Top places to see in Europe and car rental offers from

Auto and Vehicles

Rent a car and what can you see in Europe? Not all elements of Nature manage to entice everyone. For example, some may like to watch stunning waterfalls while some others may prefer to gaze through a green blanket while some others may want to tune their souls with the silence of Nature. Whatever the reason be, Krka National Park is one of the best places to go to Croatia. The primary attraction of this park is a wide range of stunning waterfalls, the best of which is Skradinski Buk Falls. Apart from this stunner, there is a host of diversified wildlife that can entice almost anyone at any time. Some human touch can be found in the form of secluded monasteries too. The 200-meter deep canyon through which the Krka River flows is yet another famous tourist destination in Croatia.

You couldn’t come to Paris without making the most of the world’s largest museum. Its maze of corridors, galleries and stairways create a city within a city – especially when you take into account the numbers that visit (a whopping 10.2 million in 2018). Be patient and make your way steadily through the crowds. There are 35,000 works on public display, split across eight departments and three wings, but you’d be best picking the parts you want to see beforehand. If you want a few starter tips, we recommend a trip to the impressive Islamic arts galleries, which opened in 2012. For the Mona Lisa, head to the Salle de la Joconde.

Those who appreciate awe-inspiring coastal scenery should take a short drive or bus ride from the Blue Grotto in Wied iz-Zurrieq to the Dingli Cliffs. The appeal (and the drawback) of this location is its remoteness. The sheer 250-meter Dingli Cliffs plunge dramatically into the Mediterranean Sea, and the sloping hillsides are fertile land used by small farms. The highlight of Dingli Cliffs is the viewpoint that offers stunning seaside panoramas. Besides a short walking trail, there is nothing at Dingli Cliffs except a tiny hilltop chapel (closed to the public), which is devoted to Saint Mary Magdalene. Tips for Tourists: Keep in mind that there are no restrooms or cafés. Sometimes tourists will find a pop-up souvenir and refreshment stand. Dingli Cliffs does not have a visible bus stop (ask the bus driver where to get out), and buses run infrequently, but the sensational photo-ops make it worth the trek. See additional information at

Being an island, it is no wonder that Kalymnos too is a hotbed for everything watersport. In particular, these activities take place within the sea channel that separate Kalymnos from Telendos. A number of sporting activities do take place here. These are sailing, windsurfing, sea kayaking, competitive swimming, scuba diving, and canoes. You may choose to go solo or participate in the various events which are hosted by the local municipalities. Also complementing your enjoyment of these issues are the numerous rental facilities. You need not necessarily carry your own sporting equipment. Instead, you have the privilege of renting your own from the various companies that deal with them. Be ready though to part with some money to access the venues and take part in sporting activities.

Among the most beautiful villages in the Netherlands are the small hamlets along the Ijsselmeer (Lake Ijssel), the freshwater lake that resulted from the closing of the sea entrance to the Zuider Zee. These towns flourished during Amsterdam’s Golden Age, when they had access to the Atlantic and prospered as fishing and trade centers, but lost importance as the harbors silted up. Time seems to have stood still for the fishing village of Marken and the seaports of Volendam and Enkhuizen, where many of the colorful houses have become museums and shops. Enkhuizen has preserved many of its buildings and seafaring industries in the open-air Zuiderzee Museum, where the cultural heritage and maritime history of the old Zuiderzee region is preserved. Here, you can see craftsmen at work learning old maritime skills. In Volendam’s harbor, you can see a collection of colorful old wooden boats.

For our spanish visitors:

El seguro CDW significa que la compañía de alquiler de automóviles renuncia al derecho de cobrarle un deducible alto si el automóvil sufre algún inconveniente o daño, y lo más importante es que cubre la mayor parte del automóvil en caso de un choque. Por lo general, cuesta alrededor de $10 a $30 por día, y reduce significativamente los deducibles adeudados si tiene un accidente o si hay daños en el vehículo.

Convierta sus vacaciones en un momento inolvidable, dándose un pequeño gusto a sí mismo, disfrutando del alquiler de un Mercedes Benz, que le garantizará una estadía de primera clase, con la mejor ingeniería de precisión y seguridad su género. Lamentablemente no todos tenemos el privilegio de conducir muy seguido un BMW, una marca que en silencio han producidos algunos de los autos más impresionantes del mundo en los últimos 50 años. Con el alquiler de un BMW de Auto Europe, podrá experimentar, la emoción de conducir, a un vehículo que equivale conducir un auto de carreras por las calles y a la vez de disfrutar de sus vacaciones en el extranjero.

Iniciando con los españoles como turistas debemos destacar que el 79% de ellos prefieren hacer turismo en el continente europeo, en especial dentro de su país. Luego le sigue en orden de preferencia Norteamérica, Centroamérica y Sudamérica. Españoles viajan a AndalucíaEn primer lugar, han preferido viajar a Andalucía, ciudad donde predomina todo el clima mediterráneo (subtropical) por estar ubicado al sur de la península ibérica. Aquí podrá disfrutar del Parque Natural de Cabo de Grata que destaca por sus aguas turquesas del Mediterráneo o también la Sierra Nevada que se encuentra a 3.500 metros y en temporada de invierno es utilizada como pistas de esquí. Puede agregar en su plan de viaje el Parque Natural del Torcal de Antequera, que crea un paisaje que parece un museo de esculturas de un paraje natural. Leer extra informacion a alquiler de autos baratos.

Viaja y recorre Latinoamérica con Auto EuropeMéxico tiene una amplia oferta cultural, por lo tanto, sus pueblos y centros históricos tienen gran relevancia en Latinoamérica. Entre ellos, Guanajuato destacada con pueblos hermosos y que gozan de mucha tradición mexicana. Fue fundada por los españoles a comienzos del siglo XV, y se convirtió en el primer centro mundial de extracción de la plata en el siglo XVIII. De manera que, su producción minera ha dejado huellas en las calles subterráneas y el impresionante pozo minero de la “Boca del infierno”, que tiene una profundidad de 600 metros.