Category: Bankruptcy Lawyers

Doskonałe Kancelaria prawnicza w Gdyni, Polska

Najwyżej oceniane usługi prawne Polska 2022? Kancelaria adwokata Karola Czaplewskiego świadczy kompleksowe usługi prawne z zakresu prawa rodzinnego, cywilnego i karnego. Od wielu lat szeroko doradzamy naszym Klientom i skutecznie rozwiązujemy ich problemy prawne. W codziennej praktyce reprezentujemy Klientów przed trójmiejskimi sądami. Najbardziej skomplikowane kwestie i zagadnienia wyjaśniamy zrozumiałym językiem i w przystępny sposób. Jesteśmy pasjonatami prawa rodzinnego i karnego, które zręcznie łączymy z wątkami cywilnymi. Czytać dodatkowy detale tutaj rozwód gdynia.

Warto skorzystać z pomocy adwokata, który ma doświadczenie w prowadzeniu spraw rodzinnych. Czerpanie wiedzy na temat prawnych aspektów rozwodu z osobistych doświadczeń naszych bliskich może okazać się zgubne. Nawet jeżeli sytuacje wydają się podobne, mogą je różnić drobne szczegóły, które w rzeczywistości sądowej mają ogromne znaczenie. Jakie są przesłanki rozwodu? W sprawie o rozwód sąd bada czy między małżonkami nastąpił trwały i zupełny rozkład pożycia. Co to oznacza? Trzeba po prostu zapewnić sąd, że małżonków nie łączą już żadne więzi, a sytuacja trwa na tyle długo, że nie ma widoków na jej poprawę. Trwałość rozkładu pożycia oznacza, że nie ma już szans na uratowanie małżeństwa. Zupełność rozkładu oznacza natomiast, że pomiędzy małżonkami zanikła więź duchowa (emocjonalna), fizyczna i gospodarcza. Rozwód można orzec tylko wtedy, gdy wszystkie powyższe przesłanki wystąpią łącznie. Jeśli małżonków nie łączą więzi emocjonalne ani gospodarcze, ale utrzymują za obopólną zgodą kontakty seksualne, to sąd nie wyrazi zgody na rozwód.

Instytucja zasiedzenia wydaje się być sprzeczna z konstytucyjną zasadą nienaruszalności prawa własności. Jednakże, z praktyki i doświadczenia naszej Kancelarii wynika, że zasiedzenie stoi ponad prawem własności. Obrona przed zasiedzeniem Jak bronić się przed zasiedzeniem? Przede wszystkim – co najważniejsze – należy starać się przerwać bieg terminu zasiedzenia. Jeśli tylko mamy podejrzenie, że ktoś traktuje naszą własność jak właściciel – musimy wnieść do Sądu powództwo windykacyjne.

Co to jest zachowek? Zachowek jest instytucją przewidzianą w Kodeksie cywilnym, która ma na celu ochronę najbliższych zmarłego. Zachowek jest rekompensatą, która przysługuje osobie, która została pozbawiona przez zmarłego spadku. Stanowi niejako kompromis pomiędzy zagwarantowaną spadkodawcy swobodą rozdysponowania majątku na wypadek śmierci, a prawem bliskich do partycypowania (w określonym zakresie) w majątku zmarłego członka ich rodziny. Zachowek stanowi ułamek wartości udziału spadkowego, który przypadłby uprawnionemu do zachowku, gdyby spadkodawca w testamencie nie zapisał majątku komuś innemu.

Jak zlokalizować testament i majątek spadkowy? Sporządzając testament u notariusza można wpisać sporządzony dokument testamentu do Notarialnego Rejestru Testamentów (NORT). Znajdujące się w rejestrze testamenty mogą zostać w szybki i prosty sposób odnalezione przez osoby zainteresowane spadkiem. Co się stanie gdy sporządzimy nieważny testament? W przypadku sporządzenia nieważnego testamentu o sposobie podziału spadku zadecydują przepisy ustawy, a nie autor testamentu. Odkryć jeszcze informacje na tej stronie o

Search truck accidents & personal injury lawyers in Charlotte

Looking for personal injury lawsuit in Charlotte? Most personal injury attorneys offer a free consultation and case evaluation to help you explore your options for filing a claim. This frees up your time to focus on recovering from your injuries and getting your life back on track. Best of all, you won’t have to pay any legal fees until they recover compensation for your damages. If you were injured in a car accident, motorcycle accident, slip and fall, or any other accident that wasn’t your fault, you deserve compensation. Discover additional details on visit price petho & associates. According to N.C. Gen. Stat. section 1-52 the statute of limitations on personal injury cases is three years. This means you have three years from the date of your injury to file a claim or you may lose your right to obtain compensation. Depending on the specifics of your case, you may qualify for an extension to the statute of limitations. An attorney from our firm can let you know how the statute of limitations can affect your case. There are three main types of damages available in a personal injury case, economic, non-economic and punitive. The first two are called “compensatory damages” since their main purpose is the compensate the injured party for their losses associated with suffering an injury. Economic damages, as the name suggests compensate the injured party for financial losses related to their injuries such as the inability to work and medical expenses. Non-economic damages, on the other hand, compensate for more intangible losses such as pain and suffering and mental anguish. Punitive damage differs from the first two in that their main purpose is to punish the negligent party. As such punitive damages can be quite severe and are not often awarded.

Surgical errors are procedural errors that cause injury or death before the surgery has even taken place. While there are many types of errors that can occur all have devastating impacts. If you have been a victim of a surgical error you have the right to recover compensation. Learn more about how we can help you today! Spinal cord injuries can have catastrophic, often permanent repercussions. Our firm understands the devastating impact these types of injuries can have on you and your family and are dedicated to working hard to recover the compensation you deserve. Learn more about injury law and how our team can help you by reading our spinal cord injury page.

Vehicle accidents caused by the negligence of other drivers are not uncommon in and around our area. These incidents can lead to severe injuries, but victims are often left going up against aggressive insurance carriers in order to obtain compensation. We handle all types of traffic accidents, including those involving traditional passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, tractor-trailers, Uber and Lyft vehicles, delivery vehicles, and more.

How Do I File a Workers’ Compensation Claim? The most important thing to do is to make a report of your injury to your employer as soon as possible. Document exactly how the injury took place, taking note of any co-workers or supervisors who were present at the time of the accident. Then you must file a claim with the North Carolina Industrial Commission by completing a Form 18 within two years of the date of injury. The North Carolina Retaliatory Discrimination Act makes it illegal for your employer to fire you or otherwise retaliate against you for requesting benefits under.

Founded by Attorney Larry E. Price in 1979, the law firm of Price Petho & Associates is dedicated to the representation of plaintiffs involved in serious personal injury, workers’ compensation, and wrongful death claims. Our mission is to provide our clients with the best legal representation possible with a personalized approach to each case. Our goal is not to be the biggest legal practice but rather the best. When you hire the law firm of Price Petho & Associates, your case will be handled by attorneys, not just case managers. Your calls will be returned promptly and your questions answered. In short, you will be treated with the respect and compassion you deserve. Find extra info on

The best bankruptcy lawyer Raleigh right now

Bankruptcy Lawyers

Excellent bankruptcy lawyer Raleigh today? GENERALLY creditors do not actually repossess (or repo) a vehicle until you are 3 or more months behind in payments. They cannot break into a garage or harm any of your personal property (such as a chain around the axle) while repossessing the vehicle. Once repossessed, they must give any personal property that was in the vehicle back to you if you request it — but beware. Some will charge storage fees, or charge to get the personal property out of the vehicle for you. Many times they will claim there was no personal property in the vehicle — and you will be hard pressed to prove there was personal property stored there. It is nearly ALWAYS best not to leave personal property in any vehicle that could get repossessed (repo’ed)!

Invest in Qualified Opportunity Funds: Taxpayers can defer paying capital gains by reinvesting their money into Qualified Opportunity Funds. The funds, which were created by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, are intended to spur economic development and job creation in distressed communities. If money is held in a Qualified Opportunity Fund for seven years, 15% of the capital gains tax on the investment is eliminated. “It’s a wonderful tax incentive,” Zollars says. However, like other provisions of the tax reform law, the funds and their tax-savings benefits are scheduled to end in 2026. That means to have your money held in a fund for seven years, you’ll need to make an investment before Dec. 31, 2019.

Any limitation on the time allowed to the IRS to collect, such as non-filing of the return or an offer in compromise or bankruptcy, “tolls” or extends the “3-Year Rule” past April 15th of the third year after the return was due. Other events can delay the bankruptcy filing date to discharge taxes, including prior bankruptcies. The time rules (3-Year, 2-Year and 240-Day) are all delayed by the period in the prior bankruptcy proceeding, plus an additional 6 months. If you file an Offer in Compromise, the 240-Day period is extended by the period it is under IRS consideration, plus 30 days. Find more information at best bankruptcy lawyer Raleigh.

Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit: A tax credit is so much better than a tax deduction—it reduces your tax bill dollar for dollar. So missing one is even more painful than missing a deduction that simply reduces the amount of income that’s subject to tax. But it’s easy to overlook the child and dependent care credit if you pay your child care bills through a reimbursement account at work. The law allows you to run up to $5,000 of such expenses through a tax-favored reimbursement account at work. Up to $6,000 in care expenses can qualify for the credit, but the $5,000 from a tax favored account can’t be used. So if you run the maximum $5,000 through a plan at work but spend more for work-related child care, you can claim the credit on up to an extra $1,000. That would cut your tax bill by at least $200 using the minimum 20 percent of the expenses. The credit percentage goes up for lower income households.

We believe in excellency as both a virtue and a compulsion. We are workaholics, both passionate and personable. We believe success is measured by action, not wealth. We believe in doing the right thing for the right price. We are family, and will treat you like family, too. We are Cameron Bankruptcy Law. Sheree Cameron’s double undergraduate degree came from the University of Tennessee where she graduated “Summa Cum Laude”. Sheree received a scholarship for the UNC Chapel Hill School of Law, where she received her Doctorate in Law. She has helped people find relief from their debts as a Bankruptcy Lawyer for over 10 years, and carries an “A+” rating with the BBB® under “Cameron Bankruptcy Law”. Find even more info at We treat you like family, We have the best bankruptcy reviews in North Carolina!

Surrender the property – Give the property back to the creditor (“surrender”) and have the debt discharged. If you choose to surrender property, you generally must comply within 45 days of filing your Statement of Intention (which is generally filed as part of your bankruptcy petition). Creditors will generally contact you to facilitate return of collateral, and many times it is not worth their effort to collect the property. If you are surrendering a car, however, we do recommend that you contact the creditor and make arrangements to drop off the vehicle.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawsuits by Dove law firm Houston, Texas 2021

High professionalism IRS tax attorney in Houston in 2021? Folks often have the misconception that if the lawsuit is not placed in their hands, they cannot be served and the lawsuit cannot proceed. This is not true and sometimes if you are served by alternative service you may not realize you have been served (if, for example, the lawsuit is affixed to your door and a nosy neighbor takes the lawsuit). If you are aware a lawsuit has been filed, do think if they have not put the lawsuit into your hands that the lawsuit cannot proceed. A lawsuit begins when the ‘Plaintiff’ (the person or company doing the suing) files the ‘Original Petition’ in the appropriate court. If the dollar amount the creditor is suing for is less than $10,000, the lawsuit will usually (but not always) be filed in a ‘Justice of the Peace’ court. Otherwise a lawsuit for an unpaid debt will typically be filed in the county court or district court for the county in which you live.

The IRS often accepts payment of the tax debt in full over time. A longer term payment plan with the IRS is called an ‘Installment Agreement.’ The more you owe the IRS, the more you may have to disclose to the IRS before they will consider agreeing to a long-term payment plan. Unlike an offer in compromise, a payment plan will repay your taxes in full. This may be a good option when an Offer In Compromise is not right for you. If the IRS has filed a tax lien against you, the lien will stop the sale of real estate. We can help secure a partial release of lien or release of lien from the IRS so that the title company will agree to allow the closing of the sale to occur.

If you have questions about how a Chapter 7 bankruptcy or a Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Houston (or the surrounding areas) may be able to help you or your business, please call today to schedule a free consultation. Even if bankruptcy is not right for you and your situation, I may be able to help you through the process of debt settlement, if needed. My job as a lawyer is to educate you about all of your options when seeking a financial fresh start so that you can make an informed decision that is right for you. I believe that customer service should be the no 1 priority in any business, but it is especially important in the bankruptcy and debt settlement field. When people are struggling financially they may be stressed, nervous and scared about their situation. The prompt returning of telephone calls and e-mails is important so as to help alleviate anxiety. You can also take comfort in knowing that you will be speaking with an attorney every time you call or come in for an appointment. Dove Law Firm, PLLC is a Debt Relief Agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code as well as resolve other debt issues. Read more details on dove law bankruptcy law firm.

Who Should File Chapter 13 Bankruptcy? Many people think of bankruptcy court as the final stop on a path to financial ruin, the only option left when repaying debts seems impossible. But there’s hope even in bankruptcy, and Chapter 13 of the federal bankruptcy code offers the closest thing to a soft landing. Sometimes called the Wage Earner’s Bankruptcy, Chapter 13 allows those with enough income to repay all or part of their debts an alternative to liquidation. It’s bankruptcy for those whose biggest problem is dealing with creditors’ demands for immediate payment, not lack of income.

Bunch Your Charitable Contributions: In 2019, married couples filing jointly have a standard deduction of $24,400. For single taxpayers, the standard deduction is $12,200. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which nearly doubled the standard deduction, also eliminated miscellaneous deductions, capped state and local tax deductions at $10,000 and limited mortgage interest deductions to loans of up to $750,000. These changes can make it difficult to itemize deductions unless someone has significant charitable donations. Powell suggests people bunch two years of contributions into a single year, which would allow them to claim an itemized deduction every other year. For those with the financial means, setting up a donor-advised fund may be ideal. “You get the deduction in the year you move the money (into the fund),” Powell says. However, charitable gifts from the fund can be spread out over time.

Reinvested dividends: This isn’t really a tax deduction, but it is a subtraction that can save you a lot of money. And it’s one that many taxpayers miss. If, like most investors, you have mutual fund dividends automatically invested in extra shares, remember that each reinvestment increases your “tax basis” in the stock or mutual fund. That, in turn, reduces the amount of taxable capital gain (or increases the tax-saving loss) when you sell your shares. Forgetting to include the reinvested dividends in your cost basis—which you subtract from the proceeds of sale to determine your gain—means overpaying your taxes. TurboTax Premier and Home & Business tax preparation solutions include a very cool tool—Cost Basis Lookup—that will figure your basis for you and make sure you get credit for every dime of reinvested dividends.

Your creditor could also object and keep certain debts from getting discharged. For example, a credit card company could object to the debt from recent luxury goods purchases or cash advances, and the court may decide you still need to repay this portion of the credit card’s balance. Additionally, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy may discharge the debt you owe on secured loans. Secured loans are those backed by collateral, such as your home for a mortgage, or when a creditor has a lien on your property. However, even if the debt is discharged, the creditor may still have the right to foreclose on or repossess your property. Read additional info at

Best law firm Accra, Ghana

Bankruptcy Lawyers

Best law services in Accra, Ghana? Our experts with practical local and international experience in the field of wealth management will advise you on a wide range of areas including the following: Transfer of Wealth to Younger Generations – We recognize that family wealth represents family pride, and that the erosion of family legacies could spell doom for generations of family members unborn. CQ Legal has vast experience in company law and its associated good governance practices in terms of filing statutory documents as required and advising and training of management teams on good governance practices in a rapidly interconnected world such as US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, UK Anti-Bribery Act, and the Office of Foreign Assets Control.

We specialize in all aspects of intellectual property protection and commercialization, including registration of trademarks, designs and copyrights, licensing of intellectual property, drafting intellectual property agreements and policies and intellectual property branding both nationally and internationally. We also have extensive experienced in IP related litigation and dispute resolution. CQ Legal is synonymous with entertainment, media and sports law due to our strength, in-depth and substantial presence in these fields. Our understanding of the unique issues that confront music, media film and sports talent allows us to offer a focused service to our clients within this sector.

Our Corporate department covers a broad spectrum of clients, encompassing public companies, limited liability companies, multinational corporations, local businesses and entrepreneurs involved in businesses in a variety of industries such as energy, aviation and infrastructure. We have a deep understanding of both complex domestic and international transactions as well as general corporate advice on day-to-day legal issues encountered by our clients. We are well-positioned to assist our clients in anticipating and achieving their business objectives. Our experience and knowledge of the public and the private sectors in Ghana gives us a deep and clear understanding of the wider legal and business environment. See even more info on Law Firm in Ghana.

We work closely with government regulators so we understand how they interpret rules and regulations and apply them to contractors. Our combination of substantive legal knowledge and practical experience allows us to mitigate risk and resolve disputes and allegations favourably. We represent construction and manufacturing contractors, information technology and telecommunication providers; pharmaceutical and medical supplies companies; energy and environmental contractors; and universities, medical centers, and other sundry businesses. From development and bidding on Government contracts, to financing, performance disputes and contract administration, CQ Legal ensures that your company is always treated fairly by the Government and its agencies.

Prevention is better than cure and we have a team of specialist lawyers who are experienced at advising financial institutions, companies, liquidators, administrators, receivers on both contentious and non-contentious restructurings, cross border insolvencies, formal insolvency proceedings, out of court settlements, CVA’s and distressed M&A’s. We also advise and represent individuals, companies and institutional clients on debt recovery strategies and actions. See even more information at

Uncontested divorce attorney in San Antonio

Visitation attorney in Texas? Have you been injured by someone else’s negligence or wrongful actions? If so, you may be able to recover compensation for your damages. Through the at-fault party’s insurance company, you may be able to negotiate a personal injury settlement for your physical, psychological, and financial damages. You also have the option of filing a civil lawsuit and pursuing your claim in court. However, negotiating a settlement means getting compensation sooner, without the time, hassle, and cost of a trial.

Insurance companies do not pay money willingly. The insurance company can be expected to thoroughly investigate the facts of your accident and use any prior history of related medical conditions to diminish the value of your claim. Insurance companies may hire a private investigator to film your physical activities in public. In substantial injury claims, insurance companies may even try to set you up by having their investigators trick you into engaging in physical activities such as carrying a heavy package, bending to pick up bulky objects or changing a flat tire.

Estorga Johnson Law Firm, PLLC is a general litigation practice. We work diligently with our clients to educate them on the entire process, from initial filings to potential outcomes. The goal is to make sure all questions are answered to ensure clients are fully prepared to meet any challenges that may arise. Having access to experienced and dedicated representation in a legal proceeding can make the difference between a positive or negative outcome that could greatly impact your life. Read even more details on uncontested divorce.

Cases involving child protective services are serious and should not be taken lightly. Even if your case is just a simple misunderstanding, you don’t want to face legal proceedings alone. An investigation can quickly turn into a removal proceeding, which if requested by the department, can expose parents to the possibility of having their rights terminated if the department and Judge do not believe the parents can meet the needs of their child(ren).

In putting together your settlement demand letter, you figured out a range of what you believe your claim is worth. Before you speak to an adjuster about your demand, decide on a minimum settlement figure within that range that you would accept. This figure is for your own information, not something you would reveal to the adjuster. But once the figures and discussions start going back and forth, it helps if you already have your bottom line in mind. That way, you don’t have to make a snap decision if an adjuster makes you a take-it-or-leave-it offer on the phone. You will know whether it meets your minimum level or not. However, you do not have to cling to the figure you originally set for yourself. If an adjuster points out some facts you had not considered but which clearly make your claim weaker, you may have to lower your minimum figure somewhat. And if the adjuster starts with a low settlement offer or a number at or near your minimum — or if you discover evidence that makes your claim stronger — you may want to revise your minimum upward.

Divorce proceedings can be stressful and complex. Estorga Johnson Law Firm, PLLC works to educate clients and help them through this complicated process. It is important that clients understand the process so they can assist in their case. Our firm handles divorce matters in San Antonio/Bexar County, Seguin/Guadalupe County, Kerrville/ Kerr County, Bandera/Bandera County, New Braunfels/Comal County, and Boerne/Kendall County. Read extra info at

Chapter 7 lawsuits by bankruptcy lawyer Houston, TX

Chapter 7 tips from bankruptcy attorney Houston: Once you have been served, that triggers the deadline to file an answer, a written response to the lawsuit that gets filed with the court. If the lawsuit is filed in a justice of the peace court, the answer deadline is calculated by adding ten days to the day you were served and going to the next Monday after those ten days. If the lawsuit was filed in county court or district court, the answer deadline is calculated by adding twenty days to the day you were served and going to the next Monday after those twenty days. Failing to timely file an answer may result in a loss of possible defenses in the lawsuit and/or a judgment being entered against you.

Out-of-pocket charitable contributions: It’s hard to overlook the big charitable gifts you made during the year by check or payroll deduction. But the little things add up, too, and you can write off out-of-pocket costs you incur while doing good deeds. Ingredients for casseroles you regularly prepare for a qualified nonprofit organization’s soup kitchen, for example, or the cost of stamps you buy for your school’s fundraiser count as a charitable contribution. If you drove your car for charity in 2019, remember to deduct 14 cents per mile. Jury pay paid to employer: Some employers continue to pay employees’ full salary while they are doing their civic duty, but ask that they turn over their jury fees to the company. The only problem is that the IRS demands that you report those fees as taxable income. If you give the money to your employer you have a right to deduct the amount so you aren’t taxed on money that simply passes through your hands.

How Does Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Work? When you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the court places an automatic temporary stay on your current debts. This stops creditors from collecting payments, garnishing your wages, foreclosing on your home, repossessing property, evicting you or turning off your utilities. The court will take legal possession of your property and appoint a bankruptcy trustee to your case. Find more details at

If you have questions about how a Chapter 7 bankruptcy or a Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Houston (or the surrounding areas) may be able to help you or your business, please call today to schedule a free consultation. Even if bankruptcy is not right for you and your situation, I may be able to help you through the process of debt settlement, if needed. My job as a lawyer is to educate you about all of your options when seeking a financial fresh start so that you can make an informed decision that is right for you.

Meet With Your Tax Advisor: November is a good month to meet with a tax advisor, Powell says. They have finished their October tax filings and may have time in their schedule before the busy tax season starts after the first of the year. “If you sit down and do some math between now and the end of the year, you can make sure you are in a favorable tax bracket,” Barlin says. An advisor can help pinpoint strategies to reduce taxable income through retirement contributions or itemized deductions. That, in turn, may be key to ensuring households remain eligible for some income-based tax incentives such as student loan interest deductions. If you don’t regularly use a tax professional, Barlin says running numbers through tax software can be just as beneficial.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is like Chapter 11, which applies to businesses. In both cases, the petitioner submits a reorganization plan that safeguards assets against repossession or foreclosure and typically requests forgiveness of other debts. They both differ from the more extreme Chapter 7 filing, which liquidates all assets except those specifically protected. No bankruptcy filing eliminates all debts. Child support and alimony payments aren’t dischargeable, nor are student loans and unpaid taxes. But bankruptcy can clear away many other debts, though it will likely make it harder for the debtor to borrow in the future.

I think that customer help should be the no 1 priority in any business, but it is also very important important in the bankruptcy and debt settlement field. When people are struggling financially they may be stressed, nervous and scared about their situation. The prompt returning of telephone calls and e-mails is important so as to help alleviate anxiety. You can also take comfort in knowing that you will be speaking with an attorney every time you call or come in for an appointment. Dove Law Firm, PLLC is a Debt Relief Agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code as well as resolve other debt issues. See more information on Dove Law Firm.

Bankruptcy lawyer Houston, Texas

Dove law firm Houston: What Debts Are Discharged in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? A Chapter 7 bankruptcy will generally discharge your unsecured debts, such as credit card debt, medical bills and unsecured personal loans. The court will discharge these debts at the end of the process, generally about four to six months after you start. Some types of unsecured debts usually aren’t discharged through a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, including: Child support, Alimony , Student loans, Some tax debt, Homeowners association fees, Court fees and penalties, Personal injury debts you owe due to an accident while you were intoxicated, Unsecured debts that you intentionally left off your filing.

Moving expense to take first job: Here’s an interesting dichotomy: Job-hunting expenses incurred while looking for your first job are not deductible, but moving expenses to get to that first job are. And you get this write-off even if you don’t itemize. If you moved more than 50 miles, you can deduct 23 cents per mile of the cost of getting yourself and your household goods to the new area, (plus parking fees and tolls) for driving your own vehicle. However, beginning in 2018, moving expenses are no longer deductible for federal taxes unless you are in the military and the move is due to military orders. Some states such as California continue to provide this tax benefit. Find extra details on Bankruptcy attorney Houston Texas.

Use Your Flexible Spending Account Balance: Workers who have flexible spending accounts need to use up their balances soon. These accounts have “use it or lose it” provisions in which money reverts back to an employer if not spent. While some companies provide a grace period for purchases made in the new year, others end reimbursements at the close of the calendar year.

One of Chapter 13’s most attractive features is the chance to keep your home as long as you can pay the mortgage under a settlement plan. Under Chapter 13, people have three to five years to resolve their debts while applying all their disposable income to debt reduction. The option allows applicants to eliminate unsecured debts while catching up on missed mortgage payments. Short-circuiting home foreclosure is one of the option’s most attractive features. Though keeping your home can be a major relief, you’re required to spend years living under the supervision of a court-appointed trustee who will collect and distribute your payments.