Premium colloidal silver online store


High quality silver mineral water online store: Beyond its already acknowledged health benefits showcased by the amazing dietary supplements crafted by GoldenGevity, this process holds the promise of revolutionizing multiple industries, driven by meticulous Research and Development. These transformative impacts are poised to extend into various sectors, including: Material Sciences: The utilization of atomic particles through this process could usher in an era of innovative material engineering, unlocking new frontiers in material properties and applications. ​​Quantum Sciences: The intricacies of quantum mechanics could be further explored and harnessed, potentially leading to profound advancements in computing, communication, and more. Discover more info at colloidal gold. Enhanced Immune Support: The high concentration of atomic colloidal silver which can range from 2000 to 12,000 PPM effectively supports your immune system, helping you stay healthy.

Backed by EPA research (CASRN 7440-22-4), which confirms the non-toxic nature of Silver Minerals. Unlike Nanoparticle Colloidal Silver, our Atomic Particle solution ensures safety and efficacy. GoldenGevity’s Trace Minerals are unrivaled “Atomic Crystal Minerals,” boasting an impressive size of 0.1nm, showcasing purity and potency. Our Atomic Particles penetrate cells effortlessly, offering unparalleled health benefits. Furthermore, their atomic nature allows them to easily penetrate taste buds, potentially imparting a salty or citrus-like taste.

Unprotected sun exposure is unhealthy for the skin because aside from getting sunburn, the harsh UV rays can also cause premature skin aging (think dark spots and wrinkles). However, it is understandable that we may sometimes forget to apply an adequate amount of sunscreen before going out and are already dealing with the consequences, therefore choosing skincare products infused with colloidal gold might be a wise choice considering that colloidal gold not only prevents sun damage, it also treats sun- damaged skin through its ability to restore and repair damaged cells.

For many, bottled water seems to be the easy solution to this problem- but we know that is far from the truth. Not only is bottled water expensive, but there are also many documented health risks now associated with bottled water. Many plastic water bottles contain sizable amounts of Bisphenol A (BPA), which has been linked to issues such as diabetes, cancer, and high blood pressure. Environmental harms aside, plastic water bottles are on a practical level quite harmful to our health and therefore should be avoided at all costs. This leaves us with only one option. To purify our tap water sources. And the good news is, thanks to the amazing purifying power of silver and the portability of the TrueColloidal, it’s never been easier.

Overall, colloidal gold is considered safe, but consider the source of the product and any preexisting health conditions before use. Colloidal metals include gold, silver and copper. Potential benefits of colloidal metals include: Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, Healing and infection prevention, Acne treatment, Nervous system and immune-system support, Blood sugar reduction, Skin and hair rejuvenation, Memory support.

We conducted some more quality control tests. In one test, we found it to be quite challenging to convert monatomic gold back into its original state of metallic gold. Special circumstances were required for the transformation to occur. We put our Monatomic Colloidal Gold with an 18000 PPM concentration into a container and exposed it to extremely high voltages. Simultaneously, a magnetic stirrer was spinning continuously in the container, the results proved that our monatomic trace mineral colloidal gold attracted to a magnetic stirrir pill, and solidified back to gold, gold does not react to magnetisim, but in this case it defied the standard science. Find additional info at

Colloidal gold consists of microscopic particles of gold suspended in liquid and is usually red or purple. It comes from shale or clay deposits. There has been much debate about the health benefits of colloidal gold. Some of these claimed benefits include anti-aging and healing properties, memory-loss prevention and improved mood. Because of these benefits, it has become a popular ingredient in many skincare and beauty products. It’s also a prominent dietary supplement. Although research studies are inconclusive about colloidal gold’s impact on the immune system, it does appear to have psychological and spiritual benefits.