Yellow feet recommendations

General Health

Do you have yellow feet issues and you are looking for some tips to help you deal with this medical condition? A yellow glow over not only your feet but also on the rest of your skin, can be a sign of anaemia. Have you been experiencing a rapid heartbeat, hair loss, headaches, pain in your chest, fatigue, brittle nails or shortness of breath in addition to the yellow colour? Then it would be wise to increase your iron intake. Iron tablets remedy anaemia fairly quickly in most cases.

Possible Yellow Feet Causes : Yellow Nails: This condition is more of a symptom than a direct cause of yellow discoloration. Yellow nails often are seen with respiratory diseases and lymphedema. Along with the nailbeds turning yellow, other signs may include a dark coloring of the fingernails, cuticle detachment, and swelling.

While somewhat less common than a fungal infection, a bacterial foot infection can sometimes turn serious, moving from a local infection to a systemic (whole-body) one. Most are established through breaks or abrasions in the skin, often as a result of a penetrating wound. Bacterial infections beneath or adjacent to a toenail are often the consequence of an ingrown toenail (onychocryptosis). Even eczema, athlete’s foot, or a severe sunburn can provide an opportunity for infection by compromising the outermost layer of skin (epidermis).

Research has shown that high doses of turmeric can cause yellow discoloration of the soles. Turmeric is a mild spice that people often use medicinally for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The most active compound in turmeric, curcumin, is a bright yellow pigment. At least one case study describes yellow discoloration of the soles of the feet due to high doses of turmeric root. The woman in the study took 500 mg of turmeric root daily for 4 months. After she stopped taking the capsules, the symptoms resolved. The study authors also note that the topical application of turmeric can discolor the skin. Find more info at Bottom of feet yellow.

How to Treat Yellow Feet: Yellow feet can be alarming, although the condition is primarily caused by excess or deficient amounts of vitamins or minerals such as iron or beta-carotene in the bloodstream. The degree of discoloration may range from mild to severe and may be temporary or long-term. Most cases of yellow feet may disappear on their own, while others may require medical intervention of drugs and/or surgery. Natural home remedies like potato pastes, tea tree oil, and vitamin E may also remove the coloring and possibly prevent the recurrence of yellow feet.