja zuba može spriječiti daljnje probleme i potrebu za složenijim tretmanima u budućnosti. Pogledaj još više informacije na stomatolog Banja Luka.

Pogodnost: Pošto su zubni implantati najbliži prirodnim zubima, praktičniji su od drugih opcija zamjene zuba. Ne zahtijevaju posebna ograničenja u ishrani i mogu se brinuti o njima kao i o vašim prirodnim zubima. Pacijenti mogu jesti svoju omiljenu hranu i uživati u omiljenim aktivnostima bez brige o svojim zubima. Poboljšano samopouzdanje: Zubni implantati mogu imati značajan utjecaj na samopouzdanje pacijenta. Pacijenti kojima nedostaju zubi često se osjećaju samosvjesno svog izgleda i mogu izbjegavati društvene situacije ili skrivati osmijeh. Zubni implantati pružaju prirodno i udobno rješenje, pomažući pacijentima da se osjećaju sigurnije i otvorenije.

Postoji još jedan razlog da pazite šta jedete. Neke uobičajene namirnice mogu promijeniti boju zuba. Evo jednostavnog načina da utvrdite da li je neka hrana kriva: sve što može zaprljati bijelu pamučnu majicu može zamrljati zube, kažu stomatolozi. Kafa mrlje zube, na primjer. Drugi najveći prestupnici su pića poput čaja, tamnih gaziranih pića i voćnih sokova. Ove mrlje na zubima se sporo razvijaju i postaju sve uočljivije kako starimo.

Odbacite dudu do 2 ili 3 godine: Postoji mnogo dobrih razloga da djetetu dozvolite da koristi dudu, ali dugoročno može uticati na to kako mu se zubi slažu. Takođe može promijeniti oblik usta. Razgovarajte sa svojim doktorom ako i dalje koristi dudu nakon 3 godine. Kada počnu da nicaju, operite zube dva puta dnevno pastom za zube sa fluorom u količini ne većoj od mrlja veličine zrna pirinča – koristite četkicu za zube s mekim vlaknima. Odnesite flašicu nakon što vaše dijete završi s pićem kako biste spriječili karijes u flašici. Karijes se može dogoditi kada bebe piju mlijeko, adaptirano mlijeko ili sok iz flašice tokom dužeg vremenskog perioda ili zaspu s flašicom.

Pretjerano izbjeljivanje – od upotrebe previše gela za izbjeljivanje ili prečestog nanošenja – može trajno oštetiti zube. Prekomjerno izbjeljivanje također može učiniti da zubi izgledaju prozirni ili bezbojni, što se ne može popraviti bez potpune zamjene zuba. Ova translucencija može učiniti zube gžarkaste boje. Ne brinite da ćete imati najbeli osmeh koji možete dobiti. Ne samo da ovo može brže stareti vaše zube (i pogoršati žutilo), bijeli zubi zapravo ne ukazuju na zdrav osmijeh.

Jednostavno rečeno, što je jasnija boja tečnosti, to je bolja za vaše zube. Mlijeko je puno kalcija koji će vam pomoći da imate jake zube i kosti. Voda je odlična za ispiranje plaka i drugih ostataka u ustima. Pijenje puno ove dvije tekućine također će vam pomoći da ostanete hidrirani, što je dobro za vaše cjelokupno zdravlje. Istraživanja pokazuju da je električna četkica za zube efikasnija od ručne u uklanjanju naslaga. Može ukloniti čak 70% više plaka! Električna četkica za zube neće samo pomoći u održavanju zdravlja vaših zuba. Mnogi od modernih imaju namjenske cikluse izbjeljivanja. Ovo je posebna 3-minutna četkica koja pomaže u uklanjanju mrlja i ostavljajući zube prirodno bijelim. Dobijanje sjajnih zuba na prirodan način će trajati duže od dobijanja holivudskog osmeha. Ali upornost je vrijedna toga i istovremeno ćete brinuti o svom oralnom zdravlju.

Dječiji stomatolog Banjaluka – dr Čavić se bavi liječenjem i održavanjem zdravlja zuba kod djece. Djeca imaju specifične potrebe kada je u pitanju zdravlje zubi i usne šupljine, a pravovremeno otkrivanje i liječenje problema s zubima u ranom djetinjstvu može imati dugoročne pozitivne učinke na zdravlje zubi u kasnijim godinama. U ordinaciji “Dr Čavić”, posebnu pažnju poklanjamo najmlađim pacijentima. Prva posjeta stomatologu je izuzetno važna za dječiji uzrast, jer u mnogome doprinosi kvalitetu buduće saradnje sa djetetom. Pronađi više informacije na

Composite bonding dentist services Milton Keynes today


Top teeth whitening NHS dental clinic Milton Keynes: Cavities result from the interaction of bacteria that naturally occur in your mouth and the sugars consumed in your diet. Sugar causes a reaction in the bacteria, which causes the bacteria to produce acids. These acids break down the minerals in teeth, forming a cavity. We can remove the decay and fill the tooth using a variety of fillings or cover the tooth with a dental crown. But avoiding unnecessary decay simply requires strict adherence to a dental hygiene regimen, and here is the best way to combat cavities: Cut down on sweets and between-meal snacks. Brush after every meal and floss daily. Cavities most often begin in hard to clean areas between teeth. See your dentist at least every six months for check-ups and professional cleaning and sealants. Discover additional details at ceramic veneers Milton Keynes.

What is gum disease? The number one reason why people lose their teeth is undiagnosed periodontal disease. In fact, we know that 90% of all adults have various levels of periodontal (gum) disease. The disease begins without warning, and in its early stages causes gums to become sore, bleed easily, and contribute to bad breath. As it progresses, teeth loosen and separate; your bite changes and teeth are eventually lost. For this reason, we incorporate a regimen of careful gum evaluation into each of your visits to Sorriso Design Dental Clinic. We firmly believe our patients benefit from a more conservative approach rather than an aggressive surgical approach. Your comfort always remains our first concern. Our goal is to diagnose the progression of gum disease and offer an opportunity for you to minimise bone loss and preserve your smile for a lifetime. This requires periodontal maintenance which helps in preventing periodontal diseases.

As with any dental solutions, there are pros and cons to wearing dentures and whether or not they will work for you depends largely on your lifestyle and the goals that you have for your appearance, including the functionality of your smile. The benefits of modern bespoke-made dentures are: Improved ability to bite and chew your favourite food; There are few restrictions on food that you can eat with your dentures on; Eliminate social awkwardness caused by gaps and missing teeth; Restore your face appearance; Protects remaining teeth (if any) from extensive wear.

Your child should see a dentist by his first birthday. Early preventive care saves you money in the long run. A CDC report shows that dental care costs are nearly 40% lower over a 5-year period for children who see a dentist by age 5. Your dentist can suggest when your child should start using mouthwash. You’ll need to wait until he knows how to spit it out. Oral Hygiene for Preteens: As children grow older and more of their permanent teeth come in, a rigorous daily dental hygiene routine is crucial to keeping teeth and gums healthy. However, it can be difficult to keep preteens interested in their oral care. Try these tips to keep your child on track: As preteens become more conscious of their appearance, it can be helpful to remind them that good oral care can help them look and feel better.

Do you need to have healthy teeth and gums? Here are several tricks: Eat More Foods That Contain Malic Acid: Fruits like apples, pears and strawberries are malic acid rich and can actually help with whitening teeth. Eating more of these foods will help naturally whiten teeth. Those are just but a few tips that you can hack when it comes to whitening your teeth at home. However, the best way to whiten your teeth naturally, though it may not be the most convenient, is to simply brush your teeth with an appropriate toothpaste after eating or drinking something. As long as you’re consistent, you will see vast improvements. While all sweetened drinks are bad for teeth, some energy and sports drinks may be worse, according to one study in General Dentistry. Researchers found that these drinks — as well as bottled lemonade — may erode tooth enamel after long-term use. The result is thin, translucent, discolored teeth. To prevent tooth erosion: Don’t sit and sip these drinks for a long time. Rinse your mouth with water when you finish drinking.

Benefits of Dental Implants for Seniors: Dental implants enable you to enjoy a wider variety of healthy foods. Here are the benefits of dental implants for seniors and why they are an excellent option for restoring your smile and improving your overall quality of life: Better diet and nutrition: Dental implants allow you to chew your food more effectively and enjoy a wider variety of foods. With missing teeth or poorly fitting dentures, you may have difficulty eating hard, crunchy, or chewy foods. Dental implants can help you maintain good overall health and prevent malnutrition by restoring your ability to eat a healthy, balanced diet. Increased self-confidence: Missing teeth can make you self-conscious and reluctant to smile or speak in public. Dental implants can restore self-confidence by giving you a natural-looking, attractive smile you can be proud of. This can positively impact your social life, personal relationships, and overall well-being. Read more details at

Routine dental examinations are vital, not only to maintain the health of your teeth and gums but also in aiding a healthy body and lifestyle. What is the dentist looking for when he/she checks my teeth? At a routine dental check-up, the dentist is forming a diagnosis of your health in relation to the head and neck (extra-oral), all the areas inside your mouth (intra-oral), your lymph nodes, soft tissues, Temporomandibular joint, facial and chewing muscles and any exposed skin or soft tissue abnormalities. This is all in addition to checking the condition of your gums, the health of your tooth structure, looking for decay and worn or leaking restorations.

Block blows to teeth. Most school teams now require children to wear mouth guards. But remember: unsupervised recreational activities like skate-boarding and roller-blading can also result in injuries. Your dentist can make a custom-fitted mouth guard. Don’t smoke or use smokeless tobacco. Tobacco stains teeth and significantly increases the risk of gum disease and oral cancer. If you smoke or use chewing tobacco, consider quitting. Counsel your kids not to start.

Vrhunski ortodoncija stomatološka ordinacija


Estetika lica stomatološke usluge Banja Luka: Naša stomatološka ordinacija Banja Luka – dr Čavić je moderna zdravstvena ustanova koja pruža širok spektar stomatoloških usluga koristeći najsavremeniju tehnologiju i metode lečenja. U našoj ordinaciji, pacijenti mogu očekivati vrhunsku dijagnostiku, prevenciju, lečenje i rešavanje problema sa zubima, desnima i ustima. U našoj ordinaciji, pacijenti mogu očekivati vrhunsku njegu i profesionalnu uslugu od strane obučenih stomatologa, što može pomoći u očuvanju zdravlja Vaših zuba i desni, a takođe i poboljšati Vaš osmjeh i samopouzdanje. Pronađi dodatno informacije na zuba Banja Luka.

Pogodnost: Pošto su zubni implantati najbliži prirodnim zubima, praktičniji su od drugih opcija zamjene zuba. Ne zahtijevaju posebna ograničenja u ishrani i mogu se brinuti o njima kao i o vašim prirodnim zubima. Pacijenti mogu jesti svoju omiljenu hranu i uživati u omiljenim aktivnostima bez brige o svojim zubima. Poboljšano samopouzdanje: Zubni implantati mogu imati značajan utjecaj na samopouzdanje pacijenta. Pacijenti kojima nedostaju zubi često se osjećaju samosvjesno svog izgleda i mogu izbjegavati društvene situacije ili skrivati osmijeh. Zubni implantati pružaju prirodno i udobno rješenje, pomažući pacijentima da se osjećaju sigurnije i otvorenije.

Kako ukloniti mrlje sa zuba? Paste za zube, gelovi i sredstva za ispiranje bez recepta pomažu u uklanjanju nekih površinskih mrlja. Mnogi od ovih proizvoda sadrže blage abrazive, hemikalije ili sredstva za poliranje. Za razliku od izbjeljivača, ne mijenjaju prirodnu boju zuba. Neki ljudi još uvijek preferiraju stari kućni lijek sode bikarbone i četkice za zube za nježno izbjeljivanje zuba kod kuće. Takođe, neke namirnice kao što su celer, jabuke, kruške i šargarepa izazivaju puno pljuvačke, što pomaže u ispiranju ostataka hrane sa vaših zuba. Žvakanje žvakaće gume bez šećera djeluje na čišćenje zuba i također izaziva pljuvačku. Bonus od sve te pljuvačke: neutralizira kiselinu koja uzrokuje karijes. Sa zubima, više pljuvačke je bolje svuda.

Smanjite sok: Mnogi roditelji misle da je sok zdrav izbor za piće tokom cijelog dana, ali može dovesti do karijesa. Ograničite svoje dijete na ne više od 4 unce dnevno 100% voćnog soka. Dajte napitke i hranu bez šećera u vreme obroka, a sok koristite samo kao poslasticu. Kada počnu da nicaju, operite zube dva puta dnevno pastom za zube sa fluorom u količini ne većoj od mrlja veličine zrna pirinča – koristite četkicu za zube s mekim vlaknima. Odnesite flašicu nakon što vaše dijete završi s pićem kako biste spriječili karijes u flašici. Karijes se može dogoditi kada bebe piju mlijeko, adaptirano mlijeko ili sok iz flašice tokom dužeg vremenskog perioda ili zaspu s flašicom.

Postoji i povratni efekat od izbeljivanja zuba, gde će se zubi lagano vratiti u nijansu. Možda ćete izbjeljivati zube i prestati u određenom trenutku kada budete zadovoljni rezultatima, ali bih preporučio da odete malo dalje od toga zbog povratnog efekta. Studija procjenjuje da se do 50 posto efikasnosti proizvoda za izbjeljivanje u stomatološkoj ordinaciji može vratiti u roku od samo tjedan dana. Ovo je posebno istinito kada jedete ili pijete hranu ili piće sa mrljama u prvih sedam dana.

Četkajte dva puta dnevno i čistite koncem dnevno. Bolest desni i karijes ostaju veliki problemi – i to ne samo za starije ljude. Tri četvrtine tinejdžera ima desni koje krvare, prema Američkom udruženju zubnih higijeničara. Takođe ne zaboravite da menjate četkicu za zube 3 do 4 puta godišnje. Isperite ili žvačite žvaku nakon jela. Osim četkanja i čišćenja koncem, ispiranje usta antibakterijskim sredstvom za ispiranje može pomoći u sprječavanju karijesa i problema s desnima. Žvakanje žvakaće gume bez šećera nakon obroka također može zaštititi povećanjem protoka pljuvačke, koja prirodno ispire bakterije i neutralizira kiselinu.

Oralna hirurgija je grana stomatologije koja se bavi hirurškim postupcima u usnoj šupljini, čeljusti i lica. Oralni hirurzi obavljaju različite zahvate, uključujući vađenje zuba, ugradnju dentalnih implantata, korekciju anomalija čeljusti, uklanjanje cista i tumora u ustima i druga kirurška rješenja za probleme u usnoj šupljini. U našoj ordinaciji pružamo sve vrste oralnohirurških usluga. Vrhunska stručnost, ozbiljan pristup svakom problemu te dobar plan terapije, garancija su uspjeha kod svakog pacijenta. Pročitaj još više informacije u

Denture treatments dental clinic Milton Keynes today


Root canal treatment NHS dental clinic Milton Keynes today: Our size allows us to offer this technology at the most affordable prices, with treatment provided by real experts, most of whom have post graduate qualifications including Masters and PhD degrees. These are just some of the reasons we remain the most popular private Dentist, Milton Keynes. We offer the full range of treatments 7 days per week, with patients having access to real experts. Why do so many people trust us with their Dental care? Well, our size enables us to offer the most competitive prices from leading brands, ensuring our service remains affordable. Read extra info on invisalign Milton Keynes.

The perfect smile achieved quickly and effectively with porcelain veneers. Very few people are gifted with a perfect natural smile and straight teeth. Dental veneers are a superb cosmetic dental treatment which can completely transform the way you look and it is a popular choice for patients wishing to have that dream smile. The veneers are thin sheets of porcelain that are bonded to the front of the tooth and then finely shaped to eliminate any defects.

“Intrinsic whitening” refers to whitening the dentin, or inner part of the tooth, which soaks up hydrogen peroxide gel (also called whitening gel or bleach) and becomes lighter. When peroxide is used to whiten teeth, it produces free radicals which then bind to the darkest pigments in the spaces between enamel cones. The free radicals physically shrink the pigment molecules, which reduces the darkness of the pigment. In addition, making the pigments smaller means they also reflect less light.

Approach tooth whitening with caution if you have lots of dental veneers, bonding, fillings, crowns, and bridges. Bleach will not lighten these manufactured teeth — meaning they will stand out among your newly whitened natural teeth. In order to match your whiter teeth, you may need to investigate new dental work, including veneers or bonding.

Your child should see a dentist by his first birthday. Early preventive care saves you money in the long run. A CDC report shows that dental care costs are nearly 40% lower over a 5-year period for children who see a dentist by age 5. Your dentist can suggest when your child should start using mouthwash. You’ll need to wait until he knows how to spit it out. Once they begin to erupt, brush teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste in an amount no more than a smear the size of a grain of rice – use a soft-bristle toothbrush. Take the bottle away after your child finishes drinking to prevent baby bottle tooth decay. Baby bottle tooth decay can happen when babies drink milk, formula, or juice from bottles over long periods of time or fall asleep with the bottle.

Brush twice a day and floss daily. Gum disease and tooth decay remain big problems — and not just for older people. Three-fourths of teenagers have gums that bleed, according to the American Dental Hygienists’ Association. Also remember to change your toothbrush 3 to 4 times a year. Rinse or chew gum after meals. In addition to brushing and flossing, rinsing your mouth with an antibacterial rinse can help prevent decay and gum problems. Chewing sugar-free gum after a meal can also protect by increasing saliva flow, which naturally washes bacteria away and neutralizes acid.

Long-term durability: Dental implants are designed to be a long-term solution to missing teeth, and with proper care, they can last for many years. This is particularly important for those who want to avoid replacing dental restorations frequently. Dental implants can offer seniors peace of mind and stability by providing a permanent solution. Improved oral health: Dental implants can help preserve bone density in the jaw and prevent surrounding teeth from shifting or becoming loose. This is particularly critical for seniors, who may be at an increased risk of gum disease and tooth decay. By preserving the natural structure of the mouth, dental implants can help to maintain overall oral health and reduce the risk of future dental problems. Discover additional information on

Dental bridges dental clinic Leicester, UK near me


White fillings dental clinic Leicester in 2023: Durability: Your dental implants should last you a lifetime. Once they integrate with the bone, they will remain in place as long as you are in good oral health. Proper oral hygiene is key to them remaining healthy and strong for a lifetime. Traditional tooth replacement options like dental bridges and dentures are much less durable only relying on suction, adhesive or remaining teeth to hold them in place. Comfort: Dental implant restorations are more comfortable to wear than traditional dentures and bridges. They will not place extra stress on remaining teeth nor will irritate your gums. Your restoration is anchored securely to the implants in jawbone and will not require adhesives or other products to keep them in place. Find even more details on facial aesthetics Leicester.

Family Orientated: Being at the heart of a family orientated area, our caring nurses and dedicated dentists ensure patients receive a high quality treatment at all times. Professional: Forest House remains professional at all times; ensuring that we can look after your oral health and address any of your concerns in the right manner. Committed: Our growth as a practice over the last couple of years has been due to the commitment from our staff to all of our patients. We remain committed and hope to build long term relationships with our valued patients, focusing on giving you the service that you deserve.

The results you get from teeth whitening depend on what your teeth were like when you started. Some people think whitening erases all the damage they’ve done to their teeth over their lifetimes, but the opposite is true: The better you’ve cared for your teeth, the greater the results. The more you’ve maintained regular dental appointments, brushed and flossed regularly, and avoided damage and discoloration, the whiter your teeth will appear after a teeth whitening service.

Do you want to have healthy teeth and gums? Here are several advices: Chew Gum That Contains Xylitol: Multiple studies have shown that chewing gum that contains xylitol twice daily helps fight tooth decay by lowering plaque buildup. Brands like Trident make gums with this ingredient, so pick up a pack and get chewing if you’re looking to whiten your teeth.

Teach Good Habits: Brushing is crucial from the get-go. Before your baby has teeth, you can gently brush his gums. Use water on a baby toothbrush, or clean them with a soft washcloth. When your baby’s teeth appear, brush twice a day with an infant toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste. Start flossing when two of his teeth touch each other. Ask your dentist about techniques and schedules. Brush and floss just before bedtime. After that, don’t give your child any food or drink, except water, until the next morning. Once they begin to erupt, brush teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste in an amount no more than a smear the size of a grain of rice – use a soft-bristle toothbrush. Take the bottle away after your child finishes drinking to prevent baby bottle tooth decay. Baby bottle tooth decay can happen when babies drink milk, formula, or juice from bottles over long periods of time or fall asleep with the bottle.

Avoid sugary foods. When bacteria in the mouth break down simple sugars, they produce acids that can erode tooth enamel, opening the door to decay. Sugary drinks, including soft drinks and fruit drinks, pose a special threat because people tend to sip them, raising acid levels over a long period of time. Sticky candies are another culprit, because they linger on teeth surfaces.

A home tooth-whitening kit contains carbamide peroxide, a bleach that can remove both deep and surface stains and actually changes your natural tooth color. If you have coffee-stained teeth, a tooth-bleaching kit can help. With some kits, you apply a peroxide-based gel (with a small brush) to the surface of your teeth. In other kits, the gel is in a tray that molds to the teeth. The tray must be worn daily (for 30 to 45 minutes) for a week or more.

If your looking for Invisalign braces to be fitted by a trusted, expert cosmetic dentist in Leicester then you are in safe hands here at Forest House Dental Practice. Invisalign is one of our most popular treatments that successfully straightens teeth by using clear aligners which you replace every 2 weeks. How do Invisalign invisible braces work? Unlike traditional metal braces which require brackets and wires bonded to each tooth, Invisalign clear braces work by creating a series of bespoke aligners that are easily fitted during each stage to gradually move teeth into the desired position. The clear aligners fit around the teeth so the braces are virtually undetectable. They are more comfortable to wear and general healthier enabling you to easily remove them allowing you to eat and clean your teeth as normal. Read additional details on

Top rated oral hygiene NHS dental clinic London


High quality dental bridges dental services London, UK: There are so many good reasons to keep your family’s teeth and gums healthy. Their sparkling smiles. Being able to chew for good nutrition. Avoiding toothaches and discomfort. And new research suggests that gum disease can lead to other problems in the body, including increased risk of heart disease. In fact, most experts agree that almost all tooth decay and most gum disease can be prevented with good oral hygiene. We’re talking about taking a few minutes each day to brush and floss. That’s not a lot in return for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. Find additional info at oral hygiene Ruislip.

Your child should see a dentist by his first birthday. Early preventive care saves you money in the long run. A CDC report shows that dental care costs are nearly 40% lower over a 5-year period for children who see a dentist by age 5. Your dentist can suggest when your child should start using mouthwash. You’ll need to wait until he knows how to spit it out. Babies are born with all their teeth – you can’t see them because they are hidden in the gums. Baby teeth start to break through the gums around 6 months but it is important to start good oral care for infants even before the first tooth comes in. From healthy gums come healthy teeth. Wipe your baby’s gums with a soft washcloth after feeding. This helps remove the bacteria that can cause tooth decay.

Do you want to maintain healthy teeth and gums? Here are a few tips: Eat More Foods That Contain Malic Acid: Fruits like apples, pears and strawberries are malic acid rich and can actually help with whitening teeth. Eating more of these foods will help naturally whiten teeth. Those are just but a few tips that you can hack when it comes to whitening your teeth at home. However, the best way to whiten your teeth naturally, though it may not be the most convenient, is to simply brush your teeth with an appropriate toothpaste after eating or drinking something. As long as you’re consistent, you will see vast improvements. Have your pearly whites lost their luster because of dingy gray or yellow stains? Stained teeth can occur as we age, but some common foods, drinks, and even mouthwashes can stain teeth. Do-it-yourself remedies can help whiten teeth, and avoiding substances that stain teeth can stop further discoloration. Use these secrets to whiter teeth to restore your bright smile.

Missing teeth are common among seniors and can affect their quality of life. You may experience problems chewing and speaking properly and bone loss in your jaw. The good news is that you can replace missing teeth with dental implants if you want a long-term, reliable solution. A tooth implant looks and feels like a natural tooth, benefiting seniors like you in many ways. What are dental implants? Are they a better alternative to removable dentures? Are they safe and effective for seniors? Read on to learn more about dental implants for older people. How Is the Dental Implant Process Conducted? The purpose of dental implants is to support a replacement tooth or bridge by surgically implanting artificial roots into the jawbone. They can be an excellent option if you have lost teeth due to injury, disease, or something else. In fact, most dentists will tell you that dental implants have up to a 99% success rate. This means there’s a 1% risk of dental implant failure. See extra details on

Discussing your past and present medical history will also allow the dentist to recognise when the need exists to work in consultation with other health care professionals such as your G.P. or specialist. Any information is treated as strictly confidential by all members of the team. Will I need to have x-rays taken? This will depend on when you last had dental radiographs taken and the dentist’s assessment of your mouth and teeth. The introduction of digital radiographs and photographs not only reduce the patient exposure to radiation that traditional dental film requires, but also enables the dentist to enlarge and view images on an LCD screen, increasing his diagnostic capabilities, not to mention the speed at which these images can be transferred to dental and medical colleagues anywhere in the world via e-mail. Intra-oral cameras work in much the same way, transmitting an image directly to the computer, which allows the dentist to show patients any areas of concern in their mouth. The approach to dentistry today is a conservative one and saving teeth is of primary concern. Detection of decay has been made easier by the use of a small, non-invasive laser.

Best rated dental implants NHS dental clinic in Milton Keynes


Top rated dental implants dental services Milton Keynes: Before any treatment is carried out, you will be fully informed about the details of your treatment, the risks and rewards of each treatment included in your individual Treatment Plan. So that you can approach your treatment with fear, we offer a pain-free dental experience with highly effective local anaesthesia. We use special protective Rubber Dam sheets to isolate the teeth being treated, avoiding cross-contamination and preventing patients swallowing debris during their treatment. To protect your oral health and general wellbeing, we strongly recommend regular dental visits. This allows us to spot potential problems early and treat the issue before it becomes serious. Discover more details on

What is gum disease? The number one reason why people lose their teeth is undiagnosed periodontal disease. In fact, we know that 90% of all adults have various levels of periodontal (gum) disease. The disease begins without warning, and in its early stages causes gums to become sore, bleed easily, and contribute to bad breath. As it progresses, teeth loosen and separate; your bite changes and teeth are eventually lost. For this reason, we incorporate a regimen of careful gum evaluation into each of your visits to Sorriso Design Dental Clinic. We firmly believe our patients benefit from a more conservative approach rather than an aggressive surgical approach. Your comfort always remains our first concern. Our goal is to diagnose the progression of gum disease and offer an opportunity for you to minimise bone loss and preserve your smile for a lifetime. This requires periodontal maintenance which helps in preventing periodontal diseases.

Safe oral surgery procedures: Minor oral surgery involve treatments such as the safe extraction of severely decayed or fractured teeth. It can also include removing impacted wisdom teeth. Our skilled and experienced team at Sorriso Design Dental Clinic offer both non-surgical and surgical procedures that are safe and only recommended if absolutely necessary. Many people suffer with variety of dental problems which may include overcrowded teeth or impacted wisdom teeth. Any potential dental case can cause a lot of pain but early intervention will help our dentists to determine the right course of treatment to prevent further dental health problems developing. This may require tooth extractions if a tooth has badly decayed, broken or causing oral health issues.

Control the Sippy Cup: A sippy cup can help kids move from a bottle to a glass, but don’t let him drink from it all day long. Using it too much can lead to decay on the back of the front teeth if the drinks are sugary. Babies are born with all their teeth – you can’t see them because they are hidden in the gums. Baby teeth start to break through the gums around 6 months but it is important to start good oral care for infants even before the first tooth comes in. From healthy gums come healthy teeth. Wipe your baby’s gums with a soft washcloth after feeding. This helps remove the bacteria that can cause tooth decay.

Do you want to have healthy teeth and gums? Here are several tips: Banana Peel: After you eat the banana, take the inside of the peel and rub it on your teeth and then rinse. Although there have been counter arguments whether it works or not, the best way is to find out yourself. It will not cost you a dime anyway. You may be able to get rid of superficial stains by yourself. A number of at-home tooth-whitening products — kits, strips, toothpastes, and rinses– may lighten stains. There are even some old-fashioned remedies you can try. Tooth-whitening products available on drugstore shelves use mild bleach to brighten yellow teeth. Toothpastes use abrasives and chemicals to remove surface stains. For deep stains, you may need a dentist’s help.

Improved Oral Health: Once the dental implants integrate with your jawbone, they will provide enough stimulation to help prevent bone loss. Maintaining proper jawbone structure is important because it holds the natural shape of your face and helps hold any remaining teeth in place. Also, dental implants do not rely on other teeth to hold the restoration in place like partial dentures and bridges do. This extra stress puts those teeth at a higher risk for decay and infection. While dental implants do not require special maintenance beyond regular brushing and flossing, dentures must be removed and cleaned regularly. This may not bother others, but some patients may find it inconvenient. See additional details on

What happens if the dentist detects an abnormality? If the dentist wants to confirm that a lesion is benign or is concerned about a suspicious lesion, a brush biopsy may be suggested. A brush biopsy is a painless test for oral cancer, which does not require an injection or any topical anaesthetic. It is simply a small brush, that the dentist will use to scrape some cells from the suspicious area. These cells are then prepared on a slide and delivered to the testing laboratory. The results are usually received within ten days and will indicate the nature of the lesion. It is a very safe and accurate test.

There are many different dentists that you can use. But, the key to getting that bright smile is to find the best dentist. You’ll want to check the reputation of each dentist in your area, until you find one that excels in its field, such as this dentist in Manchester. The right dentist is the one that spends time talking to you about the best solutions for your individual situation. They will also make you feel relaxed and comfortable. This is essential if you want their help to get a naturally shiny smile and maintain strong teeth. If they’re helping to look after your oral health you can focus on bringing out the shine in your teeth.

Dental implants dental services Ealing 2023


Top rated oral hygiene NHS dental clinic Ealing: Our highly experienced Ealing dental specialists are led by principal dentist Dr Roham Barez (GDC No. 79928) who has over 18 years of extensive dentistry experience and qualified for Membership of the Faculty of Dental Surgery (MFDS) at the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 2004. Private and NHS Dental Care: At our modern clinic we offer affordable dental care with an extensive range of the very latest NHS and private treatments, including cosmetic dentistry and Invisalign aligners. See more info at

There are many different dentists that you can use. But, the key to getting that bright smile is to find the best dentist. You’ll want to check the reputation of each dentist in your area, until you find one that excels in its field, such as this dentist in Manchester. The right dentist is the one that spends time talking to you about the best solutions for your individual situation. They will also make you feel relaxed and comfortable. This is essential if you want their help to get a naturally shiny smile and maintain strong teeth. If they’re helping to look after your oral health you can focus on bringing out the shine in your teeth.

Teach Good Habits: Brushing is crucial from the get-go. Before your baby has teeth, you can gently brush his gums. Use water on a baby toothbrush, or clean them with a soft washcloth. When your baby’s teeth appear, brush twice a day with an infant toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste. Start flossing when two of his teeth touch each other. Ask your dentist about techniques and schedules. Brush and floss just before bedtime. After that, don’t give your child any food or drink, except water, until the next morning. Oral Hygiene for Preteens: As children grow older and more of their permanent teeth come in, a rigorous daily dental hygiene routine is crucial to keeping teeth and gums healthy. However, it can be difficult to keep preteens interested in their oral care. Try these tips to keep your child on track: As preteens become more conscious of their appearance, it can be helpful to remind them that good oral care can help them look and feel better.

Do you wish to maintain healthy teeth and gums? Here are several tricks: Eat More Foods That Contain Malic Acid: Fruits like apples, pears and strawberries are malic acid rich and can actually help with whitening teeth. Eating more of these foods will help naturally whiten teeth. Those are just but a few tips that you can hack when it comes to whitening your teeth at home. However, the best way to whiten your teeth naturally, though it may not be the most convenient, is to simply brush your teeth with an appropriate toothpaste after eating or drinking something. As long as you’re consistent, you will see vast improvements. While all sweetened drinks are bad for teeth, some energy and sports drinks may be worse, according to one study in General Dentistry. Researchers found that these drinks — as well as bottled lemonade — may erode tooth enamel after long-term use. The result is thin, translucent, discolored teeth. To prevent tooth erosion: Don’t sit and sip these drinks for a long time. Rinse your mouth with water when you finish drinking.

What is the procedure for dental implants? Dental implants can take several months to complete, but once they are done, they provide a strong, long-lasting replacement tooth that looks and functions just like a natural tooth. The first step is scheduling a consultation with a qualified dental implant specialist before a dental implant placement procedure. The implant can take several months to integrate into the jawbone after placement. During this time, you must avoid putting pressure on the implant and follow post-operative care instructions provided by the dentist. Once the implant has fully integrated, the dentist will attach an abutment to the top. Your dentist will then attach the restoration to the abutment (usually a dental crown, bridge, or denture). The dentist usually creates a custom restoration once the gums have healed around the abutment. Read extra details at

How can I reduce the risks of mouth cancer? Smoking is a major cause of mouth and throat cancer and gum and bone disorders in the mouth. The team at Dental Perfection recognise that quitting smoking is a difficult challenge for most people and have established a quit smoking program to support and encourage their patients to quit and improve their confidence and their health and reduce their risk of mouth cancer. Please ask a member of staff who will be more than willing to discuss the alternative solutions for quitting smoking. Limiting the amount of alcohol you drink will also reduce the risk of mouth cancer, as will attending the dentist regularly for your check-ups and cancer screenings.

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Best endodontist dental services West Yorkshire: To be more specific, avoid the following things. Smoking and Chewing Tobacco: Tobacco products like cigarettes, cigars, pipes with tobacco in them, e-cigs with nicotine, snuff, and chewing tobacco can ruin your oral health significantly or even result in gum disease and oral cancer. Drinking Alcohol: If you thought soft drinks could compromise your teeth, then what more hard drinks or alcohol? Drinking alcohol doesn’t only compromise the health of your liver. It also makes your teeth weaker and your gums more prone to infection. Cut down your drinks to a maximum of two glasses per day if you’re male or one glass if you’re female. (If you need another reason to do this, note that you’ll increase your risk of getting cancer if you indulge in heavy drinking or binge drinking). Read additional information on smile design West Yorkshire.

Brushing and Flossing Techniques: As you age, your risk of developing issues like heart disease or diabetes rises. Also, did you know that unhealthy teeth and gums can result in those conditions as complications? Therefore, you should keep such illnesses at bay by caring for your teeth. Certain medications can also cause side effects that compromise your dental health. Regardless, follow the brushing and flossing advice below to maintain your gingival, dental, and oral health when push comes to shove.

Choosing the Right Toothbrush and Toothpaste: Choosing which toothbrush and toothpaste to get for yourself can be confusing because you have so many options in the market varying in style, shape, and size. However, it’s important to remember what to look for regardless. The best toothbrush for you is one that doesn’t leave you with an aching mouth afterward. The instrument should be gentle on your teeth and gums and comfortable to use at the same time.

Quick Oral Hygiene Tips for Busy Lifestyles: Life can get incredibly hectic, and amidst all the chaos, it’s easy to neglect our oral health. However, taking care of your teeth and gums is crucial not only for your pearly whites but also for your overall well-being. Here, we’ll explore practical tips and time-saving strategies. In the hustle and bustle of life, an electric toothbrush can be a game-changer. These devices are designed to provide effective cleaning in less time compared to manual brushing. Their built-in timers ensure that you brush for the recommended two minutes, so you don’t have to keep an eye on the clock. If you prefer your trusty manual toothbrush, consider using dental apps or timers. Many smartphone apps are specifically designed to help you time your brushing routine. They can also provide reminders for flossing and rinsing, ensuring you don’t miss any step of your dental care routine.

Use mouthwash properly: Using a quality, fluoride mouthwash once or twice a day as part of your oral hygiene routine can help to provide additional protection against plaque and tooth decay. However, the NHS and leading dental health authorities advise against rinsing directly after brushing your teeth, as this can wash away a lot of the concentrated fluoride from your toothpaste. Instead, they advise using mouthwash at a different time of day, for example after lunch. It is also worth noting that for best results, avoid eating or drinking for at least thirty minutes after using mouthwash.

What are the early signs and symptoms of mouth cancer? Cancer can occur in any part of the mouth, on the tongue, lips and in the throat. Sadly, mouth cancer has a very high mortality rate. This is due to late detection. The positive news is that a “precancer” will sometimes form a long time before cancer develops, and if detected early, it can be treated rapidly with an excellent chance of prevention or cure. Some of the early symptoms of mouth cancer include: An ulcer or a sore throat that has persisted longer than three weeks; A white or red patch on the soft tissue, gums, tongue or lining in the mouth; A chronic sore throat or hoarse voice that persists for longer than six weeks; Difficulty in swallowing or a constant feeling that something is caught in the throat; A neck swelling that persists longer than three weeks; Numbness of the tongue or other area of the mouth.

Your dentist will be able to let you know if this is a procedure that could be right for you and, if it is, will put together a personalised treatment plan for you. In most cases, the realignment process is a gradual one involving several stages as your teeth are gently eased back into line. If you’re concerned that it will involve wearing an unsightly and uncomfortable series of braces through the process, don’t be. These days advances in orthodontics mean that braces are more discreet and lightweight than ever, and many are even clear making them difficult to spot. So, the first step is to talk to us at Batley Carr Dental Practice to see if and how orthodontics could help you. Find additional details on

Visit your dentist at least every 6 months. Routine dental exams are critical for your dental health. Visiting your dentist twice a year for a routine cleaning and oral exam will help you detect and prevent oral health issues. Replace your toothbrush every 3 months. Over time, toothbrush bristles can lose their shape and deteriorate. To properly clean your teeth and gums, swap out your toothbrush every three or four months. If you schedule regular dental exams, your dentist will also provide you with a new toothbrush if necessary.

The treatment of abscesses and root infections also fall under the heading of minor oral surgery and your dentist will be able to advise you if you ever need treatment for conditions such as these. While this kind of treatment is minor it is more serious and involved that “standard” dentistry, so you can rest assured that we will pay just as much attention to your aftercare as we will to the treatment itself. Dental implants are one of the most effective ways of replacing a missing tooth, or teeth. Unlike a traditional denture or bridge, these are actually anchored to your jaw giving much greater support.

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Clearskin acne skin treatment Berkshire in 2023: Improved Functionality: Dental restorations that are secured with dental implants can function like natural teeth. You will be able to eat, speak, and smile with confidence. Traditional dentures, on the other hand, will slip or shift in the mouth while eating or speaking. Implant secured restorations are securely anchored in the jawbone, providing a stable base for chewing and speaking. Improved Aesthetics: Your new dental implant secured restoration will look and feel just like natural teeth. We will custom make them to match the shape, size, and color of the surrounding teeth. This will provide a seamless and natural looking smile. This is especially important for people who have lost front teeth and their new teeth will significantly impact their overall appearance.

CrownWood Dental provides a full range of cosmetic dental treatments to our Bracknell patients. Established in Bracknell for over 20 years, CrownWood Dental welcomes all patients, including those with dental phobia, and we promise to make your experience a pleasant and enjoyable one. We are renowned for having the very best clinical skills and are committed to further post-graduate training for our dental staff. We use modern state-of-the-art dental equipment and the latest technology, together with the very best in sterilisation and cross-infection control procedures. We are committed to maintaining CrownWood’s core values with an emphasis on affordable, flexible and quality dental care that is accessible for both private and NHS patients. For more information on our NHS dental services please click here. Read extra info on

Lip fillers tips from the top Medispa clinic in Bracknell,. Consider a chemical peel. Weekly chemical peels help healthy bacteria grow. Gritty scrubs have the opposite effect, triggering collagen-destroying enzymes. Glycolic acid works, too. New to chemical peels? Try glycolic acid for normal skin, salicylic acid for oily or combination skin, and gentle lactic acid for dry or sensitive skin.

What happens if glue gets in your eyes? Since your eyes are shut the whole time lash extensions are being applied, no glue will ever get into your eye. To avoid any irritation, however, the first safety precaution you can take is to be sure that the glue is safe for your eyes and doesn’t contain anything that can harm them, like formaldehyde. Shipping glues across the world often leads to a buildup of formaldehyde by the time they reach the salon. Additionally, it’s important to understand the difference between an allergic reaction and an infection. A licensed and experienced lash technician will not let an infection occur, but if you’re allergic to the glue, you’re still going to be allergic — this doesn’t mean the glue is inherently harmful.

Emergency dentist in Bracknell, Berkshire: If you need a highly rated and experienced emergency dentist in Bracknell near you offering same day appointments, our friendly state-of-the-art clinic can help. Our expert emergency dental team includes our highly experienced Principal Dentist Dr. Chi-Yuen Wong (GDC No. 74689), who has been helping emergency patients (including nervous patients) from all parts of Berkshire for over 20 years. Our friendly team will always do our best to see patients requiring emergency dental care on a same day basis and we are open Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 5:30 pm. We will treat you exactly how we would be expected to be treated in an emergency – with compassion, dignity and a sense of urgency. We also pride ourselves on our sympathetic treatment of nervous patients or people with a dental phobia. Read more info at

Getting Botox is not a moral failing. Because of my previously held opinions about Botox, a part of me felt that to try it would mean selling out on my principles. Plus, as a deeply religious person, I’ve always subscribed to the belief that vanity is a sin. But I’ve come to believe that the desire to look attractive (or at least not look angry) is natural and good. If I could prevent myself from frowning on my own power, I would do so! It doesn’t bother me to use a little medical help to get there.

Remove Makeup or Creams. The ingredients in beauty products can sometimes affect the results of laser hair removal and should be removed prior to each of your treatments. This includes deodorant, makeup, lotions, ointments, and anything else applied topically to the area. Simply use soap and water to cleanse the skin that will be treated. If makeup remover is used, be sure to rinse the area with water afterward. By following these recommendations, you will significantly reduce the risk of experiencing side effects caused by your laser treatments. These can range from mild skin irritation to burns or discoloration. Additionally, you’ll be sure to get the most out of your laser hair removal treatments and get results that will last a lifetime.

Tooth Extractions in Bracknell, Berkshire: Having a tooth out is the same as having an operation and you must look after the area to speed healing and reduce the risk of infection. Our expert tooth extraction team includes our highly experienced specialist oral surgeon, Dr. Raji Ranganathan (GDC No: 100849) and associate dentist Dr. Harpreet Punny (GDC No: 228072). At CrownWood Dental, extractions can also be done under sedation, and we are able to refer nervous patients to a sedation centre for treatment.